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Outsourcing in India : Pros & Pros!

December 27, 2016By Rakshit Patel

In the era of triple Ws, One will find a plethora of companies outsourcing to India irrespective of the region that country is in. The latest survey states that 80% of European and US outsourcing firms ranked India as their number one outsourcing destination. Not just that, but India accounts about 40% of the world outsourcing services. Moreover, The National Association of Software & Service Companies which we call NASSCOM too reportedly noted down that almost half of all fortune 500 companies choose to outsource software development to Indian firms.


With the world development; China, Mexico, Philippines etc have also emerged as few of the leading countries in the areas of outsourcing yet India has managed to stay as the top game player since forever. There are few reasons that supports India to maintain the position such as certain favorable government policies, fast-developing infrastructure, and an immensely talented work force which have been boosting the Indian IT outsourcing industry to experience a tremendous growth rate of 25–30% per year.


Apart from being largest English speaking community across the globe, India also produces 1.3 million graduates every single year who are willing to provide high quality products for pretty lower rates compared to almost all the countries. Lower rates and higher accuracy leads to more work which keeps their skilled up high and brings faster solutions and conclusions to the whole software development cycles.


One more strong reason to outsource in India is because of the significant cost saving that a company can achieve. Cost of living in India is very low as compared to most of the developed countries which leads Indian developers to work for much much cheaper costs comparatively. As a part of example, one can find a good developer for $8 – $12 per hour which is not at all even nearby than this in US but a whooping $50 an hour minimum.


Today, India has very strong 4G networks across the country as well as a very nice telecom, ISP and cellular networks not in just big cities but in smallest town, highway or on the top of the mountain. IT is always seen as the top most priority industry here and policies have been framed to obtain maximum benefit from it by India government. Not just that, Indian government also supports electronic contracts, bars cyber crime and e-filling of documents.


Companies in India can naturally (pun intended) provide clients easiest solution as the benefit gained by the time zone. Considering Indian timezone ahead than the US leads one provide with a numerous opportunities for work to be completed earlier than expected, leading to greater efficiency and increased productivity. This comes at help for various service related options like a 27×7 customer support and help desk services.


India has been continuously achieving the global recognition as well as involvement for business and the existence of Cisco, Oracle, Google, Amazon and many more IT giants have kept India continuously on top of the game as world’s favorite place when it comes to outsourcing.


  • Industry leader from over a decade
  • Quality that matches the international standards
  • Accuracy, Efficiency & Innovation in DNA
  • Value for money
  • Assurance of data security

For any IT assistance and solutions, feel free to contact us

Rakshit Patel

Author ImageI am the Founder of Crest Infotech With over 15 years’ experience in web design, web development, mobile apps development and content marketing. I ensure that we deliver quality website to you which is optimized to improve your business, sales and profits. We create websites that rank at the top of Google and can be easily updated by you.


magento opencart comparision

Best eCommerce Platform – Magento or OpenCart?

May 28, 2016By Rakshit Patel

Looking for Best eCommerce Platform? Business people who are remaining on the precarious edge of beginning their new eCommerce wander all have the same inquiry to confront with sooner or later in time:

Best eCommerce Platform? Which eCommerce stage would it be advisable for me to begin my online business? Clearly, When it comes to eCommerce, there is nobody size-fits-all arrangement.

There are different strategies and devices that can bring fulfilling results, at the end of the day it relies on upon a couple of fundamental choices that should be made in advance, for example, the span of your online store, your outline inclinations, SEO and probability, and obviously, your financial plan.

In this article, we are going to concentrate on two noteworthy rivals in the eCommerce market, Magento Vs. Opencart, and investigate their components and choices to help you choose which one of them (assuming any) is a good fit for you.


Before we begin to look at between the two, it ought to be noticed that there are additionally numerous other eCommerce arrangements, including the mainstream WooCommerce stage for WordPress, Shopify, Zen Cart, and numerous others. Each of these stages gives answers for various arrangements of requirements, so as to settle on the right decision for your business, some essential inquiries that will help you comprehend your necessities in the fleeting and in addition the long haul.


Best eCommerce Platform : Magento VS. OpenCart
  • Who is going to fabricate your eCommerce stage, and what are their abilities and aptitudes?
  • Will you require long haul support administrations and who is going to give them? How simple or how hard is it to discover software engineers or organizations for your picked stage?
  • How hard is it to change the fundamental layout or the stream of the stage (for instance the checkout page and stream)
  • What amount of backing is accessible online for your fancied stage? How huge is the group around it as far as arrangements and augmentations?
  • Is it accurate to say that you are hoping to have an adaptable custom arrangement or would you rather go for more institutionalized settings?
  • What extra components and capacities will you need to coordinate into your online store, on top of the conspicuous default ones?
  • Which eCommerce stages best backings the elements you require?
  • Are there any known execution issues with the stage/arrangement?
  • Best eCommerce Platform : Magento or OpenCart ?
  • Would you like to offer outside of your own nation?
  • How would you plan to handle SEO execution and social offer capacity and would they say they are a top need for your business?
  • Will you be running various stores?
  • What is your e-trade content procedure? Do you have to incorporate your eCommerce store with a WordPress blog?
  • What amount of will you have to spend on permitting, facilitating, augmentations and so on and does it fit in with your financial plan?

In light of your answers, you can now start to kill alternatives and tighten them down to your favored one.


For the most part, Magento and OpenCart really have a considerable measure in like manner. They are both open source stages that are eventually intended to encourage eCommerce movement.

Both are created in PHP and use layouts to transfer items, so they can be kept up by non-software engineers. They are likewise rich in assets, for example, augmentations, add-on items, and modules that can without much of a stretch be added to them to bolster new capacities.

One of the best favorable circumstances that both Magento and OpenCart clients appreciate is their capacity to bolster various dialects and monetary standards, making them a worldwide arrangement that can suit organizations all around the globe.


As far as a Market offer, Magento is unquestionably greater, with around 30% of top eCommerce sites being based on Magento, making it the biggest e-Commerce stage on the planet. The open truck might be a great deal littler and more up to date available, yet that doesn’t mean it falls in quality. It’s fascinating however that as indicated by BuiltWith.com,

“… Magento is the most prominent open-source e-business stage among locales positioning in the main 1,000,000 such sites on the planet. Just when checking all open source e-trade sites in the whole Internet does Magento tumble to second behind OpenCart.”

Since we know pretty much what we’re managing, let’s investigate some particular necessities:


Other than the choice of the e-trade stage, the nature of the web facilitating administration you buy will likewise have a major effect on the execution of your online store. Exposed as the main priority, however, that Magento has a tendency to devour a lot of assets, which implies you will require a more grounded facilitating plan to bolster your store execution. Disregard shared facilitating as it will no doubt be outgrown before you see it. You may likewise get propositioned, for example, facilitating your back-end on a different server.

Open truck for this situation will be less expensive to host because of its light weight and will tend to work better for little to medium size stores. Magento performs better in facilitating medium to extensive measured business sites.


The one noteworthy contrast amongst Magento and Opencart is established in their utilizations and components. Magento has been increasing overall acknowledgment for its capacity to do pretty much anything you like and assemble the store you had always wanted. It offers very adjustable shopping encounters, boundless outline choices, capable SEO assets and boundless modules and incorporations. Each component you can consider was most likely assembled as of now and is accessible on MagentoCommerce. In the event that it’s not on there, then without a doubt a skilled and ensured Magento designer can make that answer for you.

With its adaptability comes additionally its intricacy, which presumably isn’t an issue in case you’re a Magento designer and realize what you’re doing. In case you’re not a Magento designer or on the off chance that you don’t know PHP, you’ll most likely discover Magento a bit excessively mind-boggling, particularly when it comes, making it impossible to exploiting its adaptability and custom components.

OpenCart then again is a considerable measure less demanding to the program, however, has a littler group premise. It’s extraordinary for new companies that need to convey rapidly without numerous incorporations. It gives a capable shopping basket and some awesome apparatuses which are significantly more instinctive and straight forward, to such an extent that some expert designers may discover it a bit excessively shortsighted, with insufficient components, making it impossible to play with. It’s somewhat similar to looking at amongst WordPress and Wix, or Microsoft Office Picture Manager and Adobe Photoshop. Know more about the Best eCommerce Platform and how the Magento and OpenCart work.


Best eCommerce Platform, Both Magento and OpenCart have settled designer groups that offer backing and exhortation by interest, however, clearly, the Magento people group is significantly more powerful. Magento likewise guarantees and prescribes engineers to give them with validity, which makes it simple to channel the guidance you get and know who you ought to listen to. We expect that extra time, as Opencart keeps on developing, more instructional exercises and assets will get to be accessible, and the quantity of clients that can give online backing will increment.


Up to this point, we’ve stayed pretty much nonpartisan about our decision, however, With regards to SEO, OpenCart still has far to go. Despite the fact that it takes pride in its SEO well-disposed URL’s, it appears that adjusting metadata and performing activities, for example, 301 referrals and real sanctioned can be significantly more perplexing than they ought to be. Furthermore, in spite of the fact that there are different augmentations that can help, it doesn’t approach the unlimited potential outcomes that Magento brings to the table, for example, upgrading titles, pictures and URL’s and associating a store to a WordPress blog.


Best eCommerce Platform? Magento is awesome for bigger stores with bigger spending plans. It’s got scale capacity to bolster the development of your business for quite a long time to come, and backing any need you may have later on.
The open truck is more reasonable in case you’re attempting to fabricate your store autonomously in light of the fact that it’s more instinctive, and it’s (just about) allowed to utilize, however, contemplate that one day, your business may become out of it. Whichever your pick we wish you fortunes with your new business!

Rakshit Patel

Author ImageI am the Founder of Crest Infotech With over 15 years’ experience in web design, web development, mobile apps development and content marketing. I ensure that we deliver quality website to you which is optimized to improve your business, sales and profits. We create websites that rank at the top of Google and can be easily updated by you.


magento 1 vs magento 2 comparision

Difference Between Magento 1.x & Magento 2,Revealed!

May 13, 2016By Rakshit Patel

Since the advancement doesn’t stop, each shopping basket ought to always enhance to keep a high market position. It appears that Magento has taken in this principle by heart. The whole e-Commerce people group has been profoundly expecting the arrival of Magento 2. Regardless of the reality, that lone beta adaptation is yet accessible, everybody continues pondering – what are the stage’s new elements “Great things require significant investment and extraordinary take a considerable measure of time”. That is why we have some extraordinary desires for the stage that has been being developed for over four years. we’ll attempt to raise your mindfulness by depicting the crucial contrasts between Magento and Magento 2.

We took the information for the most part from Magento occasions materials and our own exploration. Yet, we need to recall that it is just a beta rendition and maybe there will be some progressions by the date of definite discharge. So here we go: The use of current advances. Magento 2 will utilize the latest and well-known forms of PHP, especially 5.4 and 5.5, HTML5, CSS 3.3 and the most recent variants of JQuery. General contrasts between innovations incorporated into Magento and Magento 2.0 are displayed in the table beneath.


On the off chance that past Magento forms required specialized information for design controls, the new one will make this errand clear notwithstanding for novices. The clear plan administration will be given by the new Visual Design Editor. The component, with the simple to utilize, “move and customize” interface, will allow each shipper to change pieces and compartments with no significant exertion. We anticipate it.


Magento 2 will incorporate an arrangement of modules with a high coupling code to permit shop proprietors regulate relationship between them much simpler. With this upgrade, vendors get a plausibility to empower, incapacitate or supplant the parts as per their needs, through an uncommonly created interface. Along these lines, in the event that you need to dispose of Magento’s center many-sided quality, apply your own usage or even utilize the stage as CMS, the truck will furnish with such open door.


