Makeover Web Development With an Artificial Intelligence

Makeover Web Development With an Artificial Intelligence

February 26, 2018By Rakshit Patel

The Web is an ever-changing world so Makeover Web Development With an Artificial Intelligence is a very important now a days. In this trending world end user expect smarter applications with self-learning capabilities and hyper-customized user experience. So this poses a major challenge for developers: How do they design websites that deliver new and personalized content every time?

Traditional approaches for developmental can be problematic. Building basic layouts and designing the website alone takes time. Moreover, Forget customization for dynamic content. Parallel testing is tedious task becomes for some time.


Automation the Web Development process, starting with the more structured, repetitive and clearly defined tasks, can help developers pay less attention to cumbersome details and focus on the more value-adding aspects of development such as formulating design strategy, planning the ultimate user experience and other such activities.

Artificial intelligence can help not just with this kind of intelligent automation, but also help do a lot more-form assisting with design conceptualization, website implementation to web analytics.


Let’s look at some ways in which AI is transforming web development.


Using an AI-powered chatbot or voice assistant, for instance, one can automate the process of collecting client requirements and end-user stories without human intervention.

In addition to this, is one such platform which empowers decision makers with insights they need to drive business outcomes within data-driven analytics.


Designing basic layout and templates of web pages is a tedious job for all developers. AI tools such as virtual assistants like The Grid’s Molly can help here by simplifying the design process.

Hence, The question entry form is the best form to extract knowledge from users. AI Assistants can create personalized content with the exact combination of branding, layout, design, and content required by that user.

Hence, Developers now need only to focus on training a machine to think.


AI programs can perform basic tasks like updating and adding records to a database, predict which bits of code are most likely to be used to solve a problem. The smarter the design and more comprehensive the training, the better the result these systems produce.



AI algorithms can help an application test itself, with little or no human input. Moreover, they can predict the key parameters of software testing processes based on historical data. They can also detect failure patterns and amplify failure prediction at a much higher efficiency than traditional QA Approaches.


In terms of creating fake reviews, it is well known as ‘Astroturf’ and it’s widespread across many sites and service. Furthermore, Astroturf is the practice of creating or disseminating a false or deceptive review that a reasonable customer would believe to be a trusted.


An important aspect of SEO is making your Website easy for both users and search engine robots to understand.

Market Brew is one such Artificial Intelligent SEO platform which uses AI to help developers react and plan the content for their websites in ways that search engines might perceive them.


Artificial Intelligence has found its way into everything imaginable. Within web development, this translates to automated to automated web design, intelligent application development, highly proficient recommendation engines and many more.

Rakshit Patel

Author ImageI am the Founder of Crest Infotech With over 15 years’ experience in web design, web development, mobile apps development and content marketing. I ensure that we deliver quality website to you which is optimized to improve your business, sales and profits. We create websites that rank at the top of Google and can be easily updated by you.


Blockchain Future of Cryptocurrencies

Blockchain – Future of Cryptocurrencies

February 26, 2018By Rakshit Patel

People keep asking me What is Bitcoin? Since Bitcoin is just a type of cryptocurrency and since cryptocurrency is just a type of Blockchain – Future of Cryptocurrencies technology, let me first explain to you what is blockchain technology.


Consider a group of 100 people stuck on an island and no way to get out of this island. Now think of these people living happily in this island but with a problem. They don’t have a currency to exchange stuff. One solution is to decide a leader of this community and give him the power to create a currency. Thus leader can create currency. He can distribute and can regulate also. But in future, they may lose trust in him and they have to come up with another idea.

Now they came up with an innovative Idea which does not require any central authority. Something like not central but distributed. They created an infinite length of a piece of paper. Initially, they decided that each of us has 100Rs. So each of them wrote 100Rs against their name on that paper. Something like this.

Bhoomi : 100Rs – Time: 02/11/2017 : 10:15:12

Keyur : 100Rs – TIme: 02/11/2017 : 10:15:12

Ravi : 100Rs – Time: 02/11/2017 : 10:15:12

And so on up to 100, since there are 100 people on this island.

Now if Ravi wants to receive 20Rs from Bhoomi, he has to write that transaction on this list. Something like this:

Bhoomi to Ravi : 20Rs – Current Balance: 80Rs -Time: 02/11/2017:10:16:00 Ravi : 120Rs – Time: 02/11/2017:10:16:00

This way, now onward, if anyone makes a transaction then he has to put that transaction on that list. Thus, In future, bhumi can’t do a transaction of more than 80Rs and Ravi cant spends more than 120Rs until he or she does not receive extra money in future transactions from someone.

This idea seems good. No central authority. But there is a problem with this idea. How to maintain this list? People could be dishonest. Who stopped them from putting wrong transactions on that list.?



