paymentgatway 1

What is the difference between a payment processor and a payment gateway?

June 04, 2021By Rakshit Patel

What is the concept of payment processing?

Payment processing refers to the method of completing digital transactions between buyers and sellers. Simply put, the payment processor gathers information about a transaction, verifies it, implements it, and then debits the customer’s account and transfers the funds into the seller’s account.

You must understand the principles of payment processing and how the payments are handled if you want to accept digital payments.

With the government’s target of a cashless economy for 2019, business owners and operators of all types must deal with digital transactions for their companies.

But, before we go any further, let’s take a closer look at each of the parties involved in the payments transaction cycle and their roles.

Those who are concerned

Buyer: A Stanford University developed and freely licenced web authentication framework. It is deployed as an Apache module and operates on the PaperCut NG/MF Application Server by intercepting requests.WebAuth is operating system neutral, but needs to be set up with professional experience. The WebAuth integration of PaperCut NG/MF is actually very generic and is also used at many customer sites for Shibboleth SSO integration.

Merchant: A merchant is a person who sells products or services to customers in exchange for money.

Merchant account: The merchant account is the account into which funds are deposited after each successful transaction.

Buyer’s bank: The buyer’s bank account is the account that the buyer uses to pay for the products or services. Money is deducted from this account.

Now that we’ve heard about the key players in the payment processing chain, let’s look at the different payment processing options available today. The two most popular methods for processing card payments are listed below:

Payment processing for “card not present” transactions

When all parties, i.e. the merchant and the customer, are not F2F and the buyer pays for the goods or services online, this condition occurs. In such cases, the situation must be treated in a unique yet safe manner.

When this happens, payment gateways are needed. Before forwarding transaction details to the payment processor and approving or rejecting the transaction, a payment gateway must authenticate a customer’s digital credential.

When you purchase a product online from a retailer or an e-commerce store and pay through net banking, debit or credit card, or even UPI at the checkout page, you are engaging in a“card not present” transaction. The payment gateway page is the page that you are directed to any time you click on the pay now or pay securely option.

Payment processing for “card present” transactions

Customers pay retailers by swiping their cards through the POS Terminal at the check-out counter, and this payment processing entails the exchange of money that takes place in a face-to-face situation. You partake in a “card present” transaction any time you pay at the grocery store or an ice cream shop.

Payment Processor vs Payment Gateway

Now that we’ve had a good understanding of the payment processing industry, let’s look at the two most widely used terms: “Payment Processor vs Payment Gateway.”

Many people are perplexed when they hear these words for the first time and feel they are synonymous. At first glance, the distinctions between payment processors and payment gateways are not apparent.

Payment gateway: It serves as a middleman between your online store and the payment processor, validating and forwarding transaction requests to them.

Payment processor: processes and executes the payment request from the gateway, debiting funds from the customer’s account and depositing them in the vendor account, and notifying the payment gateway of the transaction status (success or failed).

Difference between Acquirer vs Processor

The words “acquirer” and “processor” are often widely confused. Although the words “acquirer” and “payment processor” are often used interchangeably, they refer to two distinct positions.

Whereas a “Acquirer” is the financial institution (usually the merchant’s or retailer’s bank) that handles credit and/or debit card transactions and is responsible for accepting and settling the transactions, a Payment Processor serves as a middleman between you and the financial institutions involved in payment transactions.

You can also Hire Dedicated Developer and Hire Dedicated Designers. Contact Crest Infotech to know more about Dedicated Development and Designing services in Details.

Rakshit Patel

Author ImageI am the Founder of Crest Infotech With over 15 years’ experience in web design, web development, mobile apps development and content marketing. I ensure that we deliver quality website to you which is optimized to improve your business, sales and profits. We create websites that rank at the top of Google and can be easily updated by you.



PHP end of life: its impacts & ways to deal with it

June 03, 2021By Rakshit Patel

Anything, good or bad, comes to an end. This reality is both reassuring and frightening, because we want the bad things to stop as soon as possible while the good things stay with us forever.The end, however, is unavoidable. It’s as unavoidable as you can get. No matter how much you despise it, the things you cherish will come to an end at some point. PHP 5.6 would, too!

Yes, you read that correctly. It is now official that PHP 5.6 will no longer be enabled by security updates after December 31, 2018. For a few years, the programme was not being produced. People, on the other hand, continued to use it for their jobs. Furthermore, if you do not upgrade to PHP 7 by the end of 2018, you may face severe security problems, as bug fixes for PHP 5.6 will not be issued.

What does it mean to you?

So, what does it imply to you? What precautions do you take to avoid any security risks? Let’s go over each item one by one. You can believe that you just need to update and that this isn’t a big deal .However, it might not be as easy as it seems because you may need a refractor.

The conversion’s complexity may be influenced by the CMS edition. When you finally upgrade to PHP 7, you’ll notice a number of improvements in performance, the most noticeable of which is pace. The tests, which were conducted by Zend technologies, confirmed this. They ran a series of tests to compare the efficiency of PHP 5.6 and PHP 7.

It also revealed that PHP 7 is twice as fast as PHP 5.6. Furthermore, PHP 7 will benefit from some additional memory optimizations. PHP 7 will work fine with new installations, CMSs, and upgraded software. Add-ons, smaller plugins, and other customizations, on the other hand, can cause you to become stuck.

The worst-case scenario is having a module customised but not upgrading any of the plugins in recent years.You won’t be able to update the website in this situation because of a plugin. To make matters worse, you won’t be able to find a way to update the plugin, so you’ll have to upgrade to PHP 7, which will crash your website.

How we can help.

Crest has a team of highly experienced professionals that possess exceptional skillsets and PHP app development is one of it. We can assist you with a variety of tasks, including code conversion and analysis in order to make your code PHP-ready. Our team would carefully examine your codes in order to determine the exact number of codes that need to be converted.

The conversion of the codes is influenced by a number of factors. Longer conversion times can result from more customization and smaller plugins on your site. Depending on this aspect, the conversion will take anything from a few weeks to three weeks to complete.

You can also Hire Laravel Developer and Hire PHP Developer. Contact Crest Infotech to know more about Dedicated Development services in Details.

Rakshit Patel

Author ImageI am the Founder of Crest Infotech With over 15 years’ experience in web design, web development, mobile apps development and content marketing. I ensure that we deliver quality website to you which is optimized to improve your business, sales and profits. We create websites that rank at the top of Google and can be easily updated by you.


value software

How can the value addition be for the software development services?

June 03, 2021By Rakshit Patel

The evolution of a company follows the evolution of the commodity. As a result, a company’s needs and value serve as a stepping stone toward growth. This is a high-end evolution that can be handled by a highly experienced software development firm.

The progression is now proportional. An individual’s definition of evolution, for example, may be to evolve into a startup. The sense of evolution for a startup, on the other hand, will be to grow into a medium-sized business. Let’s look at the various phases of evolution and the value added.

Ideation Stage

With your dreams, you can go to any extent. When it comes to actually going there, though, it is not a beautiful sight. It’s complicated, and in most situations, it’s not feasible. As a result, the ideation stage is critical to your company’s success.

On the other hand, software development firms come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Some businesses specialise in the creation of clone products, while others provide product production as a value-added service. The primary responsibility of the product owner is to communicate the concept.


You have a brilliant idea and want to take your company to the next level. You have a complete picture of your items. All you need to start your entrepreneurial journey is a real product that you can launch in the market.

To bring your product to life, all you have to do is create a mobile application that will assist you in entering the market. To maximise the value of a software asset, you must either create a software development team or outsource your software development project.

Experienced Startup

Push the right buttons by working with a qualified software development company now that you have your eye on market growth and your legs on the accelerator. Through their technical skills and extensive experience, a dependable skilled team will assist you with ongoing product growth.

In this scenario, all you have to do is point the path forward, and your software development partners will take care of the rest.


You did a fantastic job of surviving and winning in the business! However, you must level up in order to maintain consistency and consolidate your market position. As you move forward with the development of your product, the first step is to map out your organisational structure.There are two types of complexity.

–First and foremost, you must simplify your company with the various stakeholders and revenue models that you are or have been associated with.The other side of the complexity is in terms of the users’ preferences. Users build a variety of perceptions from the product as it progresses and caters to a vast number of people.In this case, it’s critical that you seek advice and development help from a reputable software development company.

Which is the best engagement model for difference product owners?
When you’ve gotten past the stage of hiring software development talent, the next question is: Which engagement model do you use when looking for a software vendor?

Agile control

Agile control is a project management system in which the total budget for the project is calculated well in advance of the project’s start date, regardless of cost or time.

In this case, the project manager is obligated to provide you with all project information. You and the software development company create various milestones. The project has a well-defined scope.

Time and Material

Time and Material is a form of engagement model in which the software development company’s time and material requirements are set in stone. Clients are billed depending on the number of hours spent on the project by IT firms.The emphasis in this case is on the project’s scope. You have full control over the specifications and can modify them at any time.

Dedicated Team

One of the most common interaction models for clients seeking to create their own goods is Dedicated Team. It’s one of the most adaptable ways to gain access to offshore expertise while maintaining full control over resources.

You can opt for a dedicated team interaction model to keep track of your product’s success in real time. Hire a committed team to expand your workforce, and you’ll be able to assist in achieving your goals.

Rakshit Patel

Author ImageI am the Founder of Crest Infotech With over 15 years’ experience in web design, web development, mobile apps development and content marketing. I ensure that we deliver quality website to you which is optimized to improve your business, sales and profits. We create websites that rank at the top of Google and can be easily updated by you.


product engineering services

Essentials of product engineering services

June 02, 2021By Rakshit Patel

Let’s be honest. Because of the rise in consumer demands in today’s highly connected world, companies are under pressure to shorten their product development cycles and increase their rate of product innovation.Furthermore, developing complex applications in today’s competitive market necessitates not only extensive knowledge of cutting-edge technology, but also a thorough understanding of the business domain.In reality, almost all businesses today are grappling with the challenge of continually evolving their product elements.

This primarily entails cutting down on enterprise app development time, improving efficiency, and improving overall quality.In summary, product engineering services are seeing a lot of activity as a result of the increasing demand for appealing user experiences and outstanding functionalities. In reality, embracing product engineering services has become almost inevitable in order to produce and launch contextual products at lower costs while still maintaining customer loyalty and product performance.

What is product engineering?

Product engineering is the practise of organising product development activities to pursue a predetermined path by taking into account the entire realisation period, from concept to marketable product.To put it another way, Product Engineering is the process of creating, designing, and testing a useful piece of software, app, or business system. It gives your project the extra edge it needs to continually enhance its efficiency, functionality, reliability, and lifespan.

How to know when to embrace product engineering approach?

If you’re creating a mobile app, an ERP software solution, or a desktop application, the end product must be of the highest quality and meet the needs of the target customers in order to succeed.

And taking a Product Engineering approach will help you do just that. Let’s say you’ve found a market gap – an issue that many people are experiencing – and developed a software solution to address it.

What does the product engineering service include?

At this stage, a reputable software development firm will assist you in evaluating your product concept from all angles, mapping out various solutions with various results, and assisting you in selecting the best solution for your idea.

Product Engineering Services are divided into three categories, which are listed below.

It entails creating a flexible solution to help businesses run smoothly and perform key operations such as marketing automation and employee collaboration.

Integration of new software

This service entails everything from fine-tuning a mobile strategy to incorporating new apps into an enterprise through well-designed features, third-party APIs, and analytics integrations.

Modernization of legacy applications

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Rakshit Patel

Author ImageI am the Founder of Crest Infotech With over 15 years’ experience in web design, web development, mobile apps development and content marketing. I ensure that we deliver quality website to you which is optimized to improve your business, sales and profits. We create websites that rank at the top of Google and can be easily updated by you.



Top 10 tips for improving JavaScript results

June 02, 2021By Rakshit Patel

JavaScript has become the most common scripting language among next-generation developers in the last five years. JavaScript can be used in a variety of places, including servers, games, blogs, operating systems, and even robots. Not only that, but JavaScript is one of the most commonly used languages on GitHub.

With JavaScript’s and prominence in the realms of web and mobile app growth, it’s more important than ever for JavaScript developers to stay up to date on the best performance practices. That’s why we’ve compiled a list of the top 15 JavaScript tips that will boost your productivity by leaps and bounds.

Define variables locally

When you call a function, the variables used to describe it are stored within. Variables are divided into two categories.

Local variable: – Variables that are defined only within themselves.

Global variable: – Variables that are only described within themselves are referred to as local variables.

