Importance of Customer Relationship Management Banner

Importance of Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

February 15, 2017By Rakshit Patel

Customer Relationship management is the strongest and the most efficient approach in maintaining and creating relationships with customers. Small to large scale companies must understand the importance of Customer Relationship Management. Customer relationship management is not only pure business but also ideal strong personal bonding within people. Development of this type of bonding drives the business to new levels of success.

Once this personal and emotional linkage is built, it is very easy for any organization to identify the actual needs of the customer and help them to serve in a better way. It is a belief that more the sophisticated strategies involved in implementing the customer relationship management, the more strong and fruitful is the business. Most of the organizations have dedicated world-class tools for maintaining CRM systems into their workplace. Some of the efficient tools used in most of the renowned organization are Batch Book, Salesforce, Buzz stream, Sugar CRM etc.

Looking at some broader perspectives given as below we can easily determine why a CRM System is always important for an organization.


A CRM system consists of a historical view and analysis of all the acquired or to be acquired customers. This helps in reducing searching and correlating customers and to foresee customer needs effectively and increase business. CRM contains each and every bit of details of a customer, hence it is very easy to track a customer accordingly and can be used to determine which customer can be profitable.

In CRM system, customers are grouped according to different aspects according to the type of business they do or according to the physical location and are allocated to different customer managers often called as account managers. This helps in focusing and concentrating on each and every customer separately.

A CRM system is not only used to deal with the existing customers but is also useful in acquiring new customers. The process first starts with identifying a customer and maintaining all the corresponding details into the CRM system, which is also called, ‘an Opportunity of Business’. The Sales and Field representatives then try getting business out of these customers by sophistically following up with them and converting them into a winning deal. All this is very easily and efficiently done by an integrated CRM system.


The strongest aspect of Customer Relationship Management is that it is very cost-effective. The advantage of decently implemented CRM system is that there is very less need of paper and manual work which requires lesser staff to manage and lesser resources to deal with. The technologies used in implementing a CRM system are also very cheap and smooth as compared to the traditional way of business.

All the details in CRM system are kept centralized which is available anytime on fingertips. This reduces the process time and increases productivity.

Efficiently dealing with all the customers and providing them what they actually need increases the customer satisfaction. This increases the chance of getting more business, which ultimately enhances turnover and profit. If the customers are satisfied then they will always be loyal to you and will remain in business forever resulting in increasing customer base and ultimately enhancing the net growth of business.

In today’s commercial world, the practice of dealing with existing customers and thriving business by getting more customers into the loop is predominant and is mere a dilemma. Installing a CRM system can definitely improve the situation and help in challenging the new ways of marketing and business in an efficient manner. Hence in the era of business, every organization should be recommended to have a full-fledged CRM system to cope up with all the business needs.


Customer churn is too high. Existing accounts aren’t segmented effectively and staff isn’t prompted to proactively follow up and engage with customers.

Data is stored in different places, which prevents anyone from seeing the full picture. This results in poor communication and weak service when important customers can be easily identified and relationship information isn’t readily available.

Service requests aren’t being dealt with efficiency and customer issues are frequently missed due to poor visibility and reporting of outstanding items.


Decision-making is based on ‘gut feel’ and guesswork because reports aren’t trusted, or easily compiled. You can’t confidently predict cash flow, project delivery or production requirements because supporting forecasts aren’t available, or are incomplete.

Key performance indicators aren’t being measured so some problems are being swept under the carpet and high achievers aren’t consistently recognized.


Teams are using a mix of systems but none of them connects. As a result, many processes are being duplicated and time is wasted throughout the business.

People are less effective when they’re away from the office because they can’t get access to the information they need.

Many processes and checks rely on the manual intervention of a small group of people, or just one person, which are prone to failure when these individuals aren’t available.

Many workflows consist of repetitive, time-consuming processes. Routine tasks are taking too long to fulfill resulting in uncompetitive operational costs.

Your client data isn’t secure. Any team member can easily copy customer lists into a spreadsheet.




Before we get to understand the growing importance of CRM in B2B, it would be better if we had a reasonably good understanding of B2B. Though most of us are aware, B2B is nothing but business activities that are being undertaken by two business entities and not between business houses and customers. There is no doubt that the value of transactions and the volume of transactions are much higher in B2B when compared to sales of business houses to individual customers.

Hence, the complexities and challenges involved in B2B activities are totally different from those in B2C. While there is no doubt that customer relationship management is important in B2B activities it cannot be the same both in terms of scale and methods when compared to B2C CRMs. In this article, we will try and find out why CRM for B2B should be given as much importance as we find in B2C.

The Importance Of CRM In B2B.


Since the volumes of transactions are quite high and the value per transaction is much higher, there is a common question that often comes to mind. Is there really a need for CRM for B2B transactions? The answer is ‘yes’ for a number of reasons. Though the number of end users may not be as huge as retail customers, there is a need to monitor the buyers given the competitive business scenario that the sellers are into.

As a starting point, even if the numbers of buyers are a handful, it is important to have a database of the same. It is a must and if sellers do not have a database they should better get started immediately. This is the foundation on which the best of CRM modules are developed. Without a database, the company will be groping in the dark and will be firing blind shots in the air as far as CRM efforts are concerned.


As is the case with CRM for individual customers, there are certainly a number of benefits as far as CRM for B2B is concerned. First and foremost, as mentioned above, a CRM solution helps to store information in an easily retrievable database rather than having them stored haphazardly. Many B2B companies still lag behind in this, mostly because of complacency and the fact that there are only handful customers to handle.

However, it is important to keep in mind that these few customers contribute to their entire turnover and in terms of volume as well as value, it would certainly be very high. It is therefore very important to monitor their buying habits very closely and minutely. Missing out even on small details could prove to be very costly. Even if one buyer walks out temporarily and starts buying from some other supplier it could create a big dent in the overall sales and revenue for the seller.


When you decide to purchase a CRM module for your B2B venture, the first thing you have to do is obtain all the information related to your customers in the single place and preferably in a single server. This will go a long way in a better storage of information and easy retrieval. Furthermore, the information will be stored in scientific storage modes and devices instead of depending on excel spreadsheets and other such primitive storage modes.

Organizing data is very important if you are looking to monitor your buyers and any CRM module that searches for information about customers cannot be called a CRM module at all. When data is stored centrally, there won’t be any problem retrieving it at any point in time and all the stakeholders can view the information just at the click of a button. Organizing your data is perhaps the biggest reason why organizations should go in for CRM for B2B.


As a sales force in the market, real-time information on product movement, buyers’ behaviors, and patterns are of utmost importance. It should be available instantaneously so that the right preventive and corrective action can be taken without any loss of time. It will help the marketing team find out whether they are moving on course as far as their main objectives are concerned.

The objectives could be short term, medium term, and long term and therefore only well thought out CRM modules can help the marketing and sales teams. The business environment also is ever changing and fluid. Hence, timely availability of information through a time-tested and robust CRM module will certainly help swim successfully against the tide when needed.


Any marketing and sales effort can be successful only if there is a well-defined role for each of the marketing and sales personnel. Apart from defining of roles it should also be easy to identify the persons or groups that are responsible for their specific roles and responsibilities. This can be done only with the help of a well thought out and well structured CRM module for your B2B setup.

There is no point in moving up and down various silos in search of information that will help fix roles and responsibilities. This should be totally automated and the roles and responsibilities must be available at a click of a button. This will save precious time that is so important in today’s competitive business scenario.


Another important reason why it makes sense to have a good CRM module for our BRB venture is because you will be able to drag out relevant information irrespective of the location or the hierarchy that you are in. It will not only help the marketing team but also will be useful for the human resources team, the accounting team and even the compliance and auditing team.

This will help the entire company to work as a team with one specific objective in mind instead of working at cross-purposes. For example, an accounting staff will be able to learn more about the latest happenings in the marketplace and hence the marketing strength of the organization as a whole will increase quite dramatically. Last but not the least, when you have the right CRM in B2B it will go a long way in increasing the knowledge base across departments and across hierarchies.


The most successful organizations exploit their CRM applications to great effect. Many teams increase the effectiveness of their CRM technology by first utilizing a CRM consulting specialist.

The objective of a CRM partner like Crest InfoTech is to help your business develop CRM practices – or enhance those already in place. The result is reduced operational costs, better client retention, and CRM-driven growth. Contact Crest InfoTech to discuss your requirement and receive CRM advice from our consultants.

In a nutshell, CRM has become indispensable to businesses in their quest for outstanding customer relationship management in the categories of customer satisfaction, customer delight and customer “wow” are terms that are frequently used to describe the heights to which businesses can attain in their customer management process. It is evident that actualizing these superlative levels of customer satisfaction is possible with the use of CRM. The adoption of social media and integration of Web 2.0 into CRM systems is bound to transform the customer relationship process.

Finally, with Big Data and Predictive Analytics, the entire customer management process is being revolutionized and this is where the future of CRM lies.

In conclusion, customer delight and customer wow are no longer simply superlatives in the dictionary but meaningful and easy to actualize with the use of CRM.

Rakshit Patel

Author ImageI am the Founder of Crest Infotech With over 15 years’ experience in web design, web development, mobile apps development and content marketing. I ensure that we deliver quality website to you which is optimized to improve your business, sales and profits. We create websites that rank at the top of Google and can be easily updated by you.


API Concept and Testing Banner

API: Concept and Testing

February 13, 2017By Rakshit Patel

API: Concept and Testing – As we know, API testing is a type of testing a software that is performed as a part of integration testing to determine if they meet our expectations for functionality, reliability, performance, and security.

In order to discuss API and Web services testing, we need to first identify what is an API and how it works. An application programming interface, or API, works to connect an application to the web and to other APIs.

API testing is used to determine whether APIs return the correct response for a broad range of feasible requests, react properly to the cases such as failures and unexpected/extreme inputs, deliver responses in an acceptable amount of time etc.


API testing is one of the most challenging parts of the whole chain of software testing and QA testing because it works to assure that our digital lives run in an increasingly seamless and efficient manner. While developers tend to test only the functionalities they are working on, testers are in charge of testing both individual functionalities and a chain of functionalities, discovering how they work together from end to end.

The first part of API testing involves setting up a testing environment, with the required set of parameters around the API. This involves configuring the database and server for the application’s requirements. Once you’ve set up your API testing environment, make an API call right away to make sure nothing is broken before you go forward to start your more thorough testing.




  • 1. Functionality testing — the API technically works.
  • 2. Usability testing — the API is easy to work with.
  • 3. Reliability testing — the API can be consistently connected to and lead to consistent results.
  • 4. Load testing — the API can handle a lot of calls.
  • 5. Creativity testing — the API can handle being used in different ways.
  • 6. Security testing — the API has defined security requirements including authentication, permissions and access controls. See some API security tips for protective vital data.
  • 7. Proficiency testing — the API increases what developers are able to do.
  • 8. API documentation testing — also called discovery testing, the API documentation easily guides the user.

Of course, automated API testing can be performed in many conditions, particularly when you are pressed for time, making it compelling when you are following continuous software development release cycles.

However, in certain situations, like where APIs are connecting the Internet, it’s nearly impossible to perform only testing automation. Therefore, it’s good to automate if the API calls are giving back the correct responses.


Now it’s good to have a list of rules of thumb to follow in order to help make the test as successful as possible.

  • Test first for the typical or ordinary results, for what happens consistently and what doesn’t.
  • Add stress to the system through a series of API load tests.
  • Test for failure. Keep the work on and on until you get a Fail output, making sure the API fails consistently and gracefully.
  • Group test cases by test category.
  • Throw anything you can at the API to test for how it handles unforeseen problems and loads.
  • Later on, get creative! For complete test coverage, create test cases for all possible API input combinations.
  • Automate whatever you can.
    So, API consists of a set of classes/functions/procedures which represent the business logic layer. If API is not tested properly, it may cause problems not only the API application but also in the calling application.

Happy Testing!

Rakshit Patel

Author ImageI am the Founder of Crest Infotech With over 15 years’ experience in web design, web development, mobile apps development and content marketing. I ensure that we deliver quality website to you which is optimized to improve your business, sales and profits. We create websites that rank at the top of Google and can be easily updated by you.


Significant Components of Digital Marketing Banner

Significant Components of Digital Marketing

February 08, 2017By Rakshit Patel

Many companies are entering this market, but due to the high level of competition, they aren’t capable of making an impact. One of the mistakes that many of these companies are making is not investing in their digital marketing efforts to support the overall marketing objective. Therefore, we will discuss Significant Components of Digital Marketing in this article.

Whether you’re a medical device company or not, not having a digital marketing strategy leaves potential revenue on the table by not reaching the target consumers through all digital channels. A digital marketing strategy is essential to every company’s existence.

Significant Components of Digital Marketing


Your website is a vital part of the digital marketing mix, and if designed correctly, can make all your marketing efforts more effective. However, it is crucial to building a professional website design strategy that aligns with the brand platform of your company. Everything is done with purpose towards a specific goal, making it easy to communicate your value.

In today’s online landscape, your website must:

  • Be responsive and mobile friendly
  • Communicate your company’s values up front
  • Use relevant and up-to-date content
  • Have product-specific landing pages that can generate leads
  • Integrate with customer relationship management and marketing automation tools


A solid digital marketing strategy requires a strong email strategy. Email marketing is one of the most effective ways to educate large audiences about your product or service. Therefore, it is one of the Significant Components of Digital Marketing.

A successful email marketing strategy will:

  • Drive traffic to specific points
  • Educate and inform prospective buyers with new content
  • Help you stay top of mind
  • Build credibility
  • Establish thought leadership

If you want to generate leads, convert leads, and develop a relationship with your customers, you must use email marketing effectively.


When we talk about Significant Components of Digital Marketing, we can’t miss Content Marketing and ContentPromotion.

Today’s consumers are empowered to seek out high-quality digital resources and experiences that lead to better, independent decision-making. Without good content, there’s no reason to visit a company’s website, read their tweets, open their emails, or care about anything they say.

Most importantly, there’s no reason to interact with a company or build a relationship with them. Your company can capture the attention of a potential buyer who wants to know more, but unless your website provides the right content, you won’t be able to convert them. Today’s buyers want companies to facilitate the buying process by providing the right information needed to make a decision without any effort on their part.

A good content strategy involves the following:

  • Create content that represents your brand’s values and vision
  • Share relevant content across all social media channels to present your company to a wider audience
  • Be original and offer a variety of content types
  • Utilize your current and past successes to compile presentable case studies on your website. This type of content presents your company’s credibility and impact on the industry to all website visitors
  • Ensure that all your content messaging is aligned with the overall brand platform
  • Use the right content for your target audience


Did you know that 77% of online health seekers say they begin their session at a search engine? An essential part of your digital marketing strategy, whether you’re a medical device company or not, is to search for keywords and phrases that individuals might use to find your medical device.

If your company does not appear in the search results, you should invest in SEO measures and online advertising to start increasing your brand exposure. Furthermore, these keywords are the gateway to reaching your potential customers from all around the world.


The most effective form of word of mouth is happening online. Now with social media, consumers utilize these channels to express their opinions, learn about new products, and engage with brands and key influences.

As a medical device company, you must ensure that you are also active on these channels and use social listening tools to be aware of what consumers are talking about in order to address their needs directly and keep track of your brand image.

In addition, your social media presence can be targeted toward building relationships with key industry influences in order to reach a wider audience and generate leads. Overall, “54% of B2B marketers said they have generated leads from social media” (SMO).



A digital marketing strategy is incomplete without the investment in paid ads. In today’s competitive landscape, visibility is key. You cannot expect customers to flock to your website as soon as your product is released. Organic search is very valuable but paid advertisements, such as Google Adwords and display ads, is crucial in gaining exposure in search results.

Here are 5 reasons why you should invest in paid ads:

  • You can choose to pay only when the interested individual clicks on the ad
  • Easily control your spending budget Daily or Monthly
  • You can reach targeted consumers through the right channels
  • Success results are immediate
  • It can be used as an SEO testing tool


The overall objective of all your digital marketing efforts is to generate leads. It is your responsibility to be able to effectively manage these leads, nurture them with the appropriate content, and eventually turn them into customers.

“79% of marketing leads never convert into sales. Lack of lead nurturing is the common cause of this poor performance.” Do you have a lead nurturing strategy in place? Are you sending marketing qualified leads to your sales teams?


“80% of marketing automation users saw their number of leads increase, and 77% saw the number of conversions increase” VB Insight. Generating leads has no value if your company is not following up on them and nurturing them properly.

One of the key advantages of utilizing a marketing automation system is the fact that it is customizable based on your various targets, sales cycles, promotions, or any other strategic plan. Hence, this process makes it much easier to monitor leads as they move through the sales cycle. Therefore, you can maximize the potential of every active lead that enters that cycle.


Integrating webinars in your digital marketing strategy is key to positioning your company as a thought leader in your industry. Especially in the ever-changing medical device market, it is crucial to continually educate consumers and individuals in the industry to build trust, increase web traffic and brand awareness, and generate leads. Webinars can also be re-purposed for multiple campaigns. Therefore, Webinars is one of the Significant Components of Digital Marketing.


By implementing video in your digital marketing strategy, you create engaging content that consumers can easily view and share. Based on recent research, “64% of website visitors are more likely to buy a product after watching a video”. Therefore, every medical device company should take advantage of this video marketing trend and create original video campaigns that present the company’s values, product features, and the lucrative benefits to the consumer.

As per our experience, Videos are the most effective Significant Components of Digital Marketing.


One of the most valuable elements of having a digital marketing strategy is the fact that you can continually monitor the outcomes and be able to optimize your strategy with each campaign iteration. There are several analytics tools that will assist you in tracking the progress of your marketing efforts in order to be able to analyze and adapt over time. This availability of data is key to maximizing your return on investment.


Every company, especially one in the medical device industry, requires an active sales force. However, this sales force is ineffective without the right set of sales tools. Your salespeople are your army and you must be able to provide them with the proper ammunition in order to increase your chances of winning in this competitive landscape.

As part of your digital marketing strategy, it is essential to invest in a robust set of sales tools, such as brochures, sales presentations, mobile sales app, and a sales deck, in order to empower your sales force and increase the success rate of your campaigns.

We are now living in the digital age. Therefore, traditional marketing alone won’t result in the profits you’re looking for. Marketing in digital channels is a requirement. So there is no way around it. Just like you devoted a lot of your time and energy into developing your product, it is essential to invest in a comprehensive digital strategy to introduce your product to your targeted markets and continually manage your brand presence.

Ensure that you measure your actions so you understand your digital footprint and whether you are maximizing the potential of your marketing campaign. When done effectively, this can set you apart from your competitors and lead to sustainable success for your medical device product.

Rakshit Patel

Author ImageI am the Founder of Crest Infotech With over 15 years’ experience in web design, web development, mobile apps development and content marketing. I ensure that we deliver quality website to you which is optimized to improve your business, sales and profits. We create websites that rank at the top of Google and can be easily updated by you.


Best PHP Frameworks for Web Development Banner

Best PHP Frameworks for Web Development

February 06, 2017By Rakshit Patel

PHP is one of the most famous server-side programming languages used to develop web applications. With the use of proper PHP Frameworks, a developer can create complex, secure and faster applications more efficiently. However, there are many frameworks available for PHP so one might get confused which one to choose for a particular web application. Therefore, we come up with Best PHP Frameworks for Web Development according to their features and popularity.

Choosing a perfect PHP framework before building your web application is a crucial and most important aspect. A best PHP framework for your web application is a must for quicker, safer, scalable and future proof development. Here is the list of the best PHP frameworks.

Best PHP Frameworks for Web Development


Looking for one of the Best PHP Frameworks for Web Development? Laravel is your answer.

Laravel is the most popular PHP framework since 2014. It holds the first position from 2014 to till date. Laravel is free, open source and MVC based PHP framework designed for rapid web application development. It has many inbuilt features like authentication, routing, sessions and caching. These make Laravel Development more powerful PHP framework amongst all other. It also supports PHP 7.

Moreover, it is well documented so any developer can easily learn and start creating a powerful web application. It uses solid and fully tested components of Symfony framework. With composer, a developer can manage all third party packages very easily. It supports all major databases including MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB and other.

Crest Infotech suggests Laravel Framework as the first choice for Web Development. If you are looking to develop application using Laravel Framework, you can get in touch with us.


Phalcon is the fastest framework amongst all Best PHP Frameworks for Web Development. It is built on C language but offered as PHP extension. None of the other PHP frameworks can beat the Phalcon in the area of speed. However, developer does not need to learn C language. All the functionality are inbuilt and PHP classes are ready to use. It saves processor time and speeds up the overall performance.

It is also well documented and has a built-in security feature. Despite of it being well documentation, developers are facing problems in Phalcon Development. The only reason is, lack of blogs and forums for issues and solutions. Since Google gives importance of speed in search ranking, Phalcon is becoming popular day by day. It holds the 2nd position in PHP frameworks.


CodeIgniter is a powerful PHP framework with a small footprint. It is for the developers who need a simple toolkit to create fully featured web applications. It is lightweight and can be easily installed by just uploading files to your hosting account. No commands, No installations!

CodeIgniter is more powerful and popular because of well documentation, a large community for help. It comes with many built-in libraries including unit testing, form validation, sessions, error handling and many other. It is one of the Best PHP Frameworks for Web Development.

Crest Infotech suggests CodeIgniter Framework for simple to complex Web Development. If you are looking to develop an application using CodeIgniter Framework, feel free to get in touch with us.

4. YII

YII is fast and secure PHP framework to create high-performance web 2.0 applications. It is MVC based and has many built-in features like scaffolding, authentications, caching, role-based access and many others. Therefore, it is one of the Best PHP Frameworks for Web Development available in the market.

YII is used to create simple to complex web application while it is more popular to develop social networking web applications. It helps to reduce development time significantly. We strongly recommend YII Development for your web application.


Symfony is also a popular PHP framework to develop powerful, scalable and flexible web applications. It is a set of reusable PHP components which makes it more powerful and easy for the developer. Also, Symfony has very well documentation and vast community supports.

Most popular Open Source CMS, Drupal is based on Symfony. Also PHPBB, one of the most popular discussion board system (forum) is also written in Symfony. Moreover, it is also used by big name company, BBC and open source project, eZpublish.



Slim is a micro framework designed to be very light and so it is called as Slim. It lets you create simple but powerful web applications and APIs. Moreover, it is a faster PHP framework just after Phalcon.

It has many built-in features like routing, template rending, secure cookies, AES-256 encryption, flash messages, error handling, caching and many others. These make Slim Development more efficient and easy for developers.

Slim is easy to use and faster PHP framework so one can choose it for the quicker web application. It is most popular to create lightweight REST APIs.

Crest Infotech suggests Slim Framework develop REST APIs and performance-based web applications. If you are looking to develop an application using Slim Framework, you can get in touch with us.


CakePHP is the best PHP framework for beginners and creating commercial web applications. Before the arrival of Laravel, CakePHP was one of the most popular PHP frameworks. It comes with scaffolding to speed up the CakePHP Development process.

It has many built-in packages which helps developers to create web application quickly and more efficiently. Compare to all other frameworks, CakePHP also has built-in features like authentications, translations, caching, validations and many other. It has built-in tools to form tampering protection, SQL Injection prevention, and XSS preventions. These make your web applications more secured.


Zend framework is more suitable for high-performance enterprise level applications. It has focused on enterprise level applications so it is built with security, performance, and extensibility. In addition to that, it has many built-in components like authentications, feeds, forms and many others.

Despite its great features, many developers feel that it is extremely complex and not easy for Zend Development. As we have developed many enterprise level applications for our clients, we have always loved to work with Zend Framework and we have a pool of experts for the same.

If you have any enterprise level application in mind and wants us to execute it using Zend Framework, please get in touch with us.