With a specific end goal to make store administration faster, Magento will lessen the quantity of root catalogs from 9 to 5. For instance, the new index “bar” will contain every one of the information accessible for exposure. This framework is more advantageous than past one, where various records were separated among “media”, “blunder”, “skin”, “js”. Additionally, shop proprietors will have the capacity to put their Magento application records outside of web-server archive root.

All these progressions are gone for expanding the field of conceivable outcomes for both e-traders and truck engineers. In any case, alongside circumstance extension, Magento is attempting to enhance convenience and make itself justifiable for the basic client. Along these lines, we should want to enjoy all that life has to offer to this propelled stage and trust that later on it will pick up the one quality it needed – straightforwardness. In its turn, Cart2Cart guarantees to give each dealer a chance to move or move up to Magento 2 when the last form is discharged. Concerning now, you have a chance to redesign your current Magento store to a more up to date variant by experiencing mechanized Magento to Magento migration.



With Magento 2, everything is put specifically under the “application” structure, aside from config.xml. It is simple for you to get to all formats, designs and js, css document. Magento 2 gives designers more open doors for customization without changing site usefulness.


Magento 2 permits you to introduce and update center programming and expansions rapidly and essentially with lower overhaul expenses and endeavors. Magento 2 incorporates data on forming approaches, so designers can move up to new form less demanding. Be that as it may, you require the backing of new standalone installer to set up Magento 2 quicker


The new default indexers in Magento 2 permits you to enhance velocity of inquiry execution with more proficient overhauls. Magento execution toolbox is the way to upgrade framework execution. Designer can make test situations and set up computerized test effortlessly. Additionally, Magento 2 incorporated with Varnish Cache to diminish server load and accelerate the page load.


Model is the primary JavaScript Library in Magento CE 1.7 – 1.9 and EE 1.11 – 1.14, which focuses to simplicity advancement of element web applications. The interest from Magento Community rises, jQuery turns into the new default JavaScript library.


Magento 2 acquired substantial group from Magento. In any case, numerous engineers and specialists are keeping on exploring and find out about Magento 2 following a month of discharging. The past groups are immense yet they require time to wind up solid groups for Magento 2.


Magento concentrates on graphical client interface (GUI) with simple customization. GUI don’t require confounded summons, so it is accessible for an amateur. GUI permit clients to explore through a framework. You ought to get the advantages of WYSIWYG. It makes Magento be easy to understand. Then again, Magento 2 utilizes chiefly Command Line. The order line has a major number of summons. It has a precarious expectation to learn and adapt to bring about numerous troubles for new clients with no experience to experienced clients.


The quantity of augmentation for Magento 2 is still restricted in examination with Magento . Most organizations host to pay third gathering to introduce Magento augmentations legitimately from vital expansions to cutting edge augmentations.

The Clash put it pleasantly: “On the off chance that I go there will be inconvenience… and on the off chance that I stay it will be twofold.” Do these verses remain constant for shippers arranging their turn from Magento 1.x to Magento 2? What’s included and how to settle on a decent choice on when is the correct time to arrange a move? We bring you three most basic inquiries traders are inquiring. What’s more, replies, obviously. Magento 2 is at long last out! Yes, you’ve all heard the news, it was everywhere throughout the Magento biological community. I adore the way that Magento has at long last dispatched its new item, and this tweet from Alan Kent kind of entireties up the fervor around it


All things considered, I’ll simply leave this here and let myself out for a moment. However, jokes aside, Magento 2 is here, we’re anticipating new difficulties since, well, that is the means by which pretty much anybody needs to roll nowadays. With respect to the dealers, you know, those individuals that really put bread on our table.


There’s in abundance of 240,000 shops on Magento out there (or if nothing else that is the official figure), Magento that is.

  • Things being what they are, by what means would it be advisable for all to these organizations approach this change?
  • The inquiries we’ve been getting recently can be summed up in:
  • At the point when would it be advisable for me to arrange the move up to Magento 2?
  • How smooth or excruciating procedure would I be able to anticipate?
  • Is it justified, despite all the trouble?