Variables that are used in the script are referred to as global variables.When you call a function, the browser performs a task known as scope lookup. When the number of scopes in the scope chain grows, so does the amount of time it takes to access variables that aren’t part of the current scope.

This is why it takes a longer time for an engine to access a global variable than it does a local variable. This means that if you identify the majority of variables locally, the time it takes the engine to check for them would be significantly reduced. As a result, the application’s average pace will improve.

Keep codes light and small

It’s important to keep mobile app code as light and lightweight as possible in order to retain high performance. Keeping the code light and small will help to minimise latency and increase speed.

You should ask yourself the following questions when you’re in the creation stage.

  • Do I really need this module?
  • Can I do this in a simpler manner?
  • Why am I using this framework?
  • Is this worth the overhead?

Another way to improve the application’s output is by shrinking and diminishing multiple JS files into one. If your app has seven JavaScript files, for example, the browser will need to send seven different HTTP requests to get them all. To avoid this, simply combine the seven files into a single streamlined file.

Event Delegation implementation

Event delegation allows you to use a single event controller, which aids in the efficient handling of a specific form of event across the entire page. Due to the presence of multiple event handlers, large web applications can stop if Event Delegation is not used. Event delegation has a number of advantages, including less functionality to handle, less memory to store, and less connections between DBAs.

Avoid unwanted loops

Looping in JavaScript is not recommended because it puts additional pressure on the browser. It’s important to remember that in the loop, you do less work. The less effort you put into the loop, the sooner it can complete it. There are also some common tricks, such as storing the length of an array in a separate variable rather than reading it at each loop iteration. This could go a long way to optimize your code and run things in a more efficient manner.

Gzip compression

Gzip is a compression and decompression software application that is used by most clients and servers. When a browser that supports gzip makes a request for a resource, the server compresses the answer before sending it to the browser. Gzip compresses large JavaScript files and saves bandwidth, which eliminates latency and time lag and improves the overall performance of the programme.

Minimize DOM access

The interaction of the host browser with artefacts (DOM) outside of the JavaScript native environment causes severe performance lag and unpredictability. This occurs because the browser must refresh each time. To prevent this, simply reduce the amount of DOM access. There are a few options for accomplishing this. For example, you can store references to the browser objects or you can decrease the overall DOM traversal trips.

Boost performance by caching object

This can be accomplished in two ways. The HTTP protocol cache is the first choice. The second choice is to use the JavaScript Cache API, which can be accomplished with the help of a service worker. Scripts are commonly used to access specific items. By using a variable in references to that object or simply storing the repeated access object within the user-defined variable, you can achieve substantial performance gains.

Get rid of unused JavaScript

This approach is well-known for speeding up the browser’s code compilation. The transmission time is also reduced as a result of this. To get rid of unused JavaScript, you’ll need to think about a few things, such as finding functionality that isn’t being used by anyone. The website can load faster and have a better user experience as a result of this.

Refrain from using too much memory

One of the most important skills a javascript developer must have is the ability to keep memory use to a minimum. It’s because determining the memory requirements of the system when it’s used to run your app is difficult. If the code demands a new memory reserve for the browser at any point in time, the browser’s garbage collector will be invoked, and JavaScript will be terminated. If this occurs on a regular basis, the page will slow down.

Implement the various optimizations

You must always use the algorithms with the least computational complexity to solve all tasks with optimal data structures.

  • By rewriting algorithms, you can achieve the same results with fewer calculations.
  • Recursive calls should be avoided.
  • Calculations, calls, and variables for all the repeated functions should be entered.
  • Make mathematical calculations easier to understand.
  • Instead of using a case statement or a switch, use search arrays to get a value that is dependent on another.
  • Take advantage of speculative execution of processor by generating conditions that are likely to be valid.

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Crest Infotech have expert pool of JavaScript Developers if you are looking to Hire ReactJS Developer, Hire NodeJS Developer, Hire AngularJS Developer or Hire React Native Developer. We have expertise in other JavaScript frameworks as well like ExpressJS, VueJS etc. Get in touch with us and book your free consultation for the same.

Rakshit Patel

Author ImageI am the Founder of Crest Infotech With over 15 years’ experience in web design, web development, mobile apps development and content marketing. I ensure that we deliver quality website to you which is optimized to improve your business, sales and profits. We create websites that rank at the top of Google and can be easily updated by you.



What is Apache Kafka?

June 01, 2021By Rakshit Patel

Kafka’s success and growth have reached new heights. It has grown in popularity to the point that it has begun to eclipse the popularity of its namesake author Franz Kafka. Kafka’s success can be seen in the fact that it is used by over 500 Fortune 500 firms.

These firms include the top seven banks, nine of the top ten telecommunications firms, top ten travel firms, and eight of the top ten insurance firms, among others. Netflix, LinkedIn, and Microsoft are only a handful of the companies that use Kafka to process four-comma messages (1,000,000,000,000) every day.

You’re probably wondering what makes Kafka so famous. If you’re asking yourself this question, you’re not alone. And you’ve come to the right place because we’ll go over every aspect of Kafka here, including its history, how it works, main differentiators, use cases, and much more.

What is Apache Kafka?

The Apache Software Foundation created Apache Kafka, an open-source streaming platform. Kafka was originally created at LinkedIn as a messaging queue; but, over time, it has evolved into much more than that. It has now evolved into a powerful data-streaming platform. Not only that, but it has a wide range of applications.

One of Kafka’s main benefits is that it can be scaled up as required. All you have to do to scale up is add more nodes (servers) to the Kafka cluster.

Kafka is also known for handling large amounts of data in a short period of time. Owing to its low latency, it also allows for real-time data processing. Kafka is a distributed messaging system written in Java and Scala.

Via Kafka Link, Kafka can connect to external systems for export and import. Additionally, it includes Kafka Streams, a Java stream processing library. Kafka employs a binary TCP-based protocol that is based on the concept of a “message package.” This groups the messages together to reduce network roundtrip overhead.

As a result, Kafka can turn a stream of random messages into linear writes by using larger sequential disc operations, larger network packets, and contiguous memory blocks.

There are a number of features that distinguish Kafka from conventional messaging systems like RabbitMQ. First, Kafka keeps the message for a certain amount of time (the default is 7 days) after it is consumed, while RabbitMQ deletes the message as soon as the user confirms it.

RabbitMQ not only pushes messages to users, but it also keeps track of their load. It decides how many messages each user should be processing at any given time.

Kafka, on the other hand, allows users to retrieve messages. Pulling is another term for this. With the addition of nodes, Kafka is built to scale horizontally. This differs from conventional messaging queues, which expect to scale in the vertical direction as the machine’s power increases.

The origin story at LinkedIn

Kafka was founded in 2010 by Jun Rao, Jay Kreps, and Neha Narkhede at LinkedIn. Kafka was created to address the problem of low-latency ingestion of large volumes of event data from the LinkedIn website into a lambda architecture that combined real-time event processing systems and Hadoop.

There was no solution for this kind of ingress of real-time applications at the time, so “real-time” processing was the secret.

For ingesting data into offline batch systems, there were some successful solutions. However, they used to let downstream users in on implementation information. They also used a push model, which would be enough to confuse any customer.

When it comes to conventional messaging queues, they ensure excellent distribution and include features such as protocol mediation, transfers, and message usage monitoring. They were, however, overkill for the use case LinkedIn was developing.

All, including LinkedIn, was working on a learning algorithm at the time. However, algorithms are useless without details. It was difficult to get data from the source systems and efficiently pass it around. Established enterprise messaging and batch-based solutions were unable to address the issue.

Kafka was designed to be an ingestion backbone. Kafka was ingesting over 1 billion events a day in 2011. According to LinkedIn, intake rates are currently around 1 trillion messages per day.

Rakshit Patel

Author ImageI am the Founder of Crest Infotech With over 15 years’ experience in web design, web development, mobile apps development and content marketing. I ensure that we deliver quality website to you which is optimized to improve your business, sales and profits. We create websites that rank at the top of Google and can be easily updated by you.


hiring dedicated devlooper

How hiring dedicated developers can reduce the overall costs of your project?

June 01, 2021By Rakshit Patel

The most significant benefit of hire dedicated developers is that you can save a significant amount of money on software growth. But how do you do it? Let’s look at the top six ways that recruiting committed developers will help you save money on your project.

Cut additional hiring cost

You may need a range of skills and experience for your project, which your in-house development resources may lack. In this case, recruiting full-time resources for that project could not be cost-effective or practical.

Instead, you can partner with any offshore construction company and recruit part-time committed developers. This allows you to take advantage of their committed developers’ diverse experience and skillset. Offshore construction companies are recognised all over the world for providing the best and most diverse developers for your project.

Take advantage of technological expertise

Start-ups and businesses need top-notch technological skills and experience when it comes to developing tailored and challenging solutions. As a consequence, operating with inexperienced personnel could not yield the desired results.

As a result, they employ dedicated software development experts to meet the needs of these start-ups and businesses by creating a custom software solution.

Zero training cost

You must keep the developers up to date with the new technical developments in IT because it is an ever-changing industry. The cost of training your in-house developers in these new technologies and software can have a significant impact on your budget. Enterprises and start-ups, on the other hand, will escape the high cost of training by recruiting an experienced remote development team.

Only pay for the outsourced services

You must pay for each resource that you use when recruiting an in-house development team. Dedicated developers, on the other hand, you just have to pay for the facilities you’ve outsourced.

Choose the best strategy for the project

If the project’s goals and specifications aren’t well established, the developers will make mistakes when working on it. These errors will lengthen the project’s completion period and increase its total cost.

Dedicated developers with top-notch skills can be hired by businesses and start-ups to escape this circumstance. Their background enables them to comprehend the basic requirements of any project, regardless of its complexity.

Not only that, but they can also make important improvements to the way your project is being developed, which can save you time and money.

Cost comparison: Offshoring vs. in-house vs. freelancing

The main explanation why offshoring lowers production costs is that it is less expensive than recruiting freelancers or an in-house development team.

According to Statista, nearly $288 billion was spent on IT outsourcing services around the world. These services include software development, website design, mobile app development, and other IT-related services.

According to a Deloitte report, about 53% of companies outsource their IT functions.

It also reveals that small businesses spend approximately 6.1 percent of their IT budget on outsourcing. Mid-sized and large businesses, on the other hand, spend about 4.6 percent and 7.4 percent, respectively.

People tend to employ dedicated developers rather than an in-house development team because the former is a more cost-effective option. Furthermore, production fees for committed developers vary by geography around the world.

Take a look at the graph below, which reveals the highest and lowest hourly rates for dedicated developers in different parts of the world.

Rakshit Patel

Author ImageI am the Founder of Crest Infotech With over 15 years’ experience in web design, web development, mobile apps development and content marketing. I ensure that we deliver quality website to you which is optimized to improve your business, sales and profits. We create websites that rank at the top of Google and can be easily updated by you.


Vue native

Vue Native: A guide on building native apps with VueJS framework

May 31, 2021By Rakshit Patel

IT is a rapidly evolving sector that is undergoing significant changes. And, in order to keep up with the changes, you must recognise and adapt to the appropriate innovations that are currently trending.

Developers are well aware of this, which is why they are constantly on the lookout for new ways to develop mobile apps using different technologies.

If we only look at platforms, there have been a number of developments that have had a significant effect on the creation of native and cross-platform applications.

Facebook’s React Native was a significant change. It was the first tool to aid developers in the creation of a cost-effective cross-platform application.VueJS is another tool that is gaining a lot of traction among developers for both cross-platform and native application development.

There are numerous reasons for the popularity of this JavaScript mobile app system, especially among beginners.

One of the most important aspects is how easy it is to understand and master. Let’s take a closer look at Native Vue.

What is vue native?

Vue Native is a JavaScript platform for mobile development that uses VueJS to build mobile apps.

The use of VueJS in the system provides a slew of advantages. The framework organises the user interface creation, which is one of the advantages.

Furthermore, it focuses on view layers, making it simple to comprehend.VueJS is not based on Babel, a transpiler that converts JavaScript code to an older version of ES5. Since VueJS templates are valid HTML, the integration process is easy.

Vue Native is a cross-platform software framework created by GeekyAnts, a team of developers, to take advantage of both React Native and VueJS.

This architecture is well suited to the development of lightweight apps.

Vue Native, a new tool for developing cross-platform apps, is available under the MIT licence.

As a result, all copyright issues are addressed. Install CRNA (create-react-native-app) on the device to get started with Vue Native.

After installing CRNA and Vue Native CLI, the developer will use them to build a Vue Native Mobile App.