Satoshi Nakamoto – the developer of BITCOIN – came up with an innovative solution to this problem – the problem of maintaining this long, forever growing list of transactions. In the real world, the infinite length of a paper is not possible. In the age of fast computers and fast Internet and highly secure cryptography, we don’t need a paper also. Satoshi Nakamoto published a paper named Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System in which he suggested an algorithm.

Let me explain you the algorithm in easy words. I will try that anyone can understand it without any advance knowledge in mathematics or computer science. According to this algorithm, when one does a transaction, he has to broadcast it on internet. Now there are miners on internet who mines bitcoins. I said earlier in this article that initially everyone gets some money.

In cryptocurrency like bitcoin, coins go to miners. No one gets coins for free. To know more about mining click here. And here is the link of some of biggest miners. These miners listen this broadcasts coming from all the directions. Thousands of transactions every minute. They create a block of transactions that they listen. They give serial numbers to each block. Thus a chain of blocks which keep increasing with time.

As soon as a new block is created, they use their computation power on that block and try to find a number which is called hash number of that block. The more computing power you have, more the probability that you will find that hash number. One who finds this number first, algorithm rewards him few Bitcoins. Here is a good article on one of the biggest mining company in China.

Few years before this amount was 50 BITCOIN.Then 25 BITCOIN. Today this amount is 12.5 BITCOIN. After few years, it will be half of 12.5 bitcoin which is 6.25. Who decides this number? If you have basic knowledge of school-level mathematics then I would strongly suggest this video which explains beautifully the fundamentals of cryptocurrency in less than 30 minutes.

And this is how Cryptocurrency works ???? This way we can make the concept of currency decentralized. No central authority.


Look at below points:
  • Countries devalue their currency so than import goes low and export goes high.
  • Few months before, reserve bank of India demonetized 500Rs and 1000Rs notes.
  • Few days before there was a fraud of about Rs10,000Crore in PNB bank
  • If my friend from the US wants to send me 100 dollars here in India than a good chunk is lost in between and I get quite less than 100. And it takes few days in some cases.
  • If a criminal want to accept money for his criminal activity that he wants anonymity in transactions.

Cryptocurrency eliminates all of above. Thus It has pros as well as cons like all other technologies. People in the research community of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology think that invention of Blockchain is similar to the invention of electricity in the 18th century. It will bring a huge change in human society. Cryptocurrency is just one application of Blockchain Technology. Do you want to know what are other possible application??? Then have a look at this Ted Talk on youtube. It is less than 15 minutes long.

Rakshit Patel

Author ImageI am the Founder of Crest Infotech With over 15 years’ experience in web design, web development, mobile apps development and content marketing. I ensure that we deliver quality website to you which is optimized to improve your business, sales and profits. We create websites that rank at the top of Google and can be easily updated by you.


Top 10 PHP Tips for Developers Banner

Top 10 PHP Tips for Developers

February 24, 2018By Rakshit Patel

Today I come up with Top 10 PHP Tips for Developers that you need to keep in mind. If you are Php Developer it will be much helpful read it carefully and implement all of it in your coding.


In the event that you are an accomplished PHP Developer, you may know few of them. Be that as it may, I emphatically counsel you to experience this one as it may help you for your better future.


OOP is simple, fast and easier to debug, uses less code, fewer server resources, faster loading and more logical to work with once you figure out the basic principles. OOP is a technique for programming with utilization of Objects or classes, which entwine things, expel requirement for reiteration of code and play out the essential assignments of creation. Objects are classes that collect a more than one of functions together and wrap them in a wrapper that can be used again and again without the need to modify usefulness or systems each time you have to accomplish something.

Procedural Programming always works with following a routine from the top to bottom of each page as the server reads every file on the server. With OOP, there could be maybe a couple objects being instantiated, which, thus, could instantiate a couple or a thousand different articles which could all play out specific assignments relying upon factors go into the items. Go OOP – It changes development style forever.


We know that include () simply gives us a warning if it fails while requiring () kills the script with a fatal error when it fails. What we keep in mind is that include_once() and require_once()is extremely hard on server resources. There is nothing we can do about it, it’s how PHP is set up.


The first thing you do when you start a new project is to turn error reporting to E_ALL. And you should turn it off ten seconds before going into production mode. That’s what I do with every project that I build. Nothing is better than running a project in into production mode.


Frameworks which help you do the tedious things can help, although you will have to learn how the frameworks function first in order to make things simple, that’s the only real trade-off. Plus there will be less chance of writing bad code when someone else has written most of it for you,


Ok, you want to count the number of keys in an array? You can loop through the array and simply increment a value for each iteration, right? Or on the other hand, you can simply utilize the implicit PHP work tally(), which does exactly what it ought to. There are many Built-in functions in PHP, check out the manual to make sure you are doing it in the best way possible.


