Importance of Testing in the E Commerce Application banner

Importance of Testing in the eCommerce Application

January 23, 2017By Rakshit Patel

E-commerce applications have various business processes like online fund transfers, marketing, inventory management, supply chain management and more.

In order to develop an eCommerce website, we need to find out designs and features which are customer friendly. In addition to that, it is important that these features are properly working and doesn’t have any bug in it, to give the customer a nice and enjoyable experience thus e-commerce website testing is an essential part of the development of eCommerce website.

The eCommerce website testing requires knowledge of the web-based testing techniques. Not just that, the eCommerce website testers test their websites continuously. Moreover, testing is done in different browsers, different platforms, various combinations are tested and also testing occurs on devices like mobiles and iPad.

The e-commerce application testing ensures that all the pages of the website are thoroughly tested all the eCommerce transactions are secure and validated and the application can be now given to end users to use. To check the usability of the application, how user-friendly it is, make the application defect-free are the reason we perform testing on eCommerce application.

Maintain Quality Assurance standards are also a vital part of software development, so to see if our application complies to the quality assurance standards we perform testing.

Some common things which should be tested in eCommerce applications are:


Test Planning is one of the early phases of Software Testing Life Cycle. A good planning is a key to a smooth execution phase, whereas, a bad planning can result in unnecessary time consumption. Hence, Test Case writing, resource assignment etc. are some of the activities that are performed as a part of Test Planning.


First of all, we’ll run through the main functionality of an eCommerce website that needs to be tested. However, your website may not have all these items, or some may not include here. We should test

  • Main pages (i.e.Home page, Featured Products, Special Offers, Information pages etc.)
  • Product category pages
  • Product detail pages
  • Filtering & Product searching
  • Shopping cart
  • Checkout and Payment Systems



UI elements and content play an important role in the success of any eCommerce website and hence, you should actively get involved in ensuring the correctness of UI elements and content.

Think about your own user experience when you visit a website: Are you more likely to purchase if you can easily find what you’re looking for or if you have to click through 50 options?

One of the best and most proven ways to test is something called A/B testing. A/B testing is comparing two versions of a web page to see which one performs better. You compare two web pages by showing the two variants.


The website should respond properly to devices on which it is displayed and this is why testing mobile responsiveness is an essential part of the process.

If you wish your website to be used by visitors viewing it on their Smartphone or tablet then you also need to test all of the functionality on each of the following mobile devices.

Many of the browser testing tools can help with mobile websites like Appium, AppAssist, fast lane etc.


Payments are an essential part of testing eCommerce websites. After all, this is what allows users to purchase for their items without the need to call a number to place their order.

eCommerce business owners also have to ensure that all the payment and sensitive information regarding customers are completely secured at all times like all the payments are processed via servers that are SSL encrypted.

Different payment types should all be tested, e.g. Credit Card, PayPal, Bank Transfers, Installments, etc.


It is advisable to test your eCommerce store in the real-world scenarios. However, the production environment is always different in terms of infrastructure, software configurations, shared networks and links. This is the reason the impact of the application is different in a real environment and devices than lab environment.

Lastly, acknowledge that continuous testing and monitoring is essential to make your e-commerce site grow Faster. Hope this helps and happy testing.

Rakshit Patel

Author ImageI am the Founder of Crest Infotech With over 15 years’ experience in web design, web development, mobile apps development and content marketing. I ensure that we deliver quality website to you which is optimized to improve your business, sales and profits. We create websites that rank at the top of Google and can be easily updated by you.


10 must know libraries for any iOS swift developer banner

10 must know libraries for any iOS Swift Developer

January 18, 2017By Rakshit Patel

From the shocking launch of a new language to prominent similarities with other languages, it has been just 3 years and still, it looks like Swift has come a long way! Swift is getting popular each and every day. Any good iOS Swift developer hoping to start new iOS project would choose nothing but Swift language to begin with.


In order to save your time and make the transition easier and interesting, we have prepared a list of libraries that according to us every iOS Swift developer must know. If you are looking to hire iOS App Developer, get in touch with us.


Almost every application nowadays deals with web service calls. API integration is the base for almost every application in today’s era. Alamofire is an HTTP networking library built on top of NSURLSession and the Foundation URL loading system. Alamofire comes to the great rescue when one wants to abstract away and simplify networking in the application.


Well, the API integration part is done and one feels like that is it! Now only part left is to manage JSON and use the data from it. Is it that easy as it sounds? well, you’ll know! And then what saves us from handling explicit data types that cause bugs and crashes is SwiftyJSON. It really deals with JSON in a well readable way which handles options unwrapping automatically for us.


So, We made a successful call attempt to APIs and managed well to receive but what next?! Fetching data by mapping resource is another tedious job to handle. ObjectMapper helps us convert JSON into a model object and not just that but vice versa too! It supports nested object pretty well too.


And when you just thought your job is easier, one more challenge arises when you have to display all the fetched data into table views. Not really difficult but boring to very high extent as it is one of the most used element. In order to spice it up, Eureka helps you write them in a simple and elegant way. It consists of rows, sections, and forms. It really saves abundant time especially when your application contains a plethora of forms.


A behavior drove development framework not just for Swift but for Objective-C too which is inspired by RSpec, Spectra and Ginkgo. One of the major benefits of using Quick is that it comes with Nimble which is a matcher framework for tests.