Vue Native’s Most Important Features

VueJS is the preferred framework for frontend developers since it offers a slew of features that help them coordinate their work. Let’s take a look at some of its main features.

Binding in two directions

Developers may make adjustments to the model and see them immediately without having to wait for the UI elements to render. It helps you save a lot of time when it comes to coding.

Declarative rendering

Developers may use this function to write code that only focuses on the output.

Furthermore, it conceals all implementation information. This feature aids developers in maintaining data consistency.

Some modifications to these codes can only be made if the developers add new ones.

Compilation with react native

Vue Native is based on React Native, making it simpler for beginners and others who have never worked with React Native to create mobile apps using the simple Native framework.

Developers may use Vue to make React components as well. Not to mention Vue Native’s Vue-native-scripts, which enable developers to run Vue components in React Native.

Native router for Vue

It’s similar to the React Navigator Router Plugin, which aids Veux in mobile app navigation.

Basic elements

Vue Native is advantageous to developers because it provides them with basic components when they begin a new project. This role aids them in speeding up the development process.

You can Hire Javascript Developer and Hire React Native Developer for part time, full time and scheduled time of period for your business development process. Contact Crest Infotech to know more about Javascript Development and React native Development services in Details.

Rakshit Patel

Author ImageI am the Founder of Crest Infotech With over 15 years’ experience in web design, web development, mobile apps development and content marketing. I ensure that we deliver quality website to you which is optimized to improve your business, sales and profits. We create websites that rank at the top of Google and can be easily updated by you.



How to Improve Website Speed by Optimizing E-commerce Product Images

May 31, 2021By Rakshit Patel

If a user searches for a product that meets their needs on Google, it will not appear in the search results if the product page has not been properly configured. A mastery of product image optimization is expected for an e-commerce website owner. Optimization speeds up the loading of your website and enhances the appearance of your product page.

Why are optimising product images for your e-commerce store so important?

There are many explanations why you should change product pictures.

Here are some of the most important advantages of optimization.

The speed at which a website loads can be enhanced:

Product image optimization is critical for an online store owner because it improves the loading speed of an online shopping website. The overall sales percentage will increase if a website’s loading speed is improved.

There would be a decrease in the amount of room used:

When images are lighter, they take up less space and require less energy.

A rise in the rate of conversation:

It can persuade users to purchase your products if your e-commerce website takes less time to load. Customers will begin to trust you and shop at your online store. Potential customers may be converted from the community of travellers.

The location of a website in search engine results can be improved:

According to Google’s algorithms, the lighter website has a better chance of ranking first in search results. Users are compelled to rely on online shopping sites that load quickly.

What are the various approaches for optimising the product photos in your online store?

The product photos can be improved in a variety of ways. Take a look at some of the most relevant approaches here:

Give the product a name that is exclusive to it:

You should use the right keyword for your product in order to rank higher in search engine results. This will assist the crawler in defining the product, and the product picture can be given any generic name.

Select a particular size for your e-commerce item:

When running an e-commerce shop, it’s vital to choose the right size for your items. Depending on the example you’ll be using, you’ll need to find the right picture size. When you use WooCommerce, you can go to Settings and find a number of default photos. It would be easier if you chose a dimension of 600*600 pixels for your piece.

To change the size of a product’s image, use Photoshop:

The “Save for web” command in Adobe Photoshop can be used to reduce the size of an image file. This allows you to change the scale of your product picture so that consumers can see it more clearly.

If you want to adjust the size of a product image, go with WordPress:

When your product image is too big, it can make it difficult to see. To use the multimedia/library, simply click on the product image and select edit from the drop-down menu. The WordPress Development multimedia alternative allows you to make adjustments based on your needs.

TinyPNG app is an additional benefit:

It is a useful programme for compressing product images. Optimising many images at once is time-saving. It could be the right tool for you if you need to change several images at the same time.

Webresizer is a useful application:

Webresizer helps you to adjust the scale of product images. You can change the colour and light of your online store product as desired.

You can Hire WordPress Developer for part time, full time and scheduled time of period for your WordPress development process. Contact Crest Infotech to know more about Laravel Development services in Details.

Rakshit Patel

Author ImageI am the Founder of Crest Infotech With over 15 years’ experience in web design, web development, mobile apps development and content marketing. I ensure that we deliver quality website to you which is optimized to improve your business, sales and profits. We create websites that rank at the top of Google and can be easily updated by you.