The best way is to use mysql_real_escape_string() for every database before it is added to a database. A function I maintained makes all strings safe and secure in terms of quotes and other functions that harm your database or contain malicious code. One more thing you can do is to confirm all GET strings and POST, don’t use $_REQUEST, make sure all data submitted are the right type and value before adding it to a database query. Something else you can do is approve all POST and GET strings, never utilize $_REQUEST, and ensure all shape information submitted is of the correct kind and value before adding it to a database query.


Not every time it’s Possible. But if it really not mandatory, don’t use GET, use POST. Because – GET is simple to emulate, all I need to do is add something to my address bar and I can hack your project. GET is the simple and easy way for permalinks and Pagination but when using form submission especially, stay with POST, it’s safer.


A decent practice to get into is to wireframe your undertakings, regardless of whether you are simply writing a couple of notes on a bit of paper. It is vital to really give the mechanics of your application some idea before taking a seat to begin coding, on the grounds that during the time spent arranging it you will really resolve the challenges in your mind and maintain a strategic distance from the significant cerebral pain that accompanies the facepalm when you understand that all that you simply did is either wrong, not required, or simply senseless.


A craftsman can’t draw something that he has not seen previously. A vocalist can’t sing a melody that he has not heard previously. You can’t code a task that you don’t completely get it. If you do not understand exactly what it needs to do, and how it needs to it, you cannot build it.


On the off chance that I could make one thing through to anybody perusing this, this is it. You can’t turn into a decent designer by perusing. You can’t turn into a decent designer by watching somebody create. The unrivaled attempted and confided in strategy, is to really compose code. But – and here is the trick – build real things! Do not go and code something that you have no interest in, or will never use. Build what you like, and you will be energized and intrigued by it, and you will learn. At that point, make it great, expand upon it, and improve it.

We, at Crest Infotech, follow all of above very strictly and we always review the code before delivering the PHP Application to a client. If you want to Hire PHP Developer, get in touch with us now.

Rakshit Patel

Author ImageI am the Founder of Crest Infotech With over 15 years’ experience in web design, web development, mobile apps development and content marketing. I ensure that we deliver quality website to you which is optimized to improve your business, sales and profits. We create websites that rank at the top of Google and can be easily updated by you.


evolution of machine learning

Evolution of Machine Learning

February 23, 2018By Rakshit Patel

We all know that how Machine Learning Applications like “Google Car”, “Cyber Fraud Detection“ or any others are directly or indirectly getting involved in our day to day life. Before talking about Evolution of Machine Learning, we all must know the aim of Machine Learning. Then we should know how to evolve it.

The aim is a very important factor in each field so first of all, we have to understand what is the actual aim of Machine Learning :

It mainly focuses on the development of a computer program that can access data and use it learn for themselves.


Machine Learning is a science that gives an ability to the Machine(i.e. Computer systems or Software Applications) to become more accurate in predicting outcomes without being explicitly programmed.

Basic premises of Machine Learning is Algorithms or we can count that it is strongly related to computational statistics and Mathematical Algorithms to predict result within an acceptable Range.

We are living in the world in which machine deliver recommendations to people to make a decision in a world of endless choices. with the help of machine learning, recruiters find best possible candidates for their positions. Machine Learning has revolutionized the ways in which businesses relate to its customers.

With the help of machine learning, people are finding exactly what they are looking for. Let’s Take an Example When you buy something online like Smartphone- and it will recommend that you also buy the “Smartphone cases” or the “Screen protector” this are the online websites recommendations. while viewing video’s on your Facebook feed, if you notice you can see the video’s recommendations related to your clicks and interests this is Machine Learning. Machine learning is the ability for computers to learn and act without being explicitly programmed.


Big Data and Cloud Storage play a vital role to evolve a Machine Learning and its importance. It obviously questions arises that how??


The volume of data is too large for comprehensive analysis and the range of potential correlations and relationship between disparate data sources from back-end customer DB to live web-based click streams are too great for the analyst to test all hypotheses and derive all value buries in data.

Traditional analytics tools are not well suited to for capturing accurate data from big data.

The machine learning platform is ideal for exploiting the opportunities hidden in Big Data. Unlike Tradition data Analytics the Machine Learning iterate the more data fed into a system the more it can learn and apply the result to higher quality insights.

Certainly, today we are closer than ever and we are moving towards that goal with increasing speed. Please contact us or comment below if you have more thoughts about the same topic.

Rakshit Patel

Author ImageI am the Founder of Crest Infotech With over 15 years’ experience in web design, web development, mobile apps development and content marketing. I ensure that we deliver quality website to you which is optimized to improve your business, sales and profits. We create websites that rank at the top of Google and can be easily updated by you.


web development company vs freelancer

Web Development Company VS a Freelancer

February 23, 2018By Rakshit Patel

Many a time while making a choice between freelancer and Web Development companies lead you towards some of the certainties. Making the right decision in such areas are sort of troublesome. Today I will talk about Web Development Company VS a Freelancer.