Another latest approach to set UI for application is using Auto Layout. SnapKit is an Auto Layout library that simplifies coding for the same requiring nothing but just a minimal code that too without losing readability. It is type safe which comes at rescue in order to get rid of programming errors.


RxSwift is nothing but the swift version of Rx and serves the same goal as to enable easy composition of asynchronous operations and event/data streams. Consequently, RxSwift is a framework for functional reactive programming.


Spring is an animation library. Be it inside of storyboard’s runtime attribute or through code, Spring helps one both ways to set an animation to an object. It supports number of already written animations, transitions and properties.


The main motive of CoreStore is to provide type safe and elegant interaction with Core Data. It is a wrapper library that provides APIs for all common methods to effectively interact with database.


Kingfisher helps us download and cache images from the web. It does that all asynchronously. It caches downloaded images both in memory as well as disk in order to improve application experience to all new level.


What are your thoughts on the same, people? Do you know some library that deserves the place in this list? Please leave a comment and let us know.

Rakshit Patel

Author ImageI am the Founder of Crest Infotech With over 15 years’ experience in web design, web development, mobile apps development and content marketing. I ensure that we deliver quality website to you which is optimized to improve your business, sales and profits. We create websites that rank at the top of Google and can be easily updated by you.


Products Amazon Web Services Banner

Products of Amazon Web Services

January 13, 2017By Rakshit Patel

We discussed about AWS History and Benefits in our previous article. It’s time to learn about Products of Amazon Web Services. Amazon Web services offer many products. Depending on your requirement, you can choose best possible Products of Amazon Web Services in your web application. Here I will explain each product in detail to give you the clear idea.

Products of Amazon Web Services


Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud, also known as “EC2” is an IaaS service providing virtual servers controllable by an API Xen. Equivalent services include Google Compute Engine and Rack space or on-premises equivalents such as OpenStack or Eucalyptus. Hence, Amazon EC2 is one of the popular from many Products of Amazon Web Services.

Amazon Elastic Beanstalk provides a PaaS service for hosting applications, equivalent services include Google App Engine or Heroku or OpenShift for on-premises use.

Amazon Lambda (LAMBDA) runs code in response to AWS internal or external events such as HTTP requests transparently providing the resource required. Moreover, Lambda is tightly integrated with AWS but similar services such as Google Cloud Functions and open solutions such as OpenWhisk are starting to exist.


Amazon Route 53 provides a scalable Managed DNS service providing Domain Name Services.

  • Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) creates a logically isolated set of AWS resources which can be connected using a VPN connection. This competes against on-premises solutions such as OpenStack or HPE Helion Eucalyptus used in conjunction with PaaS software.
  • AWS Direct Connect provides dedicated network connections into AWS data centers.
  • Amazon Elastic Load Balancing (ELB) automatically distributes incoming traffic across multiple Amazon EC2 instances.
  • AWS Elastic Network Adapter (ENA) provides up to 20Gbit/s of network bandwidth to an Amazon EC2 instance.


Amazon CloudFront, a content delivery network (CDN) for distributing objects to so-called “edge locations” near the requester.
Storage and content delivery

  • Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) provides Web Service based storage.
  • Amazon Glacier provides long-term storage options (compared to S3). High redundancy and availability, but low-frequent access times. Intended for archiving data.
  • AWS Storage Gateway, an iSCSI block storage virtual appliance with cloud-based backup.
  • Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) provides persistent block-level storage volumes for EC2.
  • AWS Import/Export, accelerates moving large amounts of data into and out of AWS using portable storage devices for transport.
  • Amazon Elastic File System (EFS) a file storage service for Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances.


When we talk about Products of Amazon Web Services, we can’t forget Amazon DynamoDB. Amazon DynamoDB provides a scalable, low-latency NoSQL online Database Service backed by SSDs. Hence, it is one of the most popular NoSQL databases now a day.

  • Amazon ElastiCache provides in-memory caching for web applications. Therefore, this is Amazon’s implementation of Memcached and Redis.
  • Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) provides scalable database servers with MySQL, Oracle, SQL Server, and PostgreSQL support.
  • In addition, Amazon Redshift provides petabyte-scale data warehousing with column-based storage and multi-node compute.
  • Furthermore, Amazon SimpleDB allows developers to run queries on structured data. It operates in concert with EC2 and S3.
  • AWS Data Pipeline provides reliable service for data transfer between different AWS compute and storage services (e.g., Amazon S3, Amazon RDS, Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon EMR). In other words, this service is simply a data-driven workload management system, which provides a management API for managing and monitoring of data-driven workloads in cloud applications.
  • Amazon Aurora provides a MySQL-compatible relational database engine that has been created specifically for the AWS infrastructure that claims faster speeds and lower costs that are realized in larger databases.


  • AWS CloudFormation provides a declarative template-based Infrastructure as Code model for configuring AWS.
  • Also, AWS Elastic Beanstalk provides deployment and management of applications in the cloud.
  • AWS OpsWorks provides configuration of EC2 services using Chef.
  • AWS CodeDeploy provides automated code deployment to EC2 instances.


