api devlopement

How does API work? Tools for API development

May 14, 2021By Rakshit Patel

Let’s look at an example to better understand how the API works. Assume you’ve gone to the ABC website or downloaded the ABC app to book a flight. You completed the form by entering all of the necessary information, including the departure and return dates, flight numbers, cities, and other relevant information.

As soon as you apply, a list of flights with information such as seat availability, timings, pricing, and other details will appear. But how did it happen in the first place? The APIs are to blame.To provide such precise data, the platform sends a request to the website, which then uses API to access the database and retrieve all relevant data. The data that was distributed via API is then returned to the website.

The API serves as an intermediary in this case, streamlining the data sharing process. The airline website and flight booking portal, on the other hand, serve as endpoints. When it comes to communicating endpoints, APIs function in two different ways: SOAP and REST.

Let’s take a look at the basic terminologies used in API development now that we’ve gotten a better understanding of how APIs function.

Terminologies used in the API development process

I am text block. Click edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

API Access Code

It’s a one-of-a-kind code that’s passed between computer programmes to identify the user, creator, or calling programme.


Endpoints are the points of interaction between the server and the API.


JSON (JavaScript Object Notion is a Data Format) is a data format for transferring data between APIs. This data exchange can happen between a web application and a server, or between two apps and the AngularJS Development and ReactJS Development.


GET is a tool for requesting information from a server at a specific resource.


It’s a way to submit data to the API server in order to update or build a resource.


It’s an API authorization system that’s based on an open standard. It provides safe and limited access to end-user data that is to be used by the application or third-party websites without the end-permission. user’s


Rate-limiting is the method of regulating the rate of both incoming and outgoing traffic. It’s also known as the cumulative number of API requests made by a user.

API Throttling

API throttling is a mechanism in which consumers’ access to APIs is limited for a set period of time.

Tools for API development

When it comes to API development, there are numerous tools available. The following are some of the most common tools and products used by API developers:


Google’s Apigee is an API creation management tool. When an organisation is upgrading legacy Mobile App or enabling data sharing between apps and services, this tool comes in handy. Aside from that, it’s also useful when a new product is being developed.


Dredd is a platform for checking HTTP APIs. It’s used in the backend to verify an API’s definition. It also extensively examines the API’s definition and determines whether or not the API has been validated.


APIMatic is a website API developer interface tool. It is used by developers to build SDKs for their APIs on ten different platforms. It’s also used to keep it in line with the rest of the system.Developers may use this tool to translate API descriptions into a variety of formats, including WADL, Swagger, RAML, OAI format, IO Docs, API Blueprint, HAR 1.4, Postman Collections, and others.


Sandbox generates a mock RESTful API from API definitions quickly and easily. It also lowers the risk and cost of calling third-party APIs during testing.


I am text block. Click edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.


SoapUI is a free and open-source testing application. It is cross-platform compatible. It’s also capable of automating both functional and non-functional checks. Regression, enforcement, execution, security, and load tests are all performed with it.


Swagger is an API development tool that is open-source. Swagger is used by big tech companies like Getty Images, Apigee, PayPal, and Microsoft.


JMeter is a free and open-source programme. It’s used in RESTful API performance checking.

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Rakshit Patel

Author ImageI am the Founder of Crest Infotech With over 15 years’ experience in web design, web development, mobile apps development and content marketing. I ensure that we deliver quality website to you which is optimized to improve your business, sales and profits. We create websites that rank at the top of Google and can be easily updated by you.


Api building

Top 5 practices for building API

May 13, 2021By Rakshit Patel

Let’ have a look at the top 5 practices for perfect API development.


App throttling is the best technique to remember when it comes to redirecting overflow traffic, protecting against DoS (Denial of Service), and backing up APIs.Enable overriding HTTP methodApp throttling is the best technique to remember when it comes to redirecting overflow traffic, protecting against DoS (Denial of Service), and backing up APIs.

SDK and Libraries

Provide critical tools to the development team in order to accelerate the development and deployment of services. This can be accomplished by providing tools that contain reusable processes and code.


You must ensure that your API is safe without sacrificing usability. If a user takes longer than 5 minutes to authenticate, your API is not user-friendly. Token-based authentication can be used to encrypt your API.


Another excellent approach to consider is including a diverse collection of documents. You must build comprehensive API documentation that allows other mobile app developers to fully comprehend the entire process so that they can use that knowledge to have a superior user experience.In a nutshell, well-written API documentation lowers project costs, reduces development time, and improves API performance.

Must-have features in API design

Before you begin creating APIs, there are a few things to consider. These points will serve as a catalyst for your API growth and will keep your team on the same page. Let’s take a look at each of these points individually.