How to get a good deal, is the company rates higher or is he the person to be trusted? These are just a few questions which would be racing in your mind during the choice.

If you are with something like this than the very first thing which you should do is go for the facts, the real one actually.


Firstly the web and mobile development companies and freelancers both have their own place. Where freelancers are like the sharpshooters who can quickly fix or build a simple straightforward website, but when it comes to bringing some concept into execution within a reasonable timeframe with a fully accounted budget you can find the development companies for that.



There are variants in freelancers. As a perfect back-end developer can’t be the perfect front-end. Adding you may need some creative UI/UX designer too. And let’s take if the freelancer is all around a Full-stack player than I’m sure the game which he would play individually would take time.

Variance can also be there in the web and mobile development companies but as it the place a group where everything is been managed in all proper team whether it is for front-end or back-end or the designing part. The game is played not individually but with a mixture of deep understanding and a proper methodology.

Maybe the web and mobile development companies may sound little expensive but technically the risk factor lower down sometimes even the cost too as ideally. “Ideally” because not all companies are same.

I hope now you would get a slight idea about both of them. Neither the freelancer nor the companies but the race should be in understanding your requirement as for how you want to see it on the ground.

Rakshit Patel

Author ImageI am the Founder of Crest Infotech With over 15 years’ experience in web design, web development, mobile apps development and content marketing. I ensure that we deliver quality website to you which is optimized to improve your business, sales and profits. We create websites that rank at the top of Google and can be easily updated by you.


Your Guide to Choose the Best Android Application Development Company

Your Guide to Choose the Best Android Application Development Company

January 29, 2018By Rakshit Patel

Choose The Best Android Application Development Company for your Valuable Projects that best fits your requirements. With the Android application platform, developers can explore a wide range of technical possibilities. Android is, without a doubt, the most prominent Smartphone operating system with over 80% of total market share.

In today’s tech-friendly environment a Successful business does not grow fast without having a mobile-friendly Environment. As the e-commerce industry is getting bigger and bigger every day to stand with these competitive world mobile applications for business becomes a necessary thing. The mobile application is one of the best and primary sources to exhibit your enterprise.


If I m not Wrong, All we want is a successful mobile application. Correct? Nowadays more and more people are using Android smartphones for searching and purchasing products also Android app proves more beneficial than the applications developed for other operating systems.

There are thousands of mobile app companies who will claim to be the best. When choosing the right development company, you need to focus on Below Steps.

Footsteps to choose the best company:


Search Engine is one of the best options for Searching mobile app development companies over the Internet. Use the proper keyword to get the best result that suits your need. There you can see Number of Companies Listed on the First page who offer Android App Development services. In Next Step, you need to visit the official websites of the companies and check their services and content to get ideas about their work and what they offer.


Every Company who offer android app development services has a special page for the portfolios. This page Contain companies work history, work samples also you can find companies experience in developing applications for the business like yours. Read Whole portfolios carefully, do a quick research about their work. Don’t Hesitate to Contact them if needed.


Make a List of the company’s price quote of the app development service. Contact your chosen companies to present your project in a broad way. They will offer their price for your work Choose the one that fits your budget. Make quick Price comparisons with other Companies too.


Take your time make research If you have any doubts about the company ask for any demo project or give them a small project to analyze the result. Make a long-term plan with the company. If they meet your expectations. You can find so many companies working for not only for mobile applications but also for many other technical areas.


Note that not all of the companies let the providers publish their references!!! So if you don’t see many references on the website, don’t hesitate to ask for them. Remember that happy clients will always say good things for the companies they are associated with. Read Clients Comments, Suggestions and take the correct decision.


If they don’t understand what you need from them, even the best developers can fail. In order to deliver a great Application according to your need, they should be able to plan how to spend your money as much effectively as possible and deliver the product on time.


Every mobile app development company has an Android app development team who is responsible for developing your application. The main priority should be faster and better Application development without taking a long time. The company must be familiar with the cloud technology. The cloud technology helps an Android app developer design a responsive Mobile application that adapts to the screen sizes of different devices easily.

Due to increase in usage of mobile phones Android App development, today has grasped an edging grip. Keeping all these points in mind, it is important to invest some time while making the selection of an Android app development company. A strong team of Android Application developer managed by specialists. They all work with full coordination & ensure that valuable clients will have the Android app featuring every trendy aspect that can provide the pleasing experience with unquestionable performance.


Crest Infotech is leading Android app Development Company. Our native Android apps are built from the floor up to take gain of the functionality and traits that make this the arena’s quickest developing mobile platform, and every app leverages the ones features to the maximum.

  • We use Cross platform applications
  • Native Android App Development
  • Android Widget Development Services
  • Seamless Communication & Continuous updates of the project
  • We offer Responsive mobile web applications
  • web service Includes HTML5,CSS3 Angular JS with J2EE
  • User-centric design and 24/7 Technical Support
  • We provide end-to-end mobility solutions including app development, deployment & implementation, testing, integration with different platforms and post-deployment support.

At Crest Infotech, we’re quite pleased with the variations among us and our competitors. In order to develop a useful app you need a strong mobile strategy. Our enterprise-quality pricing is really one fundamental advantage, we make sure that even small and mid-sized companies can take advantage of Android application development solutions without breaking the financial institution.

Choosing the best Company for application development is not an easy task to accomplish. Top-rated Android development companies come up with some significant characteristics that help a company go better and faster digitally. The content explores how you can pick the best Android development company for your service. No doubt with time mobile apps usage has witnessed the highest growth in current times and there is unreservedly complete certainty that this expansion will continue in the upcoming days as well.

Rakshit Patel

Author ImageI am the Founder of Crest Infotech With over 15 years’ experience in web design, web development, mobile apps development and content marketing. I ensure that we deliver quality website to you which is optimized to improve your business, sales and profits. We create websites that rank at the top of Google and can be easily updated by you.


WordPress – Effective ways to generate cash flows or earnings

WordPress – Effective ways to generate cash flows or earnings

October 31, 2017By Rakshit Patel

WordPress – Effective ways to generate cash flows or earnings. Nowadays WordPress is one of the most popular blogging platforms used by many businesses on the internet. In the decade of its existence, his blogging software, WordPress, has become an essential part of the internet, powering about 25% of all websites.

Today where there is a website for everything from booking movie tickets to shopping to playing games, WordPress has transformed the way business build and communicate with their customers. As a result, WordPress has emerged as the popular web content publishing platform in recent times. It adds beautiful appearance to a site while offering the best user experience.


The plus point about WordPress development is that it enables the users or the business owners to have their websites developed at a very fast pace and allow their running on the internet within a few minutes. The only thing that needs to be considered in this respect is the selection of the suitable theme, the font and the images that need to be used in the website for better visualization, graphics, and functioning.


WordPress is an online, open source website creation tool written in PHP. But in non-geek speak, it’s probably the easiest and most powerful blogging and website content management system (or CMS) in existence today. Do you know WordPress – Effective ways to generate cash flows or earnings?

WordPress is a hugely popular CMS which anyone can use to build a blog, website, or e-commerce site. It is easy-to-use, user-friendly and very efficient. WordPress was initially used to set up a blog but due to a large open source community of developers it has evolved and can also be used to set up a website and e-commerce site.


Since WordPress is open source, it’s free. That’s always a bonus. And again, because it’s open source, it also has a strong community of developers constantly improving the software and creating plugins to expand the software.

WordPress lets you create pages (stand alone content) and posts (time-driven content) to build out the content of your site. And you can also easily manage your site’s look and feel with themes.

WordPress is highly customizable and has literally thousands of plugin pieces of software so you can use your site for just about anything.


The software is free! How many times have you been given something for free that is fully functional and ready to use? And if you want to upscale your site a little with premium themes and plugins, you’re still going to save tons of money over what you would pay for a custom designed site.

It’s easy to use. If you can send an email, use Microsoft Word, or set up a Facebook account, then you can use WordPress. In other words, if you’ve already used a computer, chances are you are already skilled enough for the WordPress basics. And even better, it’s hard to mess it up. You can easily add and delete pages and posts without accidentally spoiling the overall design of your site.


WordPress has search engine (SEO) advantages. Search engines love sites that are easy to index (WordPress is) and that have frequently updated content. That’s where blogging comes into play so nicely. Just by running your business or personal site and communicating with your readers in a way that’s natural to you, you’ll be producing fresh, relevant content the search engines can’t wait to get a hold of.


WordPress CMS gives you the option to choose from their comprehensive appealing themes and templates, which makes it ideal for a beginner. On the other hand, it also has the option that enables the experienced developers to customize their own design without any major restriction. Hence, they can customize templates, designs and themes according to their requirements. Moreover, WordPress CMS promotes its ability to be easily modified.

WordPress lets you incorporate multiple helpful features into your site by letting you integrate the use of multiple plugins and tools. Plugins greatly enhance the features of your site by providing its users with extensible useful options for interfacing with your website.

In addition to this, WordPress is built for blogging. Whether you have a standalone business blog or a small page-based website, WordPress has all the CMS features you need.

WordPress has earned users the favor by being simple, flexible, and powerful. And the more one uses it, the more we understand how simple, flexible, and powerful it truly is.

WordPress is an open source blog publishing program that’s easy to setup and free to use. You use WordPress to manage posts, comments, and files.

The developers can create professional WordPress themes, including custom WordPress design templates. Furthermore, they can also develop custom WordPress plugins or even customize any third party plugins to enrich the CMS driven website with features. All these proves our headline, “WordPress – Effective ways to generate cash flows or earnings”.


We provide a complete installation and configuration of WordPress and let you use it in its full glory.


If you are missing functionality on your WordPress site, ask us to develop a custom plugin. WordPress plugins let us create additional functionality without affecting the core system. As a designers, our main focus should be to develop quality front-end plugins with awesome designs rather than developing highly technical back-end plugins to provide complex functionality.


We design and develop engaging websites that conveniently run on WordPress CMS.Custom website design that will match your existing marketing materials and extend your brand strategy, seamlessly. Today’s mobile world requires a responsive site that looks great on all devices, from desktops to tablets and smartphones.


Allow us to convert your ideas into reality and let your online business realize its full potential. get. Sell your products and services online with a WordPress powered site, that is both beautiful to look at and use. We use WordPress as a platform to build dynamic, beautiful, high-performance websites.


We offer a variety of website theme services including custom theme development, incorporating a new theme design for a current site, etc. We build beautiful, highly functional, scalable and responsive websites using the power of WordPress as a platform. Highly experienced with the theme, functional and administrative customization potential of WordPress.


Our SEO experts will optimize your WordPress based website and make it rank prominently in search engines.

Rakshit Patel

Author ImageI am the Founder of Crest Infotech With over 15 years’ experience in web design, web development, mobile apps development and content marketing. I ensure that we deliver quality website to you which is optimized to improve your business, sales and profits. We create websites that rank at the top of Google and can be easily updated by you.


Google Analytics to Get Better Website

How to Use Google Analytics to Get a Better Website

October 17, 2017By Rakshit Patel

Google Analytics is arguably one of the most powerful web analytics applications available today. The core things that, like many Google offerings, it’s an entirely free program, makes it even more appealing. Here are our thoughts for How to Use Google Analytics to Get a Better Website.


Knowing your audience and what they want is an important success factor for any website. The best approach to know your audience is through your traffic stats. Moreover, Google Analytics provide this for FREE. However, there are lots of stats software and plugins, but we believe that Google Analytics is a must have for every blog.

It shows you: Who visits your website – user’s geographical location, which browser did they use, what is their screen resolution, which language they speak, etc.


You can see how long users stay on your website, what pages they are visiting the most, which page is causing the users to leave most often, how many pages an average user is viewing etc.

When they visit your site – you can see which time of the day is the hottest for your website. Consequently, this helps you pick the time to publish your posts. If that time zone is not compatible, then you can schedule your posts.

How users interact with your site’s content – You can see how many users clicked on a specific link.


Google Analytics is a FREE service that provides full statistics regarding the visitors to a website. Data available through this service consists of site visits, page views, bounce rate, average time on site, pages per visit and percentage of new visits.

One more thing the data mentioned above, Google Analytics can also track referral traffic including search engine, direct visits, website referrals and marketing campaigns (Pay Per Click, Banner advertising, e-mail marketing etc.)

If you have a mailing list, create a custom page on your website that recognizes users for subscribing after they submit their information. Then set up that page as a targeted goal called Mailing List. (Something you will easily recognize as a mailing list conversion).


If you have a contact form on your website that you use to capture leads for your business, create a custom page on your website that thanks users for submitting their contact information. Then set up that page as a destination goal called Contact Form. (Something you will easily recognize as a contact form conversion).

Furthermore, if you have a shopping cart on your website to sell products, you likely have an order confirmation or thank-you page that users land on once they’ve successfully completed an order. Set up this page as a destination called Shopping Cart. (Something you will easily recognize as a shopping cart conversion).



Analytics displays your data from all channels that are directing traffic to your website, including Organic Search (SEO), Paid Search (PPC), Social Media, Referrals (Backlinks), Direct Traffic.

Being able to display all the platforms allows you to review what is working well in terms of advertising, and what isn’t. Having all the data in one place makes it easy to compare the different channels. If you are currently putting money into your SEO, PPC, or Social Media Marketing, you can monitor your ROI.

It’s all good knowing how many people have visited your site, and where they came from, but how do you know if those users are actually converting? Google Analytics allows you to set up goals to track when a user completes a certain action on your site. Regardless of how many users each channel is driving to your site, you need to know that this traffic is converting.


Do you have a blog? Do you have a static website? If the answer is yes, whether they are for personal or business use, then you need Google Analytics. Here are just a few of the many questions about your website that you can answer using Google Analytics.

  • How many people visit my website?
  • Where do my visitors live?
  • Do I need a mobile-friendly website?
  • What websites send traffic to my website?
  • What marketing tactics drive the most traffic to my website?
  • Which pages on my website are the most popular?
  • How many visitors have I converted into leads or customers?
  • Where did my converting visitors come from and go on my website?
  • How can I improve my website’s speed?
  • What blog content do my visitors like the most?

Google Analytics allows you to track many important metrics, covering all aspects. You can monitor the effectiveness of your online marketing strategies, onsite content, user experience, and device functionality. All these statistics show you what is working well, and more importantly, what isn’t.

Furthermore, Once you identify any issues your site may have, you can create a solution. Google Analytics allows you the information needed to improve your website and make it the best it can be.

It is completely free of charge. Although it is a free tool, it still offers just as much or even more functionalities when compared to other paid tools.



Adept to find out how your visitors locate your website. Other than the core set of keywords that you are optimizing, you will also be able to find out what other keywords your visitors type in to find your website. During the basic optimization campaign, the number of keywords may be little. But as time goes by, you will start getting more keywords being listed on organic listings, due to your overall optimization effort.

In addition to this, Adept to analyze which pages and links your visitors click the most. You will be able to know which are the popular pages and links. Also, measure whether your optimization campaign is directing the traffic to the correct pages.


With this, you will be able to know how many new visitors that your search engine optimization campaign brings to you. You can segment your analytic result by new /returning visitors, geography and referral sources.

Adept to fine tune your website. With this analytic report, you will be able to make your website and do a new copywriting on any page that is not converting well. In the end, it will bring you more quality prospects, and thus gain more customers in the near future.

Basing your business decisions on empirical data is crucial to ensure you have enough evidence to suggest that you aren’t simply throwing your money away. Google Analytics is split into four key reporting areas; Audience (who is visiting your site), Acquisition (how they are getting to your site), Behaviour (what they are doing on your site) and Conversions (have they completed what you wanted them to), each of which is useful for difference purposes.

Rakshit Patel

Author ImageI am the Founder of Crest Infotech With over 15 years’ experience in web design, web development, mobile apps development and content marketing. I ensure that we deliver quality website to you which is optimized to improve your business, sales and profits. We create websites that rank at the top of Google and can be easily updated by you.


Outsourcing your Mobile App Development Banner

Benefits of Outsourcing your Mobile App Development

October 09, 2017By Rakshit Patel

IT industry has reached a time when a lot of enterprises, in order to increase the productivity of their employees, have adopted to the remote working environment. In such ecosystem, mobile app development plays a pivotal part to get maximum benefit to your organization. You must be aware with Benefits of Outsourcing your Mobile App Development. On must outsource mobile application development instead of relying on the in-house development of the same.


Here are few of the benefits of outsourcing mobile application development.


The primary and most important advantage of outsourcing is to reduce the cost. Moreover, outsourcing it reduces the worry of hiring right people, buying right resources for them, providing space, training them in product specific way or in the particular domain and a lot many other hassles as well as formalities. In a case of outsourcing, all these and more can be omitted.


Getting your application developed by another company, you can free your resources in order to strategies marketing properly. Also, while the application is in the development phase, one can start marketing and be one step ahead of the people cloning the same subject or services.


You can also choose to outsource your projects to companies having their development team to the regions where the economy is lower than your own country. Moreover, one can also choose to go with the company that runs ahead in time zone. This will help one get updates prior to the timeline as well as in very low cost.



One can expect the superior level of quality for most of the cases. Moreover, companies usually have resources who have specialized in the particular field of development. Hiring people and training them in-house is a huge pain, investment and a bit of a risk. Furthermore, all these are easily ignored in the case of outsourcing. Also, One can prepare a contract or NDA for the assurance of the quality of the product at the end. Hence, if one is not happy, one can always get all or partial payment back. However, in the case of in-house development, all one can do is not giving bonus or increment which is an ultimate loss for the product anyway.


As highlighted in prior point, there are a lot of risks involved in in-house development to name a few. One neither needs to keep an eye on the process continuously nor one needs to worry about resources being absent causing delay in the making of the product. Moreover, a lot of time illness, as well as special occasions or festivals, delays the overall deadlines. One can get rid of all the worries and more by paying on the end result in the case of outsourcing.

We, at Crest Infotech, have been serving clients across the world for more than the decade. Feel free to contact us for a quote on +91 96870 42303.


Rakshit Patel

Author ImageI am the Founder of Crest Infotech With over 15 years’ experience in web design, web development, mobile apps development and content marketing. I ensure that we deliver quality website to you which is optimized to improve your business, sales and profits. We create websites that rank at the top of Google and can be easily updated by you.


Google Rankings Are in Constant Search engine Optimization

Google Rankings & Search Engine Optimization

July 03, 2017By Rakshit Patel

Google Rankings & Search engine Optimization are most important for any online business setup. The art of web SEO lies in understanding how people search for things and understanding what type of results Google wants to (or will) display to its users. It’s about putting a lot of things together to look for opportunity.


Google Rankings & Search engine Optimization is nowadays more essential than ever and it is necessary for every webmaster to understand the true meaning of SEO as well as the probably it creates for every business.

A good optimizer has an understanding of how search engines like Google generate their natural SERPs to satisfy users’ navigational, informational and transactional keyword queries.


Search engine optimization (SEO) is the practice of developing the quantity and quality of traffic to your website through organic search engine results. Visit our SEO services page for better Google Rankings & Search engine Optimization.

Search engine optimization or SEO in short,is a set of rules that can be followed by website (or blog) owners to optimize their websites for search engines and thus improve their search engine rankings.

In addition, it is a great way to increase the quality of their web sites by making them user- friendly, faster and easier to navigate.

Two basic area of Search engine optimization are: on-page, and off-page optimization. On-page optimization refers to website elements which include a web page, such as HTML code, textual content, and images. However, off-page optimization refers, predominantly, to back-links (links pointing to the site which is being optimized, from other relevant websites).


Ranking high in Google is more beneficial – it’s effectively ‘free advertising’ on the best advertising extent in the world.

Moreover, traffic from Google natural listings is still the most valuable organic traffic to a website in the world, and it can make or break an online business.

The state of one-act, in 2017, is that you can still generate highly intended leads, for FREE, just by improving your website and optimizing your content to be as relevant as possible for a buyer looking for your company, product or service.

As you can imagine, there’s a LOT of competition now for that free traffic – even from Google. You shouldn’t compete with Google. You should focus on competing with your competitors.


The big stick Google is beating every webmaster with (at the moment, and for the foreseeable future) is the ‘QUALITY USER EXPERIENCE‘stick.

If you expect to rank in Google in 2017, you’d better have a quality offering, not based entirely on manipulation, or old school tactics.

If not – be cautious manual ‘Quality Raters’ and be cautious the Google Panda/Site Quality algorithms that are looking for poor user experience for its users.


In today’s competitive market, SEO is more important than ever. Search engines provide millions of users per day looking for answers to their questions or for solutions to their problems.

If you have a web site, blog or online store, SEO can help your business to grow and meet the business purpose. The best part of search engines users are more likely to click on one of the top 5 suggestions in the results pages (SERPS), so to take advantage of this and boost visitors to your web site or customers to the online store you need to in the top positions.

SEO is not only about search engines but good SEO practices improve the user experience and usability of a web site. SEO is good for the social hike of your web site. People who find your web site by searching Google or Yahoo are more likely to popularize it on Facebook, Twitter, Google+ or other social media channels. Visit our Social Media Optimization service page for more details.

SEO is important for the smooth running of a large web site. Websites with more than one author can benefit from SEO in a direct and indirect way. Their direct benefit is boosting up in search engine traffic and their indirect benefit is having a common framework (checklists) to use before publishing content on the site.

Visit our Content Marketing service page for more details.


White Hat SEO – Techniques that search engines recommend as part of a good design. Black Hat SEO – Techniques that search engines do not approve and try to minimize the effect of.


We offer guaranteed seo ranking on the grounds that the clients will be highly satisfied to what extent it will make the site ranking. The most important part is the pricing that we offer based on digital marketing agency are within range, for any kind of company, no matter how small business or large it is.


An SEO audit can come in different levels of detail and complexity. A simple website audit can be as short as a few pages long, and would address visible on-page issues such as missing titles, and lack of content. On the other end of the spectrum, a comprehensive website SEO audit will be comprised of dozens of pages (for most larger sites it will be over one hundred pages) and address even the small website elements which may potentially be detrimental to the ranking-ability of a website.


On-page SEO should be part of all SEO packages, as it is the stay up on which a successful SEO campaign must be built. Furthermore, on-page SEO addresses a different fundamental elements (as they relate to SEO) such as page titles, headings, content and content organization, and internal link structure.


SEO content development is the process of creating website content which can come in a different forms, including text (e.g. articles, whitepapers, essays, research documents, tutorials, and glossaries), info-graphics (information graphics), PDFs, searchable databases, web tools, and the like.


Link development is one of the most controversial and often talked (written) about topics of the search engine optimization industry. Since backlinks are the most vital component of any search engine optimization campaign, and at the same time the most time consuming and consequently most expensive (assuming they are good quality links and not just random directory submissions and blog comment spam) part, inevitably, there are many service providers who offer inexpensive link building services in order to attract and impress potential clients.


Code optimization is a service you can expect at the highest levels of search engine optimization services, as it involves an overhaul of your website HTML. The optimization of your HTML can impact search engine rankings in two ways.

Get in touch with us for better Google Rankings & Search engine Optimization.

Rakshit Patel

Author ImageI am the Founder of Crest Infotech With over 15 years’ experience in web design, web development, mobile apps development and content marketing. I ensure that we deliver quality website to you which is optimized to improve your business, sales and profits. We create websites that rank at the top of Google and can be easily updated by you.