Fat-Free is one more micro framework with a lot of built-in packages. Although it is not more popular compares to other PHP frameworks, it is very modular and easy to use for developers. It has many great features which make developers’ life easier for Fat Free Development.

Fat-Free is the best suite for lightweight multilingual web applications. It supports all major SQL and NoSQL databases. It has built-in packages including unit testing, CSS compression, image processing and many more.

In conclusion, Crest advises you to pick the Best PHP Frameworks for Web Development as per your web application requirement. If you are still not clear which one to choose for your web application, please get in touch with us and we will help you to pick the most suited.

Rakshit Patel

Author ImageI am the Founder of Crest Infotech With over 15 years’ experience in web design, web development, mobile apps development and content marketing. I ensure that we deliver quality website to you which is optimized to improve your business, sales and profits. We create websites that rank at the top of Google and can be easily updated by you.


AngularJS Vs NodeJs Compatibility Applications Uses

AngularJS V/S NodeJS : Compatibility, Applications & Uses

February 03, 2017By Rakshit Patel

It has always been a confusing part for almost every client to choose in between AngularJS and NodeJSfor their web applications development. Moreover, we have come across a number of clients who wanted us to suggest which technology to use for building server side and client side web applications. However, understanding the difference in between AngularJS and NodeJSis must before you pick any of them for your server side and client side Web Application.

Primarily, AngularJS Development and NodeJS Development both are JavaScript frameworks used to develop web applications. Initially JavaScript was used for simple things like Validation of form data, Image zooming on hover of thumbnail, animating html elements and others.

However, from last few years, JavaScript emerged largely and it has become a powerful programming language to create optimised server side and client side web applications.


NodeJS is written in C, C++ and JavaScript languages to interact with server-side and create smooth and powerful web applications. Moreover, it is a cross-platform runtime environment for web applications. It uses V8 JavaScript engine to execute JavaScript code. It’s similar to JRE (Java Runtime Environment), Adobe AIR, CLR (Common Language Runtime), ART (Android Runtime) or Action Script.

It is widely used for creating server-side Real-time web applications.


AngularJS by Google is also JavaScript framework but it has unique syntax and tag attributes. Moreover, it is MVC based architecture. Furthermore, AngularJS makes use of custom HTML tags and HTML tags attributes (directives). Although it is written in JavaScript, it is completely different than other JavaScript library like jQuery.

AngularJS is widely used to create powerful single page client-side web application. If you are looking to Hire AngularJS Developer, please get in touch with us.

In conclusion, NodeJS is runtime environment useful to develop server-side web applications while AngularJS is useful to develop single page or multi-page client side web applications.




You must install NodeJS in order to write web application using NodeJS. It can be easily installed in Windows, MacOS and Linux. On the other hand, AngularJS does not need to be installed. Moreover, you just need to add core library files of AngularJS in order to develop your first web application using AngularJS. AngularJS is compatible with all modern web and mobile browsers.



NodeJS is an event-driven architecture which is useful in creating real-time web applications like Chat apps. It also supports non-blocking input-output I/O and has built-in core modules. One of them is the HTTP module which is used to create web server in your NodeJS web application.

Moreover, there are many other frameworks built using NodeJS (express.js, meteor, geddyjs, mojito, sails.js, partial.js etc). These additional frameworks with a built-in set of features help you to write powerful, fast and scalable server-side web applications.


AngularJS allows you to create MVC pattern with two way data binding. Two way data binding means, changes in model are propagated to view and changes in view are reflected in model. It makes your client-side web application more powerful. AngularJS is more popular to create single page client-side web applications.

In conclusion, both are open sources and powerful to their own features. You can derive your web application requirement and choose the one accordingly. NodeJS is used to build real time server side web applications while AngularJS is more suitable for creating single page client side web applications.

Rakshit Patel

Author ImageI am the Founder of Crest Infotech With over 15 years’ experience in web design, web development, mobile apps development and content marketing. I ensure that we deliver quality website to you which is optimized to improve your business, sales and profits. We create websites that rank at the top of Google and can be easily updated by you.