Authorization and Authentication

To put it another way, authentication is the process of confirming that you are who you say you are. Authorization, on the other hand, refers to determining whether a verified consumer is authorised to conduct a specific action on a specific source.

For example, although John (an authenticated user) may obtain a resource, he is not permitted to build one.Some of the most widely used standards for handling authorization and authentication are OAuth, OAuth2, and JWT.


It’s self-evident that the database will expand over time. When this happens, you’ll notice that some of the resources are taking longer to retrieve than normal. The most popular solution to this problem is to cache the objects or create pagination.Paging is the method of determining how much data should be shown and how often it should be displayed.

Sorting also ensures that the data is delivered to the user in accordance with the specifications, conditions, and modifications.These factors aid in reducing processing time, maintaining high protection, and ensuring a quick response time.


You can retrieve resources at breakneck speed by implementing a Cache strategy. It will reduce the cost of your requests until the data is ready for consumption in an in-memory database. Cache strategies can be built with tools like Redis and Memcached.


API wrappers are language-specific containers or packets. They make user-friendly functions out of a variety of API calls. The wrapper also allows a number of API calls without having to communicate with the user.


One of the REST application architecture’s modules is HATEOAS (Hypermedia as the Engine of Application State). Hypermedia refers to any material that contains a connection to other types of media such as text, photographs, videos, and so on.HATEOS allows clients to communicate with REST APIs using dynamically generated responses from the server.

Error handling

Error management that is effective will make debugging simpler by determining if the problem was caused by a server or client error. The client may modify the request for certain mistakes, but for others, they will need to contact help. The following are some useful error-handling techniques:

  • Use error codes that are well-known.
  • Providing the appropriate number of errors
  • Identifying the source of the problem
  • Distinguishing between domain and general errors.

Rakshit Patel

Author ImageI am the Founder of Crest Infotech With over 15 years’ experience in web design, web development, mobile apps development and content marketing. I ensure that we deliver quality website to you which is optimized to improve your business, sales and profits. We create websites that rank at the top of Google and can be easily updated by you.


react performence

Performance optimization tips for React

May 13, 2021By Rakshit Patel

React has totally changed the way front-end developers create web applications since its inception. React can render UI updates more powerful than ever before with the support of virtual DOM.As a consequence, the web apps would usually be faster. However, there is one thing about ReactJs that developers often worry about. It’s the fact that why do medium-sized React web applications perform so badly and take so long to load?

The answer to this question can be found in React’s optimization techniques. You will significantly increase the overall pace of React apps if you can calculate and optimise how the app’s components render. In this post, we’ll go through some of the best React optimization techniques. So, without further ado, let’s get this party started.

Usage of Pure components

If a React component produces the same output for the same props and state, it is said to be pure. Authorization is a base class that React provides for certain class components. The component classes that extend React.Pure components are defined by the PureComponent class.

Pure components are identical to normal components, with the exception that they take care of any component updates that may be needed.It also performs superficial comparisons with prop and state info.If the previous props and state data are the same as the next state or props, the part is not re-rendered.

Component memorization with React.memo

React.memo is identical to a PureComponent, with the exception that Pure Component is derived from a component type implementation. On the other hand, the term “memo” is used to describe a functional part. React.memo is a higher-order component, as well.If the input props are the same as in pure components, the rendering of the component will be skipped, improving the component’s speed and performance.

It’s also possible to transfer this component’s custom comparison logic. The user will use the custom logic to search for deep object comparisons. If the comparison function returns wrong, the component is re-rendered; otherwise, the component is not re-rendered.The portion above performs a superficial comparison of the previous and next props’ values.

There is a need for some custom login for the comparison whenever object references are passed as props to the memo component. We may transfer the comparison function as the second parameter to the React.memo function to get those custom logins.Assume that the props value (user) is an object reference that contains a user’s age, name, and destination.

In the case at hand, a thorough comparison is needed. For this, we can write a custom function that checks for values like age, name, and destination in the next and previous props values and returns false if they differ.This is how, even though the memo component has reference data as input, our component would not re-render.

This event can be used to determine when the object needs to be re-rendered.When a set State is called or the component props are changed, this function returns a Boolean value. In both cases, the component appears to re-render.

The should Component Update Life Cycle Event

Until the component is re-rendered, the should component update life cycle event is enabled.This event can be used to determine when the object needs to be re-rendered.When a setState is called or the component props are changed, this function returns a Boolean value. In both cases, the component appears to re-render.

This function also takes nextProps and nextState as input and compares them to the current state and props to determine whether or not re-rendering is needed.

Avoid extra tags by using React fragments

Using fragments that are only needed for having a common parent in the React component will reduce the number of extra tags.When a user creates a new component, the parent tag for all of the components must be the same. At the parent stage, two tags cannot coexist. That is why a common tag at the top is needed.We usually add an extra tag to the top of the part to meet this requirement.

Refrain from using Inline style attribute

With the inline format, the browser normally spends a lot of time scripting and rendering.Since it has to map all of the style rules that are transferred to the actual CSS assets, the scripting takes a long time. As a consequence, the component’s rendering time increases.The inline styles that are attached to the component can be seen in the component above.

Instead of a style lag, the added inline style is a JavaScript entity.Only after the background Colour style has been translated into a CSS style property can the style be added. Scripting and JavaScript execution are necessary to accomplish this. The simpler option is to simply import the CSS file into the component.

You can Hire JavaScript Developer for part time, full time and scheduled time of period for your business development process. Contact Crest Infotech to know more about JavaScript Development services in Details.

Rakshit Patel

Author ImageI am the Founder of Crest Infotech With over 15 years’ experience in web design, web development, mobile apps development and content marketing. I ensure that we deliver quality website to you which is optimized to improve your business, sales and profits. We create websites that rank at the top of Google and can be easily updated by you.


cyber security

Securing the Future: Cyber security Predictions for 2021

May 12, 2021By Rakshit Patel

Predictions are often a dangerous endeavour. A year ago, someone who wrote this article may not have predicted what was waiting in store in 2020. In cybersecurity, everything has been changed by the wholesale change from the workplace world to the virtual workspace in unexpected ways.

To offer only one example: communication tools like Slack and Teams, on a scale never seen before, have become a serious threat vector.

It looks like 2021 should be more predictable, however. Vaccines will be launched, and the lessons learned this year in cybersecurity will continue to prove useful.

What can we think, with this in mind, about cybersecurity next year? What are the patterns that we would possibly see? What changes should companies be ready for? I’ve identified three responses to these questions here:

  • Via social engineering, cyber-attacks can become more personalised.
  • As cybercrime gets worse and worse, companies will remain very paranoid.
  • Finally, the password will start to die out as a primary security layer.
  • Cybercrime Growing Personalization

In B2C consumer innovations, personalization is all the rage. It is also a strategy that bad actors gradually adopt, primarily through social engineering.

A trillion security and compromise events were analysed in the 2020 Trust wave Global Security Survey. The report concluded that “social engineering in the method of compromise reigns supreme.” In addition, attacks on social engineering increasingly target social media as much as they do email. A Verizon study reported that as a tactic, 22 percent of all data violations involved social attacks.

The personalization of cyber-attacks is about social engineering. We should expect this personalization to grow in 2021.

An Info security Thought Leader is Brian Honan, CEO of the Irish firm, BH Consulting. On this subject, he had the following to say:

Brian predicts that “in 2021, criminals will look to make their phishing and social engineering attacks far more targeted and personal.” This would be the case if the attacks are conducted by key personnel against individuals or against organizations. Our social media presence would provide more ammunition and skills for offenders to make their attacks look more compelling and personal.

To stress: email is not the problem here. Criminals would look to other networks to launch attacks against businesses, primarily their social media channels, as Brian says. Personal details leaked by social media online would become weaponized.

Only look at how the Chilean banking system’s ATM infrastructure was hacked by North Korean hackers (zdnetdotcom). Where did they launch the attack? Into LinkedIn. The attackers chose their victims carefully, and tailored their interaction to suit the target. This sort of personalization is working, which is why it will begin in 2021.

If they are just trying to get you, it is not paranoia.

One of the elements that will make 2021 a paranoid year for companies is the growing personalization of cyber-attacks. As Javvad Malik, an advocate for security awareness at KnowBe4 puts it:

In 2021, for most organisations, the default state would be utter hysteria. Can your email be trusted? Your Feed on Social Media? Politicians of yours? Customers of yours? Employees of yours? Your business gadgets? A resounding no would be the answer.

This rising fear is borne out in the figures. Gartner estimates that by 2022, spending on cybersecurity would hit $170.4 billion globally. In several nations, investment has already risen significantly. In Australia and China, 50 and 47 per cent of businesses registered exceeding their cybersecurity budgets, respectively.

Your paranoia isn’t unjustified. 2020 was a cybercrime record year. 53% of respondents to the State of Cybersecurity 2020 study from ISACA foresee a cyber-attack within 12 months. The fastest rising form of crime in the US is cyber-attacks. Cyber-crime damage is expected to hit $6 trillion next year globally. That’s 57x of the 2015 damage.

In short, 2021 will be a year in which companies will remain highly worried. Vigilance or wariness would not be relaxed. In order to continue to affect the cybersecurity industry at large, we should all be ready for a paranoid mood.

Passwords in Question

Passwords have felt a bit like 1995 for a while now. The memorization, the “I forgot my password” link clicked. But the flimsy protection of passwords, above all. Again, here’s Javvad Malik:

“The turning point for passwords will be 2021. With FIDO and MFA developments and adoption, we can see less new platforms providing only passwords as a means of authentication.

This is no surprise, given the risks of using passwords. One of the leading causes of data breaches remains bad password conduct (itgovernancedoteu). Nordpass and partners show that when it comes to formulating passwords, people are always as lazy as ever; and this goes as much for employees of the company as your mom. Of the 275,699,516 passwords associated with 2020 data breaches, just 44% of them were substantially “unique.”

As per Nordpass dot com, the most common password? “123456,” which is used by more than 2,5 million people. In fact, it was disclosed during the Authenticate 2020 conference of the FIDO Alliance that different government units and agencies have accepted FIDO standards and are now implementing them alongside current digital ID policies.

On the other hand, MFA (multi-factor authorization), on the other hand, is now considered one of the best cybersecurity practices and is seeing increased acceptance within organizations across various industries. In 2021, both these patterns will increase.

Javvad, however, also predicts that attacks against MFA or passwordless technologies will increase:. “Examples of SIM hijacking to obtain SMS codes have already been seen, but this is likely to ramp up and we’re going to start seeing bigger and worse attacks.”

(SIM jacking sees bad actors using social engineering tactics to trick cell phone companies into assigning the phone number of a target to a new SIM.) A Private Industry Notification (PIN) document has been released by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) outlining how cybercriminals attempt to bypass MFA on their victim’s phones.

While MFA is not flawless, however, it stays a lot better than the humble password! Expect next year to be a year where passwords are relied on by a significant minority of services.

Ready for 2021 Ourselves

If 2020 has taught us something, then the future is uncertain at all times. No-one knows what 2021 will hold for sure.I assume, however, that the three patterns listed here are pretty firm bets. We need to do our best to look into our crystal balls as we all continue to develop business agility and business resilience for 2021.

I hope my fortune-telling proves to be of value to you here.

Rakshit Patel

Author ImageI am the Founder of Crest Infotech With over 15 years’ experience in web design, web development, mobile apps development and content marketing. I ensure that we deliver quality website to you which is optimized to improve your business, sales and profits. We create websites that rank at the top of Google and can be easily updated by you.


api types

What is API? Types of API

May 12, 2021By Rakshit Patel

Whether you work in the computer industry or are a tech nerd, you’ve probably heard of the acronym “API.” API is now more important in the economy than it has ever been. APIs are everywhere, and we use them on a regular basis. We use API for a variety of things in our everyday lives, including booking tickets, logging into Facebook, and making PayPal payments.

Aside from that, there are some entertaining APIs, such as Fun Translations, which translates English into Dothraki, Minion, and Klingon. Then there’s the Pokémon API, which compiles all of the Pokémon data into one convenient location.APIs are a vast realm that should undoubtedly be studied. That’s exactly what I’m going to do with you in this post. We’ll go over everything in this post.

API (Application Programming Interface) is a collection of instructions, specifications, and standards that enable an app or software to make use of features or services from another app, computer, or platform in order to provide better services.It’s a compilation of programming code that allows data to be transferred from one software product to another in technical terms. It also consists of terms of this data exchange.

There are two sections of an application programming interface:

  • Data exchange options between solutions with specifications done in the form of data delivery protocols and requests for processing are described in this technical specification.
  • It is a software interface that is written according to a specification.

In this case, the programme that requires access information or functionality from another software calls its API, defining the specifications for how the functionality or data should be delivered. The other programme actually provides the data features that the former application requested. API Development also defines the communication interface between these two applications.

Function calls, which are language statements used to request software to perform specific services and activities, are used to implement each API. Function calls are simply phrases that include nouns and verbs. The API documentation also includes information on function calls.

APIs may be used for a variety of purposes. They may usually be used to accelerate or simplify software development. APIs are used by developers to integrate features from other providers into existing solutions. They can also be used to create new software by using third-party providers.

Types of API

The release policies of APIs can be used to classify them.

APIs with restricted access

The interfaces of this application programme are intended to enhance the organization’s services and solutions. These APIs can be used by both contractors and in-house developers to create new systems.Even if the app is publicly accessible, the app’s interface is only available to those who are collaborating with the API publisher in this case. The organisation will take complete charge of API use with a private strategy.

Partner APIs

For software integration between two parties, partner APIs are used. These are also widely publicised and communicated with business associates who have agreed to work with the publisher. By providing partners with capability advantages and data access, an organisation may generate additional revenue streams.

Meanwhile, they will keep track of how digital assets that have been exposed are being used. They also check to see if the 3rd-party solutions that use their APIs have a good user experience. They also check to see if their apps retain corporate identity.

Public APIs

External or developer-facing APIs are often referred to as public APIs. Third-party developers can use these APIs as well. You may use the public API software to raise brand awareness. Furthermore, if correctly executed, it helps you to earn additional money.Public APIs can also be divided into two categories: open and commercial.According to the Open API, all of its functions are open to the public and can be used without any restrictions.

It also specifies that the API’s definition and associated documentation must be accessible. It also states that it should be possible to test and build applications for free.When it comes to commercial APIs, users can either pay monthly subscription fees or pay-as-you-go. Free trials are also available from publishers, allowing users to test APIs before purchasing a subscription.

Composite API

Composite APIs are a form of API that combines multiple service and data APIs. They’re made by merging existing API functions that can do several things in one call. This increases the speed of execution while also improving the performance of listeners in web interfaces.

You can Hire JavaScript Developer for part time, full time and scheduled time of period for your business development process. Contact Crest Infotech to know more about JavaScript Development services in Details.

Rakshit Patel

Author ImageI am the Founder of Crest Infotech With over 15 years’ experience in web design, web development, mobile apps development and content marketing. I ensure that we deliver quality website to you which is optimized to improve your business, sales and profits. We create websites that rank at the top of Google and can be easily updated by you.


bi vs excel banner

The Case for Business Intelligence vs. Excel [PART 2]

May 11, 2021By Rakshit Patel

Part two of this series will focus on two processes: Scalability and Indifference.


If you are unable to adjust the size or scale of your Excel reporting capacity, or the processes through which this information is exchanged are unable to deliver a variety of capabilities, it is highly likely that scalability is at the core of the problem. Whenever attempts are made to take Excel reports beyond where they reside (A.K.A. on your desktop, for your eyes only) and share them with dozens of others, scalability (or rather, lack of) rears its ugly head; whether they are internal stakeholders, or external clients and partners who want to ingest knowledge. It becomes much more tedious if the aim is to exchange reports in a professional way, particularly when information is to be provided to these external organizations as an asset, if this process is not already difficult enough. Many businesses monetize their data these days or use reports as a way to verify anything they generate for their clients. Unfortunately, in terms of the degree of professionalism you can like to see when exchanging knowledge with external users, Excel (and even PowerPoint to that extent) simply doesn’t cut it.This is a key explanation why a large portion of our customers have moved from Excel-based reporting to the integration of a framework for business intelligence.

But before we can even start thinking about the complexities surrounding the look and feel of Excel shared reports, we need to go back to the root scalability issue, which is security. Excel’s ability to secure knowledge in a scalable way is the number one challenge with respect to scalability. More precisely, it lacks the ability to extend protection frameworks to various datasets, and a range of different users also exchange and reuse the same reports. Sure, it is possible to clarify the word ‘the’ in Excel (via VBA scripts, other sophisticated mechanisms, various forms of workarounds, etc.), just as it is possible. In Excel, this method is highly dynamic, bound to fail, and just not scalable.


Whoosh! Whoosh! That’s the sound of a weekly email that travels to your garbage bin from your inbox. You know the article I’m talking about-the one that you obviously stopped worrying about and opened just to delete the unread notification. It is indicative of a lack of interest or indifference to your reports if you find yourself referring to this. It’s safe to say that there’s no value you see in them.

In this respect, where Excel comes up short, there are visual design elements in its scarcity. Using strong, highly customizable data visualizations that help them gain useful insights and drive faster decision making, BI allows its users to create pixel-perfect dashboards.

In a dedicated report designer, it is possible to take the same beautiful visualizations associated with dashboards and clearly align them to the reporting needs of the organization. BI is versatile and collaborative enough to allow the development of complex views in a simplified, attractive way, regardless of whether our users want to create multi-page reports or ad-hoc reports.

“If you build it, they will come” also holds true here. A professional, visually friendly design will not only inspire users to open the report, but also to take it more seriously and engage with it to ask additional questions based on observations that can not easily be found in conventional Excel tabular reports.


There are major disadvantages with Excel, considering its crazy success, that a business intelligence solution tackles more appropriately. While spreadsheets work adequately with smaller volume data for simple calculations, it is important to realize that some Excel-based processes are simply better suited to BI.

In this respect, where Excel comes up short, there are visual design elements in its scarcity. Using strong, highly customizable data visualizations that help them gain useful insights and drive faster decision making, BI allows its users to create pixel-perfect dashboards.

If during your daily routines, you have suffered from any of the above processes and are looking to take advantage of the abundance of data at your disposal to make smarter, more educated decisions, we strongly suggest investing time in assessing a solution that provides more than just data exploration.

Rakshit Patel

Author ImageI am the Founder of Crest Infotech With over 15 years’ experience in web design, web development, mobile apps development and content marketing. I ensure that we deliver quality website to you which is optimized to improve your business, sales and profits. We create websites that rank at the top of Google and can be easily updated by you.


case excel banner

The Case for Business Intelligence vs. Excel [PART 1]

May 11, 2021By Rakshit Patel

This is part one of a two-part series on why businesses should consider replacing Excel for more efficient decision making with a Business Intelligence platform.

Undeniably, Excel is the world’s single most popular data analytics tool. I’m not here to refute that, and I’m going to be the first to confess that I’m also a fan of the spread sheet application and find myself regularly using it to organize data (along with 750,000,000+ others).

When organizations collect higher data volumes from a dizzying variety of sources, it is increasingly important to be able to consolidate and interpret the data as rapidly and efficiently as possible. And most businesses transform to Succeed and do so with good reason in order to do so.

Is Excel the right tool for the job, though?

That is the issue of a million dollars. There is no doubt in my mind that for many small data processes (key word being small), such as calculation and basic analysis, Excel spread sheets will work perfectly.

And while many businesses will argue that Excel is an invaluable tool, and say that its implementation is unlimited, all data processes, particularly when it comes to Business Intelligence (BI) and reporting, can simply not hold their own.

The questions about using Excel as the key tool for BI and reporting are well known. Many of these issues derive from the high risks associated with excessive quantities of manual edits, including copy/paste operations, being performed. There are several instances of usage where Excel failed during manual service, perhaps the most notable being when JPMorgan Chase experienced a $6.2 billion loss.

The shortcomings of Excel are simply detailed in much of the discussion between Excel and Business Intelligence solutions. The actual processes commonly conducted in Excel that could be replaced with a Business Intelligence framework for more efficient decision-making are what this article would concentrate on.

We have divided these processes into 4 categories and will take a closer look at how each system manifests itself, as well as the tell tale signs that should cause improvement. In Excel, we will include use cases of these processes, along with information on how they can be streamlined with the Business Intelligence solution from Data Visualization, BI.

Two processes will be the subject of part one of this series: inefficiency and instability.


For the success of any sophisticated data analysis method, fast analytics are crucial. However, if you find yourself spending time connecting, planning, reviewing and delivering data and repeating the same steps over and over again on a daily basis just to simply update your Excel reports, there is a very good risk that your time or money will not be used to the best of your capacity.

And although theoretically the method works, it is inefficient, laborious, and uninspiring (shall I go on?), eventually resulting in manually updating reports wasting time.


If you are dealing with large amounts of data in Excel and have trouble managing your data operation, instability is the most probable culprit. And what we have classified as instability is not a one-dimensional affair, but rather an entity consisting of a plethora of components, each more harmful than the next to your reporting needs.

Many of the challenges you will find or are currently facing with respect to Excel’s inconsistency are rooted in the fact that Excel is a client-side program and is not driven by a server in most cases. It appears to be mostly a desktop program that seeks to manage as much information as is thrown at it.

It works well for small data volumes and small files, but when scaling up to enterprise sizes, it lacks the requisite toolset (more on this later).

Rakshit Patel

Author ImageI am the Founder of Crest Infotech With over 15 years’ experience in web design, web development, mobile apps development and content marketing. I ensure that we deliver quality website to you which is optimized to improve your business, sales and profits. We create websites that rank at the top of Google and can be easily updated by you.


lifi banner

What exactly is Li-Fi and how does it work?

May 10, 2021By Rakshit Patel

A modern form of wireless link that transmits data using light sources rather than microwaves and is 100 times faster than Wi-Fi.

Wi-Fi, the technology that has been a kind of oxygen that enables us to live in an interconnected world since its emergence in the early twentieth century, could be overcome soon.

Although its usage will not go away, it will be moved to the backburner in favour of technological advancement, which will soon bring a new connection system: Li-Fi.

What is Li-Fi technology, exactly?

It’s a new type of wireless link that transmits data using light sources rather than microwaves, hence the name: Light Fidelity in return for Wireless Fidelity.

Thus, simply by putting a transmitter modulator in our home or workplace, LED bulbs can act as a router.

Li-Fi technology vs Wi-Fi technology

At any standard, Li-Fi is a significant improvement over Wi-Fi.

For starters, transmission speeds are up to 100 times higher!

Various technological research centres, such as the renowned German Fraunhofer Institute or the Shanghai Institute of Technical Physics, are already operating with 1 Gbps transfer speeds, with studies suggesting that it could exceed 10 Gbps.

Low-cost and high-efficiency sustainability

But the benefits aren’t just in terms of speed. It is expected that in the not-too-distant future, we will be able to transmit data using solar energy, enabling people who do not have access to the internet or who have limited electricity resources to gain access. The operation of Li-Fi technology will save money because it will reduce the need for electronic equipment such as routers, modems, signal repeaters, wave amplifiers, and antennas in homes and, more significantly, workplaces. These devices, which are currently connected to the power grid 24 hours a day, seven days a week, would cease to consume electricity, and their purpose would be replaced by an LED bulb, which, in most cases, is already on during working hours, and therefore would not incur additional costs.

Anti-theft security

On the other hand, since direct interaction with the LED light beam emitter is needed, computer security is enhanced.

Only devices illuminated by the same light bulb will communicate with one another, preventing attacks or unwanted access from devices outside of our light spectrum. Is this the start of the end of Wi-Fi? A brighter, better, quicker, and more effective solution to optimise our link with the world; is this the start of the end of Wi-Fi?

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Rakshit Patel

Author ImageI am the Founder of Crest Infotech With over 15 years’ experience in web design, web development, mobile apps development and content marketing. I ensure that we deliver quality website to you which is optimized to improve your business, sales and profits. We create websites that rank at the top of Google and can be easily updated by you.


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Is Voice Search the Next Big Travel Technology Trend?

April 22, 2021By Rakshit Patel

There are infinite possibilities for speech technology. As common as ever, Siri and Alexa are. For millions of people, residential voice assistant applications like Google Home and Amazon Echo are a part of everyday life. Voice search technology is here to stay, confirmed by recent figures. And the travel industry took notice of this.

Here’s why Flight Hub and JustFly assume the next big travel technology trend is voice search.

Statistics of voice search technology, According to Google:

The only way to know how impactful voice search really is is data analysis. And why Google? Google is arguably the greatest source of impartial data, with millions of gigabytes of data (and counting). Here’s a shortlist of estimates for speech technology:

  • 52% of speakers that are voice-enabled are installed in living rooms. 25% are in bedrooms and 22% are in kitchens. Currently, to help them cook, 23 percent of adults use voice scan. All right, Siri, how many tablespoons are there in a cup of 1⁄4? ”
  • By 72 percent of people, voice recognition speakers are used every day.
  • 41 percent of voice-enabled speaker owners claim that talking to someone else resembles chatting with their computer.
  • With Google Assistant, over 400 million devices are now compatible.
  • 52 percent of speaker voice-recognition users want promotions and promotional material from their favorite brands to be sent.
  • On all Google mobile devices, voice searches make up 20 per cent of queries.
  • Location-specific voice searches grew by 150% . IE “insert location close to me.“

Teens and Adults Alike Love Voice Search:

55 percent of adolescents and 41 percent of adults use voice search every day, Google reports. They ask to find restaurants on their tablets, look up movie times, and call contacts. Voice commands are often used to seek instructions, get homework assistance, and play music. It’s obvious; equipment lets people more effectively multitask.

Many teens were raised with smartphones as part of their everyday lives.

It’s easy to understand why younger generations are more comfortable using it now that voice search is much more than a trend. With the younger population enjoying voice, voice search will possibly continue to expand as the children of today grow into adolescence and adulthood.

When Is Voice Search Most Often Used?

Teens use voice search for their peers at 57 percent, more than twice as much as their adult counterparts. When in the shower, while watching TV and when working out, teens often use voice search more. Adults, on the other hand, use voice search almost three times more when cooking than teens.

The responses to why individuals use voice search are also becoming more and more diverse. Here is a short synopsis:

  • It’s cool, they think.
  • They want emerging technologies to be early adopters.
  • Sometimes, it is better.
  • It encourages multitasking.
  • This helps to get stuff done as quickly as possible.

How Voice Search Is Changing Travel Technology:

The travel industry is primed to take advantage of the development and use of voice search technology. Impressive results were gathered from a 2018 study report by the Global Digital Traveller. Here are a couple of the most impressive statistics:

  • The number of travelers using voice search during a trip increased from 47 percent to 50 percent between 2017 and 2018 .
  • Voice search is used by over 70% of Chinese and Turkish travelers.
  • In the discovery stage of their journeys, nearly 70% of Indians surveyed use voice search.

Travel companies are on board with voice applications.

The evidence is that travel-friendly, voice-enabled software is being built that is appealing to clients and customers. The beta version of LUCY, a virtual travel assistant, was introduced by FlightHub and JustFly.

In separate deals with Amazon and Alibaba, Marriott Hotels has collaborated to provide intelligent speakers in their hotel rooms.

To provide Smart Displays in many hotel rooms, InterContinental Hotels and Baidu (a Chinese technology giant) have partnered. Digital Concierge Service, a voice application, claims that its “technology saves time for hosts and provides 5-star guest reviews.”

Voice Search Isn’t A Trend. It’s A Revolution:

“Voice search has taken off,” reports Matt Keezer of FlightHub. It’s increasingly changing and integrating into customers’ everyday lives in ways they wouldn’t have dreamed a few short years ago. Adolescents enjoy it. For adults, it makes life simpler.

The opportunities it has to bring can be clearly seen by travel companies.” In other words, the revolution will not be televised, it will be spoken.”

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Rakshit Patel

Author ImageI am the Founder of Crest Infotech With over 15 years’ experience in web design, web development, mobile apps development and content marketing. I ensure that we deliver quality website to you which is optimized to improve your business, sales and profits. We create websites that rank at the top of Google and can be easily updated by you.


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Java Development Errors: Stop These 7 Errors When Creating Java

April 20, 2021By Rakshit Patel

Java has grown in popularity as a programming language for software development. Despite the fact that Java is more common among developers than C or C++, it still has flaws. Here are seven Java programming blunders to watch out for and how to stop them.

Forgetting To Put “Break” In the Code

Forgetting the ‘break’ component of the code can be harmful to your coding,” says Austin Moulden, a software writer at Paper Fellows and an Australian helper. “Because forgetting that part in the code can trigger the programme to write ‘Zero’ followed by ‘One,’ and will go through the entire ‘switch’ sentence before it eventually reaches a ‘break. And then allowing the error to go unnoticed before it causes harm to your code in development. As a consequence, remember to use the “split” keyword whenever it’s required in the code.”

Not Using Closing Curly Braces

Curly braces are used in coding to open and close codes (the and and ). Many developers, particularly newcomers, have a habit of forgetting to close their codes with the closing curly brace. Despite the fact that the compiler and modern IDEs can easily detect this error, programmers must always keep an eye out for missing closing braces.

Leaving The Door Open To Memory Leaks

Just because Java uses automatic memory management, doesn’t mean that it’s perfect when saving memory.

Memory allocations can be vulnerable to memory leaks. The garbage collector can’t get rid of objects if they still have references to them, which is a problem with persistent object references.

These references are made by defining a class that has a static field that contains specific objects. If that field is not set to null after the array is “thrown away,” it will never be retrieved. A memory leak may also refer to a collection of artefacts that refer to each other, creating circular dependencies and perplexing the garbage collector as to whether or not they’re required. Memory leaks may cause artefacts to absorb memory in either case. Use the “pollLast” method to avoid memory leaks by returning the element and removing it from the deque.

Leaving Exceptions Unhandled

Another blunder in Java development is failing to manage exceptions. Although it should be tempting to disregard exceptions, it is preferable to deal with them. Instead of ignoring anomalies, consider the following:

  • Exceptions are thrown again.
  • OR you can add a message to the log.
  • displaying an error message to the customer

These acts warn other developers as to why the exception was not treated.

Confusing (==) For “.equals” When Comparing Something

Despite their apparent resemblance, the == operator and the equals() method are not the same thing.

The == operator explicitly compares two artefacts.
The equals() method makes a semantic comparison between two objects (their data).
Only use the == operator when comparing two items directly. Otherwise, when comparing two items meaningfully, use the equals() form.

Not Parametrizing Generic Types

Since raw types are neither parametrized nor static members of class R, generic types win (in other words, not inherited from the superclass or super-interface of R). Generic programming has enhanced Java to the point that it is parametrized and safe for necessary information not to be accidentally hidden in code since version 1.5. Even though compilers can detect errors in raw types, it’s still a good idea to use standardised types so that anomalies are caught early and the type system isn’t broken.

Disobeying Contracts

Jorja Gilfillan, a business blogger at Essay roo and State of writing, says that contracts for codes – whether from the standard library or from a third-party vendor – are accessible for developers to respond to. “Like something else, developers can obey a set of guidelines when it comes to coding.”

Disobedience of contracts may have beneficial effects on occasion, but it typically has the following negative consequences:

  • Production is jeopardised by erroneous code.
  • UI misbehaviour
  • Inaccurate data reports
  • Loss of data
  • Performance issues with the application

“It’s best to obey contracts to the letter,” Gilfillan adds, “so that nothing within the code is jeopardised.” Even if some errors seem to be harmless at first sight, don’t let them get the best of you.”

Like every other programming language Java, has advantages and disadvantages.

Your best bet is to recognise and correct any Java development errors in your code as soon as possible so that it can run smoothly.

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Rakshit Patel

Author ImageI am the Founder of Crest Infotech With over 15 years’ experience in web design, web development, mobile apps development and content marketing. I ensure that we deliver quality website to you which is optimized to improve your business, sales and profits. We create websites that rank at the top of Google and can be easily updated by you.