IT Industry


Mac App Store vs Windows Store

For anyone who owns an iMac or MacBook, the Mac App Store has proven to be a lifesaver. We’ve been able to download new software and operating system updates straight from the Internet, rather than having to go out and purchase the discs, unlike in previous years. But what about those who choose personal computers […]

May 29, 2021By Rakshit Patel


Which is Better: CodeIgniter or Laravel?

Today’s developers are often tasked with creating extremely complex web applications and portals. While it may appear to be a necessary part of the job, the reality is that after a certain level of complexity, creating websites and apps can become a hassle and consume a significant amount of time from the stakeholders involved. It […]

May 27, 2021By Rakshit Patel


All you need to know about Flutter 1.12

Flutter is a user interface toolkit developed by Google that allows developers to create interactive, intuitive, and natively compiled applications. It enables you to build online, mobile, and desktop applications from a single codebase. Due to its superior visual appearance, Flutter, which was first revealed in May 2017, rapidly became everyone’s first option for cross-app […]

May 26, 2021By Rakshit Patel

MongoDB or MySQL

Which Database Should You Use for Your Business: MongoDB or MySQL?

Choosing a database for modern apps has proven to be a difficult task for many. Particularly because relational DBMSs such as PostgreSQL, MS SQL, and MySQL have become popular in recent years.As a result, MySQL has always been a preferred option for many businesses in need of a relational database. However, with growing variety and […]

May 26, 2021By Rakshit Patel

full stack development 1

What is full-stack development and how to hire a full stack developer?

People talk about the front end and the back end, or the client side and the server side, a lot. The aim of frontends is to display data to users. This is where people use a browser to access the internet. As a result, we’ll be targeting end users with technologies like HTML, CSS, and […]

May 21, 2021By Rakshit Patel

product owners need value addition

Why do product owners need value addition, and when do they need it?

So, which one of these are you? Regardless of your status, you’ve come to this guide in search of progress; progress in the form of increased business growth. Progress in today’s world is proportional to your technological capacity. If you want to advance, you must invest in cutting-edge technology.To put this into perspective, a businessman’s […]

May 20, 2021By Rakshit Patel

product owners

Why use Kafka? How does it work?

When it comes to publishing/subscribing messaging systems, there are several options. This raises the question of why Kafka is such a popular option among developers. Let’s take a look. Multiple producers Kafka has the ability to control several producers at the same time. It can handle several producers, whether they’re working on the same subject […]

May 19, 2021By Rakshit Patel

Staff augmentation banner

Staff augmentation: A successful model to extend your team

What is staff augmentation? Staff augmentation is an outsourcing partnership model in which highly qualified personnel are hired on a contract basis rather than on a permanent basis. Simply put, a personnel augmentation company provides you with highly trained and experienced workers who assist you in achieving all of your project objectives. Knowing how the […]

May 19, 2021By Rakshit Patel

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Remote work in the IT industry: facts, advantages, and methodologies

The COVID-19 pandemic was such an outright tragedy that seeking some silver linings is very hard. But if we have to, