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How to write Cover Letters

March 14, 2018By Rakshit Patel

As we know bidding portals like up work, PPH and Guru are playing a vital role for the IT individuals and companies. so every business developer thinks How to write Cover Letters?


Here I, love to share my own view and experience.

The key factor is the cover letters we are using. Nowadays no-one is interested to know your life stories so be practical and write about the need!

Trying to understand the client from his job description, it’s not race who will be the first to apply. If the client is enough mature than he will take a look at each proposal.

One should observe and find out below from the job description first.

  • Client is technical or non-technical
  • You can also judge his/her envision of the project from the description


Cover letters must be filled with the technical terms and you need to show your maturity and experience level by this not by writing 7+ year experience in Web and Mobile App Development or 10+ year experience as PHP Developer. Try to focus on the job description and explain each point in technical terms rather then giving you own introduction.

Furthermore, your questions should not be either of below in front of the technical clients.

  • Did you purchase the domain name and hosting server?
  • What’s the deadline for this project?
  • Do you have a project plan or wire frame?
  • In which technology you want to build this website/mobile app?

He/She is a technical person and must be aware of all those things if he/she completed this thing then you can find it in the job description. If they have not mentioned the above details in job description, you can come up with your suggestions wherever needed.

Your questions must be related to development flow, agility, technical possibilities and logical tweaks in his/her project!


You’ve to show your experience/resource strength in the numbers because he/she might not be aware of the technical vocabularies. We can suggest hosting server, domain name and required technology stack but our language must be normal so he/she can find the comfort to talk with you!

We need to ask the questions which includes in his/her knowledge area. Don’t confuse him/her with the wrong information. “You’re not alone” keep this thing in mind! Moreover, you should always provide genuine time and cost.



  • Don’t make fake promises in proposals which you can’t do.
  • Don’t share fake portfolio.
  • Always choose transparency in conversation.
  • You’re an educated developer so take care of your value and respects in writing
  • If someone wants to make the things and you’re not capable of doing that then don’t bid!! As simple as that!

Rakshit Patel

Author ImageI am the Founder of Crest Infotech With over 15 years’ experience in web design, web development, mobile apps development and content marketing. I ensure that we deliver quality website to you which is optimized to improve your business, sales and profits. We create websites that rank at the top of Google and can be easily updated by you.


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Importance of UI/UX for successful app development

March 13, 2018By Rakshit Patel

Ever thought why the G and g in Google are blue and o and e, red? Or why does Facebook have a white ‘f’ embedded in a blue square for its logo? that’s where the Importance of UI/UX for successful app development comes. It is purely UI. It has been found that people often confuse UX with UI and I am not surprised.


For those who don’t understand the technicalities of a good design, UI or user interface makes the interface beautiful. It is more art than technology as it concerns with the simplest yet the most impact of things like widgets, animations, choice of colors, the spacing between fonts, type of fonts, style of buttons, click/tap behavior and much more.

UX is more like a byproduct of UI. Without a good UI, the UX will rank much less in terms of user satisfaction. In simple words, UX or user experience as we call it is the process of enhancing user satisfaction and improve various factors like accessibility, usability, and comfort or ease of usage.

The balance of a flawless UI and an easy UX is fundamental to any good UI/UX design agency. It is, therefore, necessary to have both, sound knowledge about the design process of an app and mindfulness about the desires of the end users. It should not only be good but also ‘look’ good.

The statement can be explained by drawing gastronomical references. A customer in a restaurant will truly enjoy its meal only if it is not only good in taste and texture but also aesthetically pleasing.

A well-presented dish increases the desire to eat it, manifolds, a great UX does the same with the UI. Users are more likely to use your app if it ‘looks’ good. It is only after checking out its looks and aesthetics that the user is going to download an app. Hence UX must never be underestimated. It is for the same reason that apps with great features and excellent functionality don’t get the due share it has anticipated. A good UI/UX design agency understands the importance of a great functionality and attractive design.


Talking about user downloads with a great UX, the chances of users downloading an app increases by a considerable percentage. However, the chances that a user will delete it if it doesn’t serve its functionality and has drab features are greater. You sure might dig in if the food looks good and pleases your olfactory senses. However, you won’t savor it till the last bite, and/or quit eating if it tastes bad, is uncooked, or stale.


UI and UX work in harmony and for successful app development, one requires a good UI/UX design company. A neat and simple design facilitates seamless completion of user tasks. A good UX makes the interaction of the user with the screen, rather smooth and maintains a logical and hassle-free flow from one sequence to another. With a great UI, the user can proceed through tasks and screens smoothly.

The idea is to serve the functionality with minimum clicks. Thus, to make a successful app it is mandatory to have excellent UI/UX features.

Crest Infotech is a leading UI/UX design company that creates engaging and alluring designs and functionalities for maximum user interaction that is seamless and smooth. Call us or drop a mail for further details.

Rakshit Patel

Author ImageI am the Founder of Crest Infotech With over 15 years’ experience in web design, web development, mobile apps development and content marketing. I ensure that we deliver quality website to you which is optimized to improve your business, sales and profits. We create websites that rank at the top of Google and can be easily updated by you.


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The Ideal Home Page

March 13, 2018By Rakshit Patel

We had always been looking for the perfect idea for The Ideal Home Page and yes eventually contemplating on it we get one. The perfect idea and the really good one. Like for the one you had been waiting all time to come up with and so the times comes and the idea is good so you’re going to be a rock star.


As soon as we plan to digitalized our idea through a website, we really a need a something groundbreaking which can actually bring our idea to life. The best way to conceptualize our contemplation, bring our illustration in such a creative and beautiful manner that not just you but even the world should embrace it.

And so when you get the idea and bringing it on to the website you just buzz around internet spending hours on or Template Monster or any other website that offers thousands of WordPress themes. However, these Hours are actually worthy of it which you dedicate looking to it.

You’ve found the most amazing and creative WordPress theme to give wings to your idea and then your idea is been prepared for the flight.


  • Unlimited colors and fonts
  • Built-in page builders
  • Shortcodes aplenty
  • Seven different sliders
  • Megamenus
  • Portfolios
  • Shopping carts
  • Forums
  • Landing pages
  • Pop up boxes

So now you had been moved for a great off. You with your theme are going to fantabulous things together. And trust me you are going to do the great things because the theme comes with plenty of amazing stuff to look after.

The Awful part is it’s not that easy we were thinking. Maybe it looks like you are moving ahead but instead, you are jumping ahead. Like theme is the path to get over your visions but its just not the starting point but a final destination.


In every website, Homepage creates the first impression. Furthermore, it directly tells the story of what you actually want to deliver. You need to make sure what you want to deliver and what you are delivering is really catchy to as to the visitors. It is the welcoming page of your site, so it is important to how you welcome your guests and by giving them what!

You have to define the things you haven’t defined. However, you can’t just jump directly to the design without first thinking about your story. The trust which you need to build in that particular direction.


Let’s start it with a clear view and a proper plan. Not just jumping to the theme, design and other more options to decorate the site but a proper strategy and execution. Let’s then start with what it looks like for you, like how you see it and what you actually want to deliver.

As the proper plan and step by step execution would lead it into something great as you had visions about. The following things can make your site come true as per your visions.

  • Brand exposure
  • Subscribers
  • Leads
  • Warm prospects
  • Actual sales

Focus on your target audience and what you want to deliver to them. Moreover, ask few questions to yourself and note it down in the Notepad. Read it again and again so you can crack the really important stuff for the site from your own evaluation.

  • Who is your target market?
  • How can you help them solve these issues?
  • What service, product, or content can provide a solution?
  • How can they reach to you?
  • Can you provide social proof?
  • What content can you offer as additional information?
  • How can visitors convert into a subscriber, lead or sale?

And once you make the above questions answerable than the step by step execution is actually executing.



Have you ever lost in a big shopping center? looking for branded outfits you just went to the shoe shop? did you ever got confused by such things!!

These situations shouldn’t come to the site it should be as specific and understandable to the visitor that there should be no confusion at all. Furthermore, we need proper guidance and direction to get off from the lost path the same way should be our website simple and well guided.

  • Create a Wire frame
  • Match your Wire frame to WordPress Theme

Thus these are few basic points we should keep in mind at the time setting wings to our dreams and should the best Ideal Home page.

Rakshit Patel

Author ImageI am the Founder of Crest Infotech With over 15 years’ experience in web design, web development, mobile apps development and content marketing. I ensure that we deliver quality website to you which is optimized to improve your business, sales and profits. We create websites that rank at the top of Google and can be easily updated by you.


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Why India is best country for Outsourcing

March 12, 2018By Rakshit Patel

Whatever the span of your business, outsourcing a few errands to a contractual worker in another nation could enable your business to develop. Why India is the best country for Outsourcing? India is one of the biggest goals for outsourcing errands for American organizations. Programming advancement and other IT assignments, back-office administration, client benefit, information passage, and call focus administrations are only a couple of cases.


Regardless of whether you’re hoping to develop your business, or you simply need to streamline your activities to work as cost-viably as could reasonably be expected, outsourcing has something for you. Here are the principle favorable circumstances.


On the off chance that your private company has become throughout the years. You may end up managing new errands that remove consideration from your business’ center exercises. Outsource these to experts in India and focus on things you can do best.


With the quick changes of the present business condition, it’s relatively difficult to anticipate your staffing needs, notwithstanding for years to come. In the event that you keep staff for your center exercises and outsource extra undertakings. When they happen, your business is as adaptable as could reasonably be expected. This additionally averts a minute ago employing and terminating sessions, should the financial condition change.


Outsourcing firms in India utilize knowledgeable, skilled English-talking experts who can begin working for you inside hours of marking the essential printed material. Regardless of whether for two weeks or an entire year, the length of outsourcing is customizable as per your necessities.


Utilizing individuals costs a ton of cash, particularly in the US. However, a gifted IT expert may require a time-based compensation of $50 or more. By differentiate: time-based compensations for IT proficient in India begin at $15.



Outsourcing firms are generally situated in innovative centers of India. Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Mumbai and Hyderabad all brag best in class innovation that takes into consideration greatest quality administrations.


Regardless of whether you need to outsource a solitary undertaking or crafted by an entire office, you can locate the correct arrangement. You may connect with an Indian consultant who could work for you seaward or contract an outsourcing firm that will modify its administrations to your particular needs. Furthermore, everything costs a small amount of what you’d pay for administrations nearer to home.

So what are you waiting for! Contact Crest Infotech Now.

Rakshit Patel

Author ImageI am the Founder of Crest Infotech With over 15 years’ experience in web design, web development, mobile apps development and content marketing. I ensure that we deliver quality website to you which is optimized to improve your business, sales and profits. We create websites that rank at the top of Google and can be easily updated by you.


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ReactJS Vs AngularJS Vs VueJS

March 12, 2018By Rakshit Patel

JavaScript is a high level interpreted programming language. It’s one of those languages that never stop evolving. It has its own ecosystem libraries, frameworks, tools, package managers and new languages that compile down to JavaScript. I will talk about ReactJS Vs AngularJS Vs VueJS, so one can choose appropriate according to their requirement.


Front-end developers promote a variety of tools and as we know every developer has his own preference in terms of methods of working and using programming languages. That is why the responsible decision to choose what is best to justify his aim or accomplished mission.

Nowadays there are basically popular frameworks that are highly valued by most of the developers – React.JS.

At the end of 2016, the JavaScript willing to promote a new framework. Angular users were the very unsatisfied basic reason is it is good for Single Page Application (SPA) but with many interactive elements for many pages, it becomes slow as well third-party integration become a little bit complex.


The aim of React is to provide reliability, scalability, and simplicity.


A big difference between React and Angular is one way vs two-way binding. Angular’s two-way binding changes the model state when you update the UI element. React prefers one way: it updates the model first and then renders the UI elements. Angular’s method is cleaner in the code. React’s way results in better data overview because the data only flows in one direction which makes debugging easier and faster.

React handles only “view” layer, which means that the business logic is decoupled and can be implemented in any way. So it in simple term it keeps data in sync to virtual DOM without having to do anything.


VueJS was built with an intention to organize and simplify web development. Vue was introduced to be incrementally adaptable and it can function as a framework capable of powering one-page websites.

VueJS is a progressive lightweight JavaScript framework so developers can easily pick up it very easily due to its simplicity and clarity it is faster than React. It has owned special ability to handle higher frames rates is 10 frames per second as compared to 1 frame per second typical for reacting that makes its better choice compare to react for small application or apps involving animation.

But react is successful to win the heart of customers. React JS is over four times higher than VueJS showing that the interest in React has been growing much faster. React is the first library to pass Jquery in popularity in a decade.


Like VueJS it also utilizes virtual DOM which includes a set of libraries and algorithms that directly proportional to the improve front-end performance by avoiding work with heavy component DOM.

But the thing is what is actually the concept of virtual DOM and how it impacts on the speed of Application.


DOM is a programming interface for HTML or XML which provides a structured way to present a document. DOM represents documents in a logical manner (i.e., in a tree structure).

A solution for expensive DOM manipulations is pronouns as a Virtual DOM or V-DOM. Which is a lightweight representation of the real DOM? We can count that virtual DOM as React’s local and simplified copy of the HTML DOM.

To improve the efficiency of Application V-DOM operates on a special algorithm known as Diff Algorithm for making a comparison which takes few milliseconds compare to Real DOM.

Virtual DOM is about avoiding unnecessary changes to the DOM, which are expensive performance wise. Because changes to the DOM usually cause re-rendering of the page. The idea of re-rendering the entire DOM result is an easy to comprehended development model: instead of the developer keeping track of all DOM state changes.


This is where React comes in to play. React solves the drawback of many front-end libraries/frameworks in the community and provides an elegant way to create JavaScript-driven web applications.

Rakshit Patel

Author ImageI am the Founder of Crest Infotech With over 15 years’ experience in web design, web development, mobile apps development and content marketing. I ensure that we deliver quality website to you which is optimized to improve your business, sales and profits. We create websites that rank at the top of Google and can be easily updated by you.


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How/Why To Invest in “CREST INFOTECH”

March 12, 2018By Rakshit Patel

Today I will talk about How/Why To Invest in “CREST INFOTECH”. Management insight is key to being able to pinpoint the talent you have and knowing what you need to do to develop it. Furthermore, Gathering accurate information about staff is vital to developing the talent intelligence you need to support your wider goals. Up-to-date information on all aspects of the workforce’s experience, ambitions and performance levels should be captured as part of daily management tasks.


  • Check the website:
  • Company’s Services video for more:
  • Analyze Crest Infotech website check the possibilities of your requirement.
  • Highly dedicated employees with 7+ years.
  • Guaranteed with delivery on time, and in your Budget.
  • Regular in contact with clients and Updates.

Companies looking to grow should not shy away from adopting new, emerging technologies. The history of technology is the history of the invention of tools and techniques and is similar to other sides of the history of humanity.

Technology can refer to methods ranging from as simple as language and stone tools to the complex genetic engineering and information technology that has emerged since the 1980s.


Some IT folks work behind the scenes to make sure that all the information systems we take for granted run smoothly. These are database, network and systems administrators.

Also, others help design these information systems according to an organization’s needs. These are database, network and systems analysts.

Moreover, others help develop hardware and software to make these systems more robust, reliable and secure. These are hardware and software engineers.

Still, others make sure that this information is presented to the user in a clear, useful, dynamic way. These are Web developers and designers.


  1. Analysis – Understanding the clients clearly requirements and possibilities stuffs to move forward.
  2. Wire framing. – After analysts next step will be documentation of process of development like SRS.
  3. Designing. – Completion of documentation/SRS there will be designing app with HTML, CSS and Scratch with other tools.
  4. Development. – After the PSD -> HTML the main part of development starts which we can say main coding part like Logical tweaks, validations, cross platforms, responsive app, APIs integrations, AWS managing, with clear code.
  5. Testing. – As we know in any developing things after the development there will be an testing part which we say in simple words “checking the things working properly or not”. – Same as after the completion of coding/developing an testing is done with QA(Quality assurance), running the application before launching, Bug fixing, etc.
  6. Maintenance. – CREST provides some FREE maintenance T&C* in benefits to clients.
  7. As like we at home maintain our foods, vehicles, clothing sense, furniture, with regular updates with time duration same as in application also we have to maintain our app in a regular basis.

There are different types of apps which need maintenance in weeks, months, quarterly, or yearly. So CREST provides every type of maintenance with deep dive.


“Customer Satisfaction is our satisfaction” now this type of quotes we have heard many times and all this are like philosophy bla bla bla….

But we are not that type of philosopher on which bird shits. One can never get the proper knowledge when he/she experience on it. People believe on that which they see with their eyes and we are that clients eye, seeing their vision/ dream which they want to make real.

In Conclusion, collaborating with clients is the best and initial step toward good business relation.


  • Team Building
  • Client Vision
  • Goal setting
  • Understanding Changes
  • Conflict Awareness
  • Receiving Feedbacks
  • Develop Expectation
  • Budget Range
  • Good Communication
  • Learn to Listen

“Bad collaboration is worse than no collaboration.” — Morten T Hansen


Security is a fungible, negotiable financial instrument that holds some type of monetary value. Furthermore, it represents an ownership position in a public- traded corporation, a creditor relationship with a governmental body or a corporation (represented by owning that entity’s bond), or rights to ownership as represented by an option.

Security comes in…:

  • Corporate Bonds/NDA.
  • ROI(Return on Investment).
  • Trustful Money Transfer.
  • Smart Decision.
  • Data Security And Cloud Computing.
  • Encryption Code.
  • Network Security.

Rakshit Patel

Author ImageI am the Founder of Crest Infotech With over 15 years’ experience in web design, web development, mobile apps development and content marketing. I ensure that we deliver quality website to you which is optimized to improve your business, sales and profits. We create websites that rank at the top of Google and can be easily updated by you.


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Mobile Apps Trends 2018: Future of Mobile App Development

March 10, 2018By Rakshit Patel

Wishing everyone a successful 2018. hope you all are ready for the challenges and opportunities that 2018 is going to bring. In 2017 We already Discuss Mobile Applications Trends 2017. Let’s discuss Mobile Apps Trends 2018: Future of Mobile App Development


In recent years Mobile application development has become a Growing industry. 2017 was an outstanding year for app development with some new Technology and trends. It will continue into next year. Mobile application development is the most actively flourishing sectors in the industry. Mobile Device is the best way to meet client requests and increase sales.

According to reports, Mobile Apps Trends Number of apps downloaded worldwide in 2016 was 149.3 billion. In 2017 that number jumps to 197 billion. moreover, 2021 is projected to rise to more than 352 billion. Users not only interested in Free apps they are also showing good interest in paid apps also. According to reports, the paid apps downloaded in the year of 2011 was 2.89 billion. In 2016-17 was 14.78 billion. You see the Difference? In 2018 that number is likely to grow.

Analysis reports show that from $69.7 billion in 2015. App revenues will hit almost $189 billion in 2020. As the mobile app universe keeps on Growing. In 2018 will see several changes in the overall ecosystem. Older technologies will be eliminated and New markets will be created. In future mobile Apps will become faster, smoother, secure. Prepare yourself to experience some new things that you haven’t seen last year.

Mobile apps trends keep changing based on user needs. Below listed are a few trends that are expected to dominate the market this year.


As we can see more and more applications focusing on security. Most of the applications first priority is Security. Importance of Security of applications to increase in near future. Because of confidential and personal data that every application carries, the most challenging issue of mobile applications is the Security of mobile applications. Every Smartphone and the applications we use for daily basis can hold everything from Personal Information. like Photos, Financial details, in some of the cases even our fingerprints.


Augmented Reality has shown great positive signs in recent times for successful future. If you remember the craziness of people for Pokemon Go in past years. As users have shown great interest, this technology is gaining more and more popularity. We show a great rise in Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality. In the future market, there will be more growth in both AR and VR technology. Both the technologies will continue to experience application development trends in 2018 and in future as well


As Mobile Apps Trends keep changing. In future, two technologies will change the way mobile apps are developed first one is the Internet of Things (IoT). The other one is Wearable devices. Right now users don’t have any option to install any kind of applications directly on their wearable devices. Wearable and IoT devices are for consumers and for business. as well both will need applications to Manage, collect information, Analyze data.



AI will have a major impact in 2018 and mobile applications will lead the way. Day to day uses of AI in Applications is already bringing major changes and updating the way we look at the Mobile app industry. Artificial Intelligence (AI) in mobile apps is already covered most of the market for Mobile application.


There will be a huge demand to build secure mobile wallets which will give complete protection and security to your mobile wallet. To get more and more benefits in future of mobile payments and wallets. Some of the brands are already working on what consumers actually looking for and what problems they are phasing.


As we can see the increasing demand for cloud-based applications, there will be more Cloud-based apps in future. When you install an application it’s obvious it will be used for multipurpose. Lots of useful data in you Smartphone memory also information stored in other apps consume a huge amount of space. Lots of smartphone users phase this problem. But with the help of Cloud Technology, now we have an option which will enable the users to save all the useful information in a dedicated cloud.


Compared to hybrid apps, native apps are expensive and time-consuming to develop. Where Hybrid apps are much faster and easy option for app developers. Furthermore, Most of the Businesses are now moving towards more comprehensive options and showing their interest in hybrids mobile applications. In the future, we will see the huge demand for Hybrid applications.

Mobile applications have made a great contribution to a lot of successful businesses as well as different industries. moreover, Mobil apps have now become a necessity as it increases usability, increasing sales and fulfill customer’s needs and requirements.

Applications will become more intelligent like speech recognition and face detection. Apps will recognize your emotions. We are looking forward to new innovations and implementation in 2018. The upcoming year will become a year of growth for businesses and organizations, Developers and Mobile applications. Hence, Active developers always watch out for any unexpected changes in mobile app trends.

Rakshit Patel

Author ImageI am the Founder of Crest Infotech With over 15 years’ experience in web design, web development, mobile apps development and content marketing. I ensure that we deliver quality website to you which is optimized to improve your business, sales and profits. We create websites that rank at the top of Google and can be easily updated by you.


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2d/3d rendering and interaction with the WebGL APIs

March 10, 2018By Rakshit Patel

What’s 2d/3d rendering and interaction with the WebGL APIs? It’s a Javascript API for rendering interactive 2d and 3d graphics on any compatible browser. Here I want to put an example so we can understand it in simple language.


Just Imagine; Any real estate giant wants to sell their plots online and his/her condition is to sell it in a unique way.


We can suggest him/her sell it; via 3d graphics and put your 3d maps of plots on your website of. However, he/she might ask a question to you I can’t develop 3d map every time!

Yeah!! here is a solution 3d map and the 2d to 3d conversation both are possible by the huge sets of APIs provided by WebGL.

So he just has to upload simple 2d plan and his/her aim of the 3d map will be fulfilled by your coding and the help of APIs of WebGL.


They can buy selected plots from the 3d map after that using reformation API of WebGL and your logic; Map automatically changes its shape and measurement.

From above example, you can see the user can feel the magic in the purchase but it’s not magic its a point to point and line to line coding of that Map these APIs are only responsible for its rendering.


So I think now we can understand its importance.

You can find the list of APIs in below link.


Yeah, it works for different kind of actions like rendering, transformation, orthographic and isometric. Learning is a fun and 2D/3D representation in websites is a magic. But it’s not easy without WebGL coz it’s too difficult to achieve the views and its action only with HTML(canvas).

Rakshit Patel

Author ImageI am the Founder of Crest Infotech With over 15 years’ experience in web design, web development, mobile apps development and content marketing. I ensure that we deliver quality website to you which is optimized to improve your business, sales and profits. We create websites that rank at the top of Google and can be easily updated by you.


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How UX can be so important

March 09, 2018By Rakshit Patel

Here in Crest Infotech what we couldn’t resist telling is about UX, How UX can be so important. We love to discuss it as it’s the development the real schema which yields a brilliant solution.

UX is all about understanding the user’s goal the actual terminology to see what specifically the user needs with creating an interface that should be extensively creative and simple to use.


Talking about UX all I remember is like we are into an almost third decade of the internet and the field is going crazy about UX. Maybe the schema is really just not holding the market. However, it is a valuable asset as well all in technical ways.


As even for UX is not new, the word is an old long journey around Leonardo Da Vinci time 1430 just the old concept with a new name.

UX characteristics came more along the 80s when more people started using the personal computers and the internet followed it later.

It was Don Norman and Apple hired him in 1995. The company’s design and usability renaissance began shortly after in 1998 when it released the first iMac.


And as soon as the iMac trend came more familiar it was the actual ground setting down for UX which actually got the real face nine years later when iPhone was released.

I hope everyone would be remembering how powerful the phone was designed. Smartphones had been around for years as specialized tools but their UX presented high barriers to entry. With the iPhone, people actually could understand what smartphone can do.


Likewise, many of might think in such a way something about branding should what UX looks like. However, I would say UX isn’t branding or just graphic designs but its something which includes these things.

Not just about including but also about how it “works”. You should anticipate what user can feel or how he would feel at the time of using your product. What exactly it would make them react at the time using the product.


It’s much more than interact design and visual appeal. Like, you would hardly get lost in a crowded vegetable market but you would surely get lost in a fascinating casino, and that’s the interior beauty of UX design in practice.

You are playing a game and you probably you know all of its control maybe that’s interface UX design in practice. UX really is…

As I told you UX is nothing new about the concept but something which encompasses a lot of things. UX works by anticipating and facilitating the path a user will take through a digital tool, application or website.

It understands and considers what their goal is and then works backward to make it achieve in a simple way. User experience is not been subjected to an individual’s perception but a broad concept of creative imagination. So now when you met with something inst working in your phone’s application it wasn’t an accidental problem but maybe UX not working

Rakshit Patel

Author ImageI am the Founder of Crest Infotech With over 15 years’ experience in web design, web development, mobile apps development and content marketing. I ensure that we deliver quality website to you which is optimized to improve your business, sales and profits. We create websites that rank at the top of Google and can be easily updated by you.


your guide to best iWatch app development company

Your guide to the best iWatch app development company

March 09, 2018By Rakshit Patel

When it comes to Apple, the technology is ought to be versatile. Apple recently launched the latest Apple watch 3 with enhanced features, upgradations, and smooth functionalities. Here is your guide to the best iWatch app development company.


It has especially taken a great leap in the health industry, music app industry, and mobile connectivity. With apple watch 3 being able to make and receive calls from your wrist without the handset. Furthermore, it will allow you to view text messages and emails. Also, it enables you to listen to your favorite music. Hence, the Apple watch market has seen considerable growth in customers.

With all these functionalities that it offers, companies are marching towards hiring an iWatch app development company to get apps that are compatible with iWatch.

Top companies vouch about creating the best app for your business. However, it is often found that most of them don’t do justice to your business. The app is nothing but drab, which does no good, neither to the users nor to the business.

Crest Infotech is a leading iWatch app development company in India and USA providing impeccable services across the globe. For years, our developers and designers have crafted outstanding apps that does justice to a business.


Our work doesn’t end here. We help you with the approval of your iWatch on the Apple app store. Your app is made strictly adhering to the guidelines that are meant specifically for Apple watch apps.

While you create an app, you should keep in mind the size of the apple watch. We provide the best seamless interaction between the user and the app on apple watch. Our team at Crest Infotech always stays ahead in trends and we create an app keeping in mind the latest upgradation in the Apple watch series.

Our development capabilities give you a smooth penetration into the watch market. Having worked in several industries, we understand that different businesses have different requirements.

Scaling a wide spectrum of industry verticals, Crest infotech is crusading at a fast speed covering fashion, e-commerce, healthcare, retail, education, travel, information technology and start-ups. To stay on the leading edge of the apple phone market, businesses are quickly realizing the importance of penetrating into this exciting segment.


Our company in India and USA have developed the skillset, resources, and infrastructure that meets the demands of iWatch app development needs. Moreover, our endeavor to help you with gaining a substantial position in the niche market of apps for apple watches have gained many businesses across the globe and established them as a strong force in the watch app development market.

With smartwatches being manufactured by giants like a fossil, Titan, Sony Ericson, Armani and MichealKors, we are slowly expanding our expertise in developing seamless watch apps that are compatible with smartwatches universally.

Help us provide you with a smooth penetration in the promising market of watch apps.

Rakshit Patel

Author ImageI am the Founder of Crest Infotech With over 15 years’ experience in web design, web development, mobile apps development and content marketing. I ensure that we deliver quality website to you which is optimized to improve your business, sales and profits. We create websites that rank at the top of Google and can be easily updated by you.