  • Amazon Identity and Access Management (IAM) is an implicit service, the authentication infrastructure used to authenticate access to the various services.
  • AWS Directory Service a managed service that allows connection to AWS resources with an existing on-premises Microsoft Active Directory or to set up a new, stand-alone directory in the AWS Cloud.
  • Amazon CloudWatch, provides monitoring for AWS cloud resources and applications, starting with EC2.
  • AWS Management Console (AWS Console), a web-based point and click interface to manage and monitor the Amazon infrastructure suite including (but not limited to) EC2, EBS, S3, SQS, Amazon Elastic MapReduce, and Amazon CloudFront. In conclusion, A mobile application for Android which has support for some of the management features from the console.
  • Amazon CloudHSM – The AWS CloudHSM service helps to meet corporate, contractual and regulatory compliance requirements for data security by using dedicated Hardware Security Module (HSM) appliances within the AWS cloud.
  • AWS Key Man7agement Service (KMS) a managed service to create and control encryption keys.
  • Amazon EC2 Container Service (ECS) a highly scalable, fast, container management service, using on Docker containers.


  • Amazon API Gateway is a service for publishing, maintaining and securing web service APIs.
  • Amazon CloudSearch provides basic full-text search and indexing of textual content.
  • In addition, Amazon DevPay, currently in limited beta version, is a billing and account management system for applications that developers have built atop Amazon Web Services.
  • Amazon Elastic Transcoder (ETS) provides video transcoding of S3 hosted videos, marketed primarily as a way to convert source files into mobile-ready versions.
  • Amazon Simple Email Service (SES) provides bulk and transactional email sending.
  • Moreover, Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) provides a hosted message queue for web applications.
  • Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) provides a hosted multi-protocol “push” messaging for applications.
  • Amazon Simple Workflow (SWF) is a workflow service for building scalable, resilient applications.
  • Also, Amazon Cognito is a user identity and data synchronization service that securely manages and synchronizes app data for users across their mobile devices.
  • Amazon AppStream 2.0 is a low-latency service that streams and resources intensive applications and games from the cloud using NICE DVC technology.


Amazon Elastic MapReduce (EMR) Provides a PaaS service delivering Hadoop for running MapReduce queries framework running on the web-scale infrastructure of EC2 and Amazon S3.

  • Amazon Machine Learning a service that assists developers of all skill levels to use machine learning technology.
  • Amazon Kinesis is a cloud-based service for real-time data processing over large, distributed data streams. Also, it streams data in real time with the ability to process thousands of data streams on a per-second basis. The service, designed for real-time apps, allows developers to pull any amount of data, from any number of sources, scaling up or down as much as you need. Consequently, It has some similarities in functionality to Apache Kafka.
  • Amazon Elasticsearch Service provides fully managed Elasticsearch and Kibana services
  • Amazon QuickSight is a business analytics service that provides visualizations and ad-hoc analysis by connecting to AWS or non-AWS data sources.


There are many other Products of Amazon Web Services. Here are rest of them in short brief. Amazon MWS – Marketplace web service allows users to manage complete shipment process from creating a listing to downloading shipment label using API.

  • Amazon Fulfillment Web Service provides a programmatic web service for sellers to ship items to and from Amazon using Fulfillment by Amazon. This service will no longer be supported by Amazon. All of the functionality of this service is now transferred to Amazon marketplace Web service.
  • Amazon Historical Pricing provides access to Amazon’s historical sales data from its affiliates. (It appears that this service has been discontinued.)
  • Amazon Mechanical Turk (Mturk) manages small units of work distributed among many persons.
  • Amazon Product Advertising API formerly known as Amazon Associates Web Service (A2S) and Amazon E-Commerce Service (ECS), provides access to Amazon’s product data and electronic commerce functionality.
  • AGCOD (Amazon Gift Code On Demand) for Corporate Customers enables companies to distribute Amazon gift cards (gift codes) instantly in any denomination, integrating Amazon’s gift-card technology into customer loyalty, employee incentive and payment disbursement platforms.
  • AWS Partner Network (APN) provides technology partners and consulting partners with the technical information and sales and marketing support to increase business opportunities through AWS and with businesses using AWS. Launched in April 2012, the APN is made up of Technology Partners including Independent Software Vendors (ISVs), tool providers, platform providers, and others. In addition, Consulting Partners include System Integrators (SIs), agencies, consultancies, Managed Service Providers (MSPs), and others. Moreover, Potential Technology and Consulting Partners must meet technical and non-technical training requirements set by AWS.
  • Amazon Lumberyard is a freeware triple-A game engine that is integrated with AWS.

Rakshit Patel

Author ImageI am the Founder of Crest Infotech With over 15 years’ experience in web design, web development, mobile apps development and content marketing. I ensure that we deliver quality website to you which is optimized to improve your business, sales and profits. We create websites that rank at the top of Google and can be easily updated by you.


top mobile application development trends banner

Top Mobile Application Development Trends of 2017

January 11, 2017By Rakshit Patel

Waking up with an alarm to dosing off WhatsApping, one finishes everything from reading news, listening music, watching YouTube videos, checking and replying to the Emails and so on with their smartphones nowadays which have become an inseparable part of everyone’s daily lives. It indicates mobile application development trends in coming future.


According to the surveys conducted, the global revenues from mobile applications are expected to grow by almost around 963% in between 2011 and 2017!!!

This is surprisingly unbelievable. This whole thing shows nothing but the prominent present and promising future of mobile application market and development.

Following are the mobile application development trends that are going to rule in 2017.


It has been noted that the investment in artificial intelligence will be more than 300% increased in 2017 as compared to previous year. It has also been expected that AI will provide business users access to powerful insights never before available them, Through the use of advanced analytics, cognitive interfaces into complex systems and machine learning techs. The technology anyway has widely accepted and implemented by giants like Google, IBM, eBay, and Facebook.


Cloud computing finally has found its place with mobile applications as well considering the customers to tech professionals. Everyone heard about the technology and its collective impacts on lives. It is expected to fetch data directly from the cloud in future in order to use minimum possible space in the internal memory of smartphone.


Google has recently announced that there will be a separate search index for mobile web and also it has been a year since Google has started the AMP project. This wise step changes the whole mobile app development trend on a very core level especially from SEO and web app aspects.


Both AR and VR have been very much present there in 2016 in various games and many other applications. If one is even a little into the applications, these both terms are very much familiar to them. Games like Pokemon Go, MyNav, Sky Siege and iOnRoad as games and many devices like Google cardboard and Samsung Gear VR are gaining humongous popularity amongst people.


Wallets are the new credit and debit cards nowadays. Most of the customers have started using Google Wallet, Apple pay and many other payment options. This whole change is giving a huge push to m-commerce. Coupled with wearable devices, it is going to facilitate totally different shape in 2017.

6) IOT

Analysts have predicted that IoT will grow from $157.05 billion to 661.74 billion by 2021 at a computational growth rate of 33.3%. The rapid growth in IoT also puts a huge impact on mobile application trends as they are majorly controlled by smartphones.

Mobile technology is a kind in which one can not rely on any outdated tools and trends. In recent past, Apple launched new language called swift which has been widely accepted by the community. It has also taken iOS development (iPhone app development as well as iPad app development) to all new level. They keep rolling out new versions and are constantly making it better.

Google also launched tool named Android studio in order to provide better environment to developers for Android app development. Other technologies like windows app development, Phonegap app development are booming enormously in market too.

Keeping this aspect into account, the developer needs to enhance their skills if they have insight into the latest trends and want to excel in the field for longer. Following these trends would totally be beneficial for your business growth.

We, at Crest Infotech, have been developing mobile applications for our clients and they have experienced 300-900% more revenue generated than their website counterparts.

Rakshit Patel

Author ImageI am the Founder of Crest Infotech With over 15 years’ experience in web design, web development, mobile apps development and content marketing. I ensure that we deliver quality website to you which is optimized to improve your business, sales and profits. We create websites that rank at the top of Google and can be easily updated by you.


amazon go how it works banner

Amazon Go! An Advanced Shopping Technology

January 03, 2017By Rakshit Patel

Amazon Go is a new kind of store with no checkout required. It is world’s most advanced shopping technology so you never have to wait in line. Simply use the Amazon Go app to enter the store, take the products you want, and go! No lines, no checkout. (No, seriously.)

The idea is that Amazon’s machine learning technology can automatically identify when a product is added to your cart hence you don’t have to do it yourself. When you leave the store, Amazon automatically charges your Amazon account.


Amazon Go works by using computer vision and sensors to detect what items you are taking out of the store. You start by scanning an app as you enter the Amazon Go shop. You do your normal shopping, and the sensors throughout the store identify the items in your cart. When you walk out the door, Amazon automatically charges your account for the items. It will feel like shoplifting, except more cameras than you can imagine are actually watching you.


Furthermore, Checkout-free shopping experience is made possible by the same types of technologies used in self-driving cars: computer vision, sensor fusion, and deep learning. Just walk out technology automatically detects when products are taken from or returned to the shelves. In addition, it will also keep track of them in a virtual cart. When you are done shopping, you can just leave the store. Shortly after, it will charge your Amazon account and send you a receipt.


Amazon Go offers delicious ready-to-eat breakfast, lunch, dinner and snack options made fresh every day by their on-site chefs, favorite local kitchens, and bakeries. Its selection of grocery essentials ranges from staples like bread and milk to artisan cheeses and locally made chocolates. You will find well-known brands we love. For a quick home-cooked dinner, pick up one of chef-designed Amazon Meal Kits with all the ingredients you need. It will make a meal for two in about 30 minutes.


All you need is an Amazon account, a supported Smartphone, and the free Amazon Go mobile app.


People are moving towards eCommerce shopping solutions, Amazon started research for innovative mobile application for eCommerce. As per information, Amazon started Research and Development on Amazon Go. To find a solution, what if we could create a shopping experience with no lines and no checkout? Could we push the boundaries of computer vision and machine learning to create a store where customers could simply take what they want and go? The answer was Amazon Go!


Finally, Amazon Go is currently open to Amazon employees in their Beta program, and will open to the public in form of iPhone app and Android app in early 2017 as per information.

Rakshit Patel

Author ImageI am the Founder of Crest Infotech With over 15 years’ experience in web design, web development, mobile apps development and content marketing. I ensure that we deliver quality website to you which is optimized to improve your business, sales and profits. We create websites that rank at the top of Google and can be easily updated by you.


amp vs responsive web design banner

AMP Vs Responsive Web Design-Speed Vs Flexibility

January 02, 2017By Rakshit Patel

Many people are interested to know about AMP Vs Responsive Web Design. We will try to cover as much information as possible in this article. To make a successful business over the web, one needs a mobile friendly website. Today’s trends are mobile, 75% customers are making orders using mobile devices. To make this into consideration, a developer needs to deliver mobile-friendly websites. Responsive web design is one way to achieve it while AMP is other way to make fast loading web pages for Mobile devices.


Responsive web design can be achieved using CSS3 media queries. Media queries allow web pages to use different CSS styles based on user’s browser width. So according to mobile device width, one can easily write logical CSS media queries to make them compatible with different mobile devices. Regarding AMP Vs Responsive Web Design, Responsive Web Design focused on flexibility.

Moreover, we can’t forget Google to get most of the business via search engine. Now a day, Google is the top most search engine. Google gives a lot of importance to page speed of website to improve the user experience. Majority of people are still using websites in mobile devices opposed to mobile applications. Obviously, there are specific audience who uses iOS apps and android apps for eCommerce portals and others.

Google introduce mobile friendly feature when they show the result for any search term. So whenever your website list in Google searches result, you can see a label of Mobile Friendly. 90% of websites are mobile friendly therefore Google come up with AMP concept to create mobile friendly pages which are light weighted and loads quickly in a mobile device.


AMP stands for Accelerated Mobile Pages is an open source initiative by Google. It’s a web framework designed to create fast loading mobile friendly pages. Furthermore, It uses the wide range of optimized techniques to speed up the loading time of web page in a mobile device.

In addition, you do not need to design or develop your existing website again to implement AMP. You can easily implement AMP in your existing website without changing any design. That’s the beauty of AMP concept. Responsive Web Design while AMP focused on speed.

What AMP consists of

  • AMP JS
  • Google AMP Cache

AMP have 2 primary objectives

  • Improve user experience on mobile devices
  • distribute content more easily


  • Lazy loading
  • Extensive use of preconnect
  • All async JavaScript
  • Inline style sheets
  • Instant loading
  • Google CDN
  • Own JS Engine

AMP is a subset of HTML and it has been criticized for the same. However, AMP is not a replacement of responsive web design. AMP is specifically designed to increase user experience by creating fast loading web pages for mobile devices.




  • Web framework
  • Can work with existing website
  • Can only work with static content
  • Focused on speed

Responsive Web Design

  • CSS3 media queries
  • Replace current website
  • Can be used for any website
  • Focused on flexibility


It depends! First of all, if you are publishing content and targeting mobile users than the answer is YES. AMP will provide a better user experience and faster loading time for your web page compare to anyone else. However, AMP is not advised to those websites having web forms and JavaScript features. You can validate AMP compatible pages using

Crest Infotech is always focusing in delivering faster loading websites and increasing user experience. As a result, our clients will get more traffic, more leads, high conversion rate and more orders through mobile devices. Get in touch with us for either responsive web design or AMP implementation.

Rakshit Patel

Author ImageI am the Founder of Crest Infotech With over 15 years’ experience in web design, web development, mobile apps development and content marketing. I ensure that we deliver quality website to you which is optimized to improve your business, sales and profits. We create websites that rank at the top of Google and can be easily updated by you.


content marketing tools banner

8 Best Content Marketing Tools for Better Web Marketing

December 30, 2016By Rakshit Patel

Content marketing is the best option to promote your services and generate leads. I will cover 8 best content marketing tools for better web marketing. It is one of the proven lead generator ways for web marketing. Moreover, quality of content is improved every single day because of competitiveness and versatility. These encourage content writers to write unique and quality content to attract the audience over the web. Most of the software firms are emerging in the market with their quality content in blog, social media content marketing and others. You should be unique to get attention from thousands of like-minded people.

Nowadays, there are a lot of tools available in the market which helps many SEO company offices and self made marketers to optimize your content and make it more quality one for web marketing. They will not just optimize your content but also suggest you to improve your sentences which end with quality content for a better marketing. Here are few best content marketing tools for better web marketing which help you to improve your content and make your content marketing more impeccable.

Content Marketing Tools


Clearvoice is flexible and efficient content marketing ecosystem. For creative collaboration, it brings branding, content creation and publishing groups altogether.

If you are a freelancer, you can join ClearVoice as a contributor, set your rate and get paid instantly once the content is approved by the buyer.

If you are a company, you can join ClearVoice and connect with content creators to bring content ideas for you. They can help you to build content based on trending topics which helps you for better web marketing.

All in one, ClearVoice is a marketplace for both content writers and content marketing company to produce quality content and help you to make effective content marketing over the web.

Key Features

  • Discover content ideas based on trending topics
  • Great market place for content writers and content marketing firms
  • Get your content ready, publish on your website and share with industry influencers


  • FREE: IdeaLab, Trending Topics, Editorial Calendar
  • Pro: $48 per user per month
  • Enterprise: Contact for a quote


Acrolinx is the only software that can read your content, giving you suggestions to improve it. It also gives you score for your content. Before publishing your content, try to get a maximum Acrolinx score as higher Acrolinx score means better marketing, conversion rates, and brand trust.

Key Features

  • Helps you to make your content unique
  • Giving suggestions to improve readability
  • Gives score for your content


  • Contact for a quote


Outbrain is one of the proven content marketing tools for those who struggle in distribution and publishing their content. Your articles will be promoted with similar content which amplifies the audience for your blogs, articles, videos or infographics. It’s a pay to play tool but it helps a lot with your content marketing strategies.

Key Features

  • Pay to Play flexible tool
  • Grow traffic to your blog, articles, videos and infographics
  • Find the right audience for your content


  • Pay per go
  • $10 minimum as daily budget


Hubspot is one of the best inbound marketing platforms. It has incredible customer support for blog posts, landing pages and other heavy content. They do not just monitor your blog posts and landing pages but also help you to make them more effective. It also has great support for social media analysis and message scheduling. Hubspot also offers free white papers on content marketing, social-media best practices and other helpful marketing tools available on its site.