This depends exceedingly on your present site and its present condition – primary concern is, if your site is performing great (running easily, requests are coming in… ), and you’re utilizing a form that is not by any means obsolete (I’d say anything before 1.8 CE and 1.13 EE would be considered entirely obsolete), there is no surge, yet you can (and ought to) begin investigating Magento 2, request that your answer accomplice give you their contemplation and begin doing some essential arrangements.

In case you’re on a more seasoned rendition of the product or even on a more current form yet having genuine execution issues, and on top of that you host various third gathering expansions introduced, now would be an incredible time to get ready for a patch up.

In the event that you have to accomplish something genuine to essentially enhance your store’s execution (and we can help you make sense of the condition your site is in and why), you should arrange the new speculations to be done on Magento 2.



How about we get ready for not as much as smooth here. Smooth is something you are not going to get – yes, there is a relocation instrument prepared that ought to help you with the information (store setup, items, clients, orders, promo rules… ) move between the stages. We’ve additionally blogged about how to utilize it and what it empowers you to do. However, as it is unmistakably noted over yonder also, topic and code customizations (which incorporates outsider expansions) won’t be transferable, which means they would should be revamped on Magento 2.

Along these lines, additional speculations would should be made in the visual and utilitarian redo. This ought to, in my book, be dealt with as something to be thankful for in light of the fact that:

  • It can give you some new thoughts and make you reevaluate your business overall
  • You will have the capacity to dispose of a portion of the legacy code
  • You can enhance general ease of use of your site

Let’s be honest – in the event that you have 50+ augmentations on your store (and this is even a modest representation of the truth in view of some of our late encounters), Magento 2 can be a lifeline as it will make you think, reevaluate and re-try things, ideally betterly.


It will be. What’s more, the principle reason is the change itself – for Magento there is no backtracking. Yes, they will bolster the more established forms for quite a while – and this is the reason you are in no compelling reason to hop the weapon in case you’re doing alright right now and you don’t have any arrangements to be a business sector pioneer or pioneer of sorts in your specialty.

In any case, you ought to likewise know that most of the speculations and investigations of freshest ideas around e-as well as a trade out there will be done on Magento

Magento 2 has at last been discharged for the current month following quite a while of dynamic improvement. Magento 2 was at first brought about by Yoav Kutner in 2010 while still with eBay so it is fitting that we investigate on the outcomes. In this multi-part blog article we will work to answer the accompanying inquiries while getting acquainted with the Magento 2 discharge:

  • What changes does Magento 2 conveys to eCommerce?
  • What are the key contrasts between the extremely prevalent Magento adaptation and the new 2.0 variant?
  • Which framework is ideal to pick when you begin with eCommerce?
  • Should I redeploy on a current stage?
  • Should I overhaul from Magento form to the most recent 2?
  • Is it true that all were major 1.x issues determined with the 2 form?

These and numerous different inquiries will be replied in the arrangement of Magento 2 articles distributed on our online journal in the up and coming weeks.


This look depends on distributed advertising materials and test establishment on our nearby surroundings. At first look these things introduce a photo of an adult venture. The documentation and supplied materials, which cover particular points of interest, are set up and accessible to use for “brisk begin” purposes. Designers have simple access to the Community Edition code and the application can be sent and utilized as a part of generation with no basic issues upon our establishment. Magento took in its lessons from Magento 1.x and concentrated on key bottlenecks when creating Magento 2.0: execution, versatility, and ease of use.

  • What are the most vital building upgrades concentrated on framework execution and adaptability?
  • What are the key contrasts from an item and elements point of view?
  • Framework and Performance

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Magento 1 frontend execution for locales with high activity depend intensely on a couple key ideas. Legitimate server arrangement, utilizing built up code standards, and storing wherever conceivable are all basic to hold servers from stalling under repetitive solicitations. The reserve layer in 1 advanced and eventually formed into the Full Page Cache (FPC). This element was accessible in the Enterprise Edition (EE) and determined numerous issues identified with moderate page stacking time, however presented others (reserve nullification rules, store adequacy, size). With these known FPC issues, and absence of this arrangement in Community Edition (CE) items, numerous innovation accomplices started utilizing Varnish as an intermediary store arrangement. This determined Magento’s local page reserve bottlenecks and permitted accomplices to convey high performing sites. In Magento 2 Varnish was chosen as the out of the case page reserve arrangement. In principle there is no incorporation exertion required other than standard arrangement. This has all the earmarks of being an incredible choice and in the next weeks we’re going to check that it is as attachment and play as would be prudent.


Reindexing database information is dependably an asset escalated operation that influences day by day business, particularly on account of extensive inventories. In Magento 1 incremental indexing changes (halfway indexing) were acquainted all together with location this issue and took into account the steady operation of extensive undertakings on the EE variant. This engineering change was exchanged to the Magento 2.0 venture and is currently accessible for both CE and EE forms. Ideally this will be a noteworthy stride forward for all group clients hoping to utilize CE with a bigger index. This is a noteworthy worry in situations where organizations change item information once a day.


One of the greatest bottlenecks for substantial arrangements with Magento was the database (compose heading). It was difficult to modify Magento to keep running on numerous databases or even split particular operations, for example, checkout, index, and client to keep running on a different expert database with foundation information synchronization. Out of the crate Magento 2 offers the alternative to utilize three separate expert databases for various practical zones permitting clients to particular the heap for checkout, list perusing, request administration, and so on. In spite of the fact that it is accessible just with the EE form, this promising component is reasonable for shippers attempting to bolster their crest movement amid Christmas season. In later articles we will quantify that it is so natural to send and how viable the arrangement will be.


Security in PHP applications is about building up a code as indicated by best works on, testing application endpoints against average assaults, and taking after security rehearses. Magento 2 brings numerous improvements into the base structure authorizing some practices to be utilized. Forestalling cross-site scripting (XSS) assaults with system changes or by empowering SHA-256 secret key hashing for both CE and EE forms. In 1.x it was just an EE form include so this is a noteworthy change to security.


Its a well known fact that the 1.x form backend configuration is antiquated. A few clients would go similarly as supplanting the backend subject with some Community augmentations accessible for that reason. Magento 2 tended to this issue bigly. Utilizing Magento 2 unmistakably this is a present day application.

It is essential to stress here that a basic skin change would not be a considerable a sufficient change. Magento 2 offers design changes and data engineering to enhance client experience. At the point when utilizing Magento 2.0 you get the feeling that utilitarian components are less demanding to discover. For instance; the client does not have to navigate almost the same number of components to make an item.

One of the exceptionally fascinating backend changes is the capacity to include/expel segments to accessible networks taking into account substance characteristics.


Magento 2 backings each of the Magento 1.x components, however a large portion of them have enhanced work process and balanced usefulness. The UX changes for item creation appear to be extremely fascinating from the trader and client point of view and touch zones, for example,

  • Item see data engineering
  • All key item traits are presently accessible on one single screen with all the critical item properties (like “Item Online” status) appropriately recognized
  • Numerous item formats
  • Class creation from the item page and simplicity of making complex item structure (configurable, assembled, and so on)
  • The capacity to make item property from the item see page
  • It’s presently conceivable to rearrange item trait accumulations and change sets after the item was spared


It doesn’t give the idea that we will discover new showcasing highlights in Magento 2. A discernible change is unquestionably the disentangled design and data engineering – things are better sorted out and have important marks. Be that as it may, there is no extra usefulness, for example, advancement principles and pamphlet layouts.

  • Request Management
  • A noteworthy change was normal in the request administration usefulness. For instance:
  • Presentation of work process steps
  • Capacity to alter things under requests and installments. This no more requires the request be scratched off first.
  • Simple customization of a request receipt with the goal that it can be utilized as authoritative report.

Tragically none of these changes were actualized in Magento 2 and, aside from some format and plan enhancements, it shows up very little was done to unmistakably separate Magento 1.x from the Magento 2.0 item. We comprehend this is only the starting and trust upgrades to this segment will be presented in up and coming discharges.


The one page checkout in Magento is referred to be not exceptionally usable as clients need to present a couple ventures before they at long last get to the request affirmation page. There was a need to enhance that local stream and regularly a need to empower a one-stage checkout expansion. Truth be told, checkout customization is a standout amongst the most mainstream solicitations from MageCore customers. This has been tended to with the Magento 2.0 discharge. Magento 2 presents a two-stage checkout – one stage to include request information and the other stride to audit and finish the buy. These new stream is unquestionably a colossal change more than Magento 1.x.


Just PayPal, Auhorize.net, and Braintree installments are accessible in the Magento 2.0 item. In the event that a vendor wishes to utilize a portion of the Magento 1.x installment combinations then customization will be required.

UPKEEP AND OPERATIONSNo noteworthy changes are accessible in Magento 2.0 aside from data design changes. Route things are better sorted out and principles and consents work the same (utilizing the same rationale).


When innovation organizations begin utilizing the Magento 2.0 item as a base stage for new tasks we hope to see discernible measures of Magento 1.x augmentations being refactored for Magento 2.0 use. There is no regressive similarity and each 1.x expansion should be refactored to be good with the Magento 2.0 adaptation. Past that, there is very little we can share here – essentially that there are only a couple of Magento 2.0 augmentations accessible contrasted with the sum we have with the Magento 1.x form.

We are wanting to pick the most regularly utilized expansions utilized by MageCore customers and check whether these augmentations have a variant accessible for Magento 2. A different blog entry will be distributed on that subject.


In spite of the fact that this passage is included toward the end of the article, it can be a standout among the most basic components for innovation accomplices as of now creating on Magento. The Magento 2 engineering is not the same as Magento 1.x and there could be results for innovation accomplices who are moderate to receive.

Magento 2 acquaints numerous new ideas with framework design, basically to address key necessities for extensibility and measured quality. Reception of the Coding Standards for PHP, utilizing Composer to oversee application conditions, and isolating application layers (view, administration, space, industriousness) are great course. This is particularly genuine when seen from the Oro point of view as they are as of now utilizing the Symphony structure where huge numbers of these ideas are set up

magento 1 vs magento 2 comparision


  • Full page storing on both Magento 2 Community and Magento Enterprise 2.0.
  • This is one of the greatest things that I’m amped up for. Full page storing is a distinct advantage.
  • It fundamentally takes a database-driven site (where every page may have 100+ database calls to assemble a solitary page) and prerenders the majority of the pages into essential HTML. This can bring page load times down to 1-2 seconds, from an ordinary 5-8 seconds for some eCommerce destinations.
  • Speedier page load times mean less load on a server. So you can deal with more movement and guests without paying for all the more facilitating base. Quick page load times improve for an end client experience, can interpret into a higher change rate, and are a key flag that Google uses to rank destinations (quick stacking locales frequently will rank higher).
  • Magento 2 is likewise good with Varnish 4, and the HHVM 3.6 (Hip Hop Virtual Machine), spearheaded by Facebook to accumulate php code on the fly for much speedier page load times.
  • Diminished JS code calls. Before, Magento 1.9 and 1.14 expected to load many javascript (JS) libraries to construct a solitary page. This has been diminished; making page load times speedier.
  • Better APIs, more measured center, better theming and design – all these are guaranteed. We’ll perceive how this really plays out however in this present reality, in any case.


  • For Magento, the single purpose of disappointment has dependably been the database. You can scale out front-end Web servers, put the majority of your substance on CDN (content conveyance systems), and use load adjusting and failover to handle these things. Be that as it may, until Magento 2, you were screwed over thanks to one single database to run the entire thing. Without a doubt, you could go down the database to another server on a successive premise. Be that as it may, everything keeps running in Magento out of a solitary mySQL database.
  • On Magento 2, you can have a standalone database for request administration and checkout. This implies in the event that you need, you can have the front end of your site’s substance, items and classifications served out of one mySQL database. What’s more, this database can deal with a huge amount of activity. In any case, when somebody needs to really checkout on the site, the checkout page can utilize an optional, standalone database. This permits you to scale out the site, and have a committed assets for the most essential site guests – the general population attempting to look at on the site and make a buy.


In the Magento 2 upgrade, they likewise invested a considerable measure of energy concentrating on how Website proprietors, who need to process requests and include/alter/evacuate items in the Magento administrator need to work.

  • A standout amongst the most widely recognized asked for elements in the past was the capacity to tweak the Magento administrator network.
  • Magento 2 – Create Customized Admin Grid Per User
  • Magento 2 – Create Customized Admin Grid Per User – Click Here for Screenshot >>
  • For instance, wouldn’t it be magnificent to add a couple of segments to the item framework so that it’s anything but difficult to sort?

Before, this has required a custom module/custom coding. In any case, it’s presently implicit to Magento 2, and can be set and spared and customized, in view of each Magento administrator client. Second, you can now make a framework view in the administrator region, (for example, Page Titles, SKU and Inventory levels), and after that alter the data right on the page in the matrix. Kind of like you can do on an Excel spreadsheet. This will spare a huge amount of time, instead of the standard strategy for opening up every item, explore to a sub-tab, and afterward hop again into the matrix when you spare.

Magento 2 doesn’t generally address a key issue with Magento items when all is said in done: Magento was fundamentally intended for a man, sitting at a screen, to enter in items into the administrator range, one item at once. In any case, for Magento 2, they’ve included these components into the Magento 2 administrator region:

Mass pictures for items. Fundamentally, you can apply extraordinary pictures by credit to each SKU, or apply a solitary arrangement of pictures to all SKUs. Mass Pricing. You can apply evaluating to a solitary arrangement of pictures, or in mass to all.

Make Product Configurations. In Magento 2.0, you can utilize even more a visual proofreader to make property estimations, including checkboxes, that make it a considerable measure less demanding to make sense of for the normal Magento administrator client.

Rakshit Patel

Author ImageI am the Founder of Crest Infotech With over 15 years’ experience in web design, web development, mobile apps development and content marketing. I ensure that we deliver quality website to you which is optimized to improve your business, sales and profits. We create websites that rank at the top of Google and can be easily updated by you.


swift better objective c comparision

The reasons why Swift is better than Objective C

January 28, 2016By Rakshit Patel

Swift is a general purpose, multi-paradigm, compiled programming language developed by Apple for around 2 years back. The development of the language had begun in July 2010 only.

Swift is a general purpose, multi-paradigm, compiled programming language developed by Apple for around 2 years back. The development of the language had begun in July 2010 only.

The launch of the language came out as a shock to many. However, with the passage of time, Apple released better versions one after another. The clients and developers also started converting their projects into the language as well as open libraries into swift. The level of acceptance by the community and rapid adoption by everyone over the periphery of time states nothing but the brighter future of Swift. And Brighter than Objective-C indeed!

Moreover, if you are at all hoping to be the part of the community or the industry for a long run and brighter future, Swift is to be adapted as the primary development language. The key features it involves let you code immersive, responsive and consumer-facing applications for the upcoming era.

Furthermore, Apple has been showing a keen interest in developing future iterations of language. It has also been noticed that compiler it consists is developed to go from the basic most application to the future operating system.

However, Nothing on record has been said by Apple, but all these prominent aspects of the language certainly state that Apple intends to expand the horizons of swift but Objective C. It would not be shocking if Apple stops supporting Objective-C in future iteration and make Swift as the only development language.

Furthermore, There are ways to convert Objective-C applications into Swift using bridging as well as many other conversion tools. However, they do not perform up to the mark and lack adequate results by the end.

In a nutshell, We at Crest Infotech encourage one to get already developed products converted into swift from scratch. If one is planning on to get a product developed then one must get it done in only and only Swift Language.


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Rakshit Patel

Author ImageI am the Founder of Crest Infotech With over 15 years’ experience in web design, web development, mobile apps development and content marketing. I ensure that we deliver quality website to you which is optimized to improve your business, sales and profits. We create websites that rank at the top of Google and can be easily updated by you.