The Most Significant Difference Between Laravel and NodeJS

May 29, 2021By Rakshit Patel

The main goal of many of the innovations introduced in the twenty-first century was to make problem-solving in development projects as simple as possible. These technologies are designed to address important coding issues and challenges.

Laravel and NodeJS are two of the most recent web frameworks, each with its own set of unique functionalities and features that are required to solve such technical issues.

What is Laravel?

Laravel is an open-source PHP framework that is both resourceful and simple to learn. It deals with and adheres to the model-view-controller design trend. It makes use of current components from a variety of frameworks to aid in the development of a web application. The well-designed web app is well-organized, knowledgeable, and practical.

Laravel has a powerful set of features that combines the best of PHP frameworks like CodeIgniter and Yii, as well as programming languages like Ruby on Rails.

Laravel will allow your project to be more productive if you have knowledge of Core PHP and Advanced PHP. It also saves a lot of time and effort if you want to create a web application from scratch. Furthermore, a web app project built with Laravel is entirely secure and protected from web attacks.
Laravel’s Most Important Features

  • Support of MVC Architecture:

Laravel supports the MVC architecture pattern, which allows business logic and precise presentation layers to be separated. The MVC pattern has a number of built-in features that improve overall application performance, as well as security and usability.

  • Template Engine:

The Laravel framework is well-known for its superior built-in lightweight templates, which are used to seed engaging and interactive content into unique layouts. It also supports stable structures with a variety of widgets that integrate CSS and JS code. Laravel templates are creatively designed to create simple yet multifaceted layouts with distinct segments.

  • Security:

The Laravel framework provides robust security for a variety of web applications. It uses a hashed and salted password scheme to ensure that the correct password is never stored in plain text in the operating database. In addition, it generates an encrypted password using the “Bcrypt Hashing Algorithm.” This PHP web development framework uses structured SQL statements to prevent SQL injection attacks.

  • Database Migration Solutions:

Laravel migration solutions aim to expand the overall database structure of the application without having to re-generate every time a code change is made. Because of these features, the risk of data loss is negligible. This situation has the advantage of changing the database’s overall structure and using PHP code instead of SQL. The Laravel Schema Builder helps you create database tables and easily add indices and columns.

What is NodeJS?

NodeJS is a cross-platform, open-source runtime environment for developing server-side applications. Within the NodeJS runtime, it already has built-in JavaScript programmes that can be executed and run on OS X, Microsoft Windows, and Linux.

It also comes with a fantastic library of JavaScript modules that make NodeJS web application development a breeze.

When JavaScript developers extended it from running in the browser to running as a stand-alone programme on your desktop, they created NodeJS .

In the current situation, JavaScript allows you to do more than just create or make engaging and interactive websites. JavaScript now has the potential to do things that Python and other scripting languages can’t.

The following are the most important features of NodeJS:

Event-Driven and Asynchronous:

The event-driven and asynchronous nature of all NodeJS library APIs is evident. It requires a NodeJS server that never waits for an API to promote and return data. When the server receives a call, it switches to the next API, and the NodeJS Events notification functionality causes the server to retrieve a response from the first API call.

Single-Threaded and Scalable:

NodeJS uses a single-threaded looping event model. Instead of conventional servers that give limited threads precisely for handling requests, the event mechanism allows the server to respond immediately in a non-blocking manner, making it highly scalable. NodeJS is a single-threaded programme that can handle a greater number of requests than traditional servers like Apache HTTP Server.


With the release and widespread acceptance of ES6, classes are seamlessly integrated into the system, and the code looks syntactically similar to C#, Java, and SWIFT.


It is cross-platform and, with the right structure, can also be turned into an executable form with dependencies.

You can Hire Laravel Developer and Hire NodeJS Developer for part time, full time and scheduled time of period for your business development process. Contact Crest Infotech to know more about Laravel Development and NodeJS Dvelopment services in Details.

Rakshit Patel

Author ImageI am the Founder of Crest Infotech With over 15 years’ experience in web design, web development, mobile apps development and content marketing. I ensure that we deliver quality website to you which is optimized to improve your business, sales and profits. We create websites that rank at the top of Google and can be easily updated by you.