Key Features

  • Perfect Inbound Marketing tool
  • Monitoring and create effective blog posts and landing pages
  • Social Media Analysis and Message scheduling


  • A basic plan with $200 per month
  • Enterprise plan with $2400 per month



Beegit is a painless content production tool. It is an online writing platform to create and approve your web content. It helps you to create documents, inline comments in documents, to make content workflow, uploading images CDN, automated file versioning and team management.

Key Features

  • Automated file versioning
  • Inline comments in documents
  • File statuses and notifications
  • Image CDN
  • Content workflow & Editorial calendar
  • Team management


  • Free for Individuals
  • Basic plan for $29 per month
  • Max plan for $99 per month


Buzzsumo is one of the best research-based content marketing tools. It helps you to find out influencers based on your search terms. You can analyze your content to check whether it performs best or not. You can find key influencers to promote your content over the web.

Key Features

  • Find influencers based on search term
  • Analyse your competitor’s content


  • Free for first five search terms
  • Basic plan for $99 per month
  • Enterprise plan for $699 per month


Key Features

  • One click content distribution for social media
  • Analyse your content before publishing
  • RSS feed to pull your content on PixxFly
  • Press releases to thousands of news sites


  • Basic plan for $49 per month
  • Enterprise plan for $299 per month


Copify is write on demand site where quality content writer are ready to deliver content based on your desired topic. Whether it’s a website content, blog post, eCommerce content, press release or article, Copify does it all with their quality content writers.

Key Features

  • Qualified content writers
  • Any type of content delivered


  • Copy writing for $0.06 per word
  • Blog packages for $89 per month

I have not covered many of other great content marketing tools. I will try to cover few more in my upcoming article. We at Crest Infotech strongly recommend you to polish your content using any of content marketing tools before publishing over the web for better web marketing. We would love to help/guide you if needed.

Rakshit Patel

Author ImageI am the Founder of Crest Infotech With over 15 years’ experience in web design, web development, mobile apps development and content marketing. I ensure that we deliver quality website to you which is optimized to improve your business, sales and profits. We create websites that rank at the top of Google and can be easily updated by you.


demonetization pros cons software development

Pros & Cons of Demonetization on Software Development Industry

December 29, 2016By Rakshit Patel

It is a transformation decision taken by the government to ban Rs.500 and Rs.1000 notes from circulation in the market. Obviously, there will be Pros & Cons of Demonetization on software development industry and other industries as well. The decision was taken to minimize the black money and corruption. The RBI will be issuing Rs.500 and Rs.2000 notes from today onward. They have released a statement by saying that all the Rs.500 and Rs.1000 notes are to be deposited at nearby banks or post-offices. This will be a regular currency circulation all throughout India.


All those people who are panicked with this move by the government need not worry at all as the government has assured that Your money will be yours. You will not lose anything so there is no point in being scared. There will be no restrictions on non-cash payments by cheque, demand draft’s, and electronic fund transfer.


Inflation: It will cause deflation in the market as people who have earned money through illegal ways would be afraid to declare the money as they may be prosecuted by the Income-tax department on the legitimacy of their income.

Reduction in Monetary Circulation: This will lead to the reduction of money circulation in the economy leading to deflation. The value of money will be increasing which we have because the total money supply will be going down but the commodities and things available in the market have not gone down. It will lead to inflation slowly but not overnight.

Cash Deposits in Banks: A lot of cash, which is legally earned, will be deposited in the banks and now the banks with more deposits will be able to do more lending.

Easy Loans: Loans will become easier and interest rates may come down. As banks will have more money so more loans will be given out which will increase the money supply in the market and it will create inflation.


As we discussed, there will be Pros & Cons of Demonetization. Here are some of the advantages.

  • The major decision, which is made by the government, will help us to eradicate black money, corruption to some extent.
  • Due to lack of funding there will be no arms smuggling and all the terrorist activities will also be choked.
  • The government has proposed the new limits on ATM withdrawals being restricted to Rs.2000 per day, withdrawal from the bank account is Rs.10000 a day and Rs.20000 a week. It indicates that card transactions will slowly replace the cash transactions in our daily prone activities.
  • Exchange of money in banks can only be done producing a valid identity card like PAN, Aadhar card, and electoral card from 10 to 24 November with a daily limit of Rs.4000. By doing so it will be easy for the government to track the money, which is being exchanged in banks. There is no limit if the amount, which we are exchanging, is legal amount.
  • Financial Intelligence Unit will track all details of the transactions from the banks. So now it is really difficult to get rid of the black money.
  • Real estate industry is totally corrupted and now by this stringent decision, the real estate sector will bring in more transparency. By doing it in this way we will have more credibility, making it more attractive to the foreign investors as well as domestic investors.


  • It will push India for Digitalization and Digitalization will make Indian IT sectors more strong. As per our experience, we get 50-60 contracts for Application development and payment gateway integration in a single month after Demonetization. So yes, its great for Indian IT sector to get business from local market.
  • Some small and Medium IT company have change to grow their business with help of local market.
  • Best part of Demonetization is its push our country to do digital payment. Digital Payment is Secure and safe than Cash Payment.


As we discussed, there will be Pros & Cons of Demonetization. Here are some of the disadvantages.

  • It will cause great inconvenience to common man who will start running to bank to exchange Rs.500 and Rs.1000 notes.
  • By replacing all the Rs.500 and Rs.1000 denomination notes, as ordered by the government, could cost the RBI at least Rs.12000 Crore.
  • It will be very difficult for half of the population who are not well versed with the card transactions.
  • The major problem is that big fishes will be left out. They had black money in the form of foreign currency, gold, and property and stashed in tax havens.


Consequently, the advantages are much dominating. It will be in the long-term interest of our country comfortably outweighing the disadvantages. The government needs to take all the necessary steps so as to ensure that there will be a smooth flow of currency exchanges. If you have more Pros & Cons of Demonetization, please do share it with us. We would be happy to update the article.

Furthermore, it would turn into chaos if the government takes no necessary steps to circulate money correctly. It will make a massive change in our economy. Finally, we congratulate the entire government and those hidden brains of our democracy that brought this decision.

Rakshit Patel

Author ImageI am the Founder of Crest Infotech With over 15 years’ experience in web design, web development, mobile apps development and content marketing. I ensure that we deliver quality website to you which is optimized to improve your business, sales and profits. We create websites that rank at the top of Google and can be easily updated by you.


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Outsourcing in India : Pros & Pros!

December 27, 2016By Rakshit Patel

In the era of triple Ws, One will find a plethora of companies outsourcing to India irrespective of the region that country is in. The latest survey states that 80% of European and US outsourcing firms ranked India as their number one outsourcing destination. Not just that, but India accounts about 40% of the world outsourcing services. Moreover, The National Association of Software & Service Companies which we call NASSCOM too reportedly noted down that almost half of all fortune 500 companies choose to outsource software development to Indian firms.


With the world development; China, Mexico, Philippines etc have also emerged as few of the leading countries in the areas of outsourcing yet India has managed to stay as the top game player since forever. There are few reasons that supports India to maintain the position such as certain favorable government policies, fast-developing infrastructure, and an immensely talented work force which have been boosting the Indian IT outsourcing industry to experience a tremendous growth rate of 25–30% per year.


Apart from being largest English speaking community across the globe, India also produces 1.3 million graduates every single year who are willing to provide high quality products for pretty lower rates compared to almost all the countries. Lower rates and higher accuracy leads to more work which keeps their skilled up high and brings faster solutions and conclusions to the whole software development cycles.


One more strong reason to outsource in India is because of the significant cost saving that a company can achieve. Cost of living in India is very low as compared to most of the developed countries which leads Indian developers to work for much much cheaper costs comparatively. As a part of example, one can find a good developer for $8 – $12 per hour which is not at all even nearby than this in US but a whooping $50 an hour minimum.


Today, India has very strong 4G networks across the country as well as a very nice telecom, ISP and cellular networks not in just big cities but in smallest town, highway or on the top of the mountain. IT is always seen as the top most priority industry here and policies have been framed to obtain maximum benefit from it by India government. Not just that, Indian government also supports electronic contracts, bars cyber crime and e-filling of documents.


Companies in India can naturally (pun intended) provide clients easiest solution as the benefit gained by the time zone. Considering Indian timezone ahead than the US leads one provide with a numerous opportunities for work to be completed earlier than expected, leading to greater efficiency and increased productivity. This comes at help for various service related options like a 27×7 customer support and help desk services.


India has been continuously achieving the global recognition as well as involvement for business and the existence of Cisco, Oracle, Google, Amazon and many more IT giants have kept India continuously on top of the game as world’s favorite place when it comes to outsourcing.


  • Industry leader from over a decade
  • Quality that matches the international standards
  • Accuracy, Efficiency & Innovation in DNA
  • Value for money
  • Assurance of data security

For any IT assistance and solutions, feel free to contact us

Rakshit Patel

Author ImageI am the Founder of Crest Infotech With over 15 years’ experience in web design, web development, mobile apps development and content marketing. I ensure that we deliver quality website to you which is optimized to improve your business, sales and profits. We create websites that rank at the top of Google and can be easily updated by you.


magento opencart comparision

Best eCommerce Platform – Magento or OpenCart?

May 28, 2016By Rakshit Patel

Looking for Best eCommerce Platform? Business people who are remaining on the precarious edge of beginning their new eCommerce wander all have the same inquiry to confront with sooner or later in time:

Best eCommerce Platform? Which eCommerce stage would it be advisable for me to begin my online business? Clearly, When it comes to eCommerce, there is nobody size-fits-all arrangement.

There are different strategies and devices that can bring fulfilling results, at the end of the day it relies on upon a couple of fundamental choices that should be made in advance, for example, the span of your online store, your outline inclinations, SEO and probability, and obviously, your financial plan.

In this article, we are going to concentrate on two noteworthy rivals in the eCommerce market, Magento Vs. Opencart, and investigate their components and choices to help you choose which one of them (assuming any) is a good fit for you.


Before we begin to look at between the two, it ought to be noticed that there are additionally numerous other eCommerce arrangements, including the mainstream WooCommerce stage for WordPress, Shopify, Zen Cart, and numerous others. Each of these stages gives answers for various arrangements of requirements, so as to settle on the right decision for your business, some essential inquiries that will help you comprehend your necessities in the fleeting and in addition the long haul.


Best eCommerce Platform : Magento VS. OpenCart
  • Who is going to fabricate your eCommerce stage, and what are their abilities and aptitudes?
  • Will you require long haul support administrations and who is going to give them? How simple or how hard is it to discover software engineers or organizations for your picked stage?
  • How hard is it to change the fundamental layout or the stream of the stage (for instance the checkout page and stream)
  • What amount of backing is accessible online for your fancied stage? How huge is the group around it as far as arrangements and augmentations?
  • Is it accurate to say that you are hoping to have an adaptable custom arrangement or would you rather go for more institutionalized settings?
  • What extra components and capacities will you need to coordinate into your online store, on top of the conspicuous default ones?
  • Which eCommerce stages best backings the elements you require?
  • Are there any known execution issues with the stage/arrangement?
  • Best eCommerce Platform : Magento or OpenCart ?
  • Would you like to offer outside of your own nation?
  • How would you plan to handle SEO execution and social offer capacity and would they say they are a top need for your business?
  • Will you be running various stores?
  • What is your e-trade content procedure? Do you have to incorporate your eCommerce store with a WordPress blog?
  • What amount of will you have to spend on permitting, facilitating, augmentations and so on and does it fit in with your financial plan?

In light of your answers, you can now start to kill alternatives and tighten them down to your favored one.


For the most part, Magento and OpenCart really have a considerable measure in like manner. They are both open source stages that are eventually intended to encourage eCommerce movement.

Both are created in PHP and use layouts to transfer items, so they can be kept up by non-software engineers. They are likewise rich in assets, for example, augmentations, add-on items, and modules that can without much of a stretch be added to them to bolster new capacities.

One of the best favorable circumstances that both Magento and OpenCart clients appreciate is their capacity to bolster various dialects and monetary standards, making them a worldwide arrangement that can suit organizations all around the globe.


As far as a Market offer, Magento is unquestionably greater, with around 30% of top eCommerce sites being based on Magento, making it the biggest e-Commerce stage on the planet. The open truck might be a great deal littler and more up to date available, yet that doesn’t mean it falls in quality. It’s fascinating however that as indicated by,

“… Magento is the most prominent open-source e-business stage among locales positioning in the main 1,000,000 such sites on the planet. Just when checking all open source e-trade sites in the whole Internet does Magento tumble to second behind OpenCart.”

Since we know pretty much what we’re managing, let’s investigate some particular necessities:


Other than the choice of the e-trade stage, the nature of the web facilitating administration you buy will likewise have a major effect on the execution of your online store. Exposed as the main priority, however, that Magento has a tendency to devour a lot of assets, which implies you will require a more grounded facilitating plan to bolster your store execution. Disregard shared facilitating as it will no doubt be outgrown before you see it. You may likewise get propositioned, for example, facilitating your back-end on a different server.

Open truck for this situation will be less expensive to host because of its light weight and will tend to work better for little to medium size stores. Magento performs better in facilitating medium to extensive measured business sites.


The one noteworthy contrast amongst Magento and Opencart is established in their utilizations and components. Magento has been increasing overall acknowledgment for its capacity to do pretty much anything you like and assemble the store you had always wanted. It offers very adjustable shopping encounters, boundless outline choices, capable SEO assets and boundless modules and incorporations. Each component you can consider was most likely assembled as of now and is accessible on MagentoCommerce. In the event that it’s not on there, then without a doubt a skilled and ensured Magento designer can make that answer for you.

With its adaptability comes additionally its intricacy, which presumably isn’t an issue in case you’re a Magento designer and realize what you’re doing. In case you’re not a Magento designer or on the off chance that you don’t know PHP, you’ll most likely discover Magento a bit excessively mind-boggling, particularly when it comes, making it impossible to exploiting its adaptability and custom components.

OpenCart then again is a considerable measure less demanding to the program, however, has a littler group premise. It’s extraordinary for new companies that need to convey rapidly without numerous incorporations. It gives a capable shopping basket and some awesome apparatuses which are significantly more instinctive and straight forward, to such an extent that some expert designers may discover it a bit excessively shortsighted, with insufficient components, making it impossible to play with. It’s somewhat similar to looking at amongst WordPress and Wix, or Microsoft Office Picture Manager and Adobe Photoshop. Know more about the Best eCommerce Platform and how the Magento and OpenCart work.


Best eCommerce Platform, Both Magento and OpenCart have settled designer groups that offer backing and exhortation by interest, however, clearly, the Magento people group is significantly more powerful. Magento likewise guarantees and prescribes engineers to give them with validity, which makes it simple to channel the guidance you get and know who you ought to listen to. We expect that extra time, as Opencart keeps on developing, more instructional exercises and assets will get to be accessible, and the quantity of clients that can give online backing will increment.


Up to this point, we’ve stayed pretty much nonpartisan about our decision, however, With regards to SEO, OpenCart still has far to go. Despite the fact that it takes pride in its SEO well-disposed URL’s, it appears that adjusting metadata and performing activities, for example, 301 referrals and real sanctioned can be significantly more perplexing than they ought to be. Furthermore, in spite of the fact that there are different augmentations that can help, it doesn’t approach the unlimited potential outcomes that Magento brings to the table, for example, upgrading titles, pictures and URL’s and associating a store to a WordPress blog.


Best eCommerce Platform? Magento is awesome for bigger stores with bigger spending plans. It’s got scale capacity to bolster the development of your business for quite a long time to come, and backing any need you may have later on.
The open truck is more reasonable in case you’re attempting to fabricate your store autonomously in light of the fact that it’s more instinctive, and it’s (just about) allowed to utilize, however, contemplate that one day, your business may become out of it. Whichever your pick we wish you fortunes with your new business!

Rakshit Patel

Author ImageI am the Founder of Crest Infotech With over 15 years’ experience in web design, web development, mobile apps development and content marketing. I ensure that we deliver quality website to you which is optimized to improve your business, sales and profits. We create websites that rank at the top of Google and can be easily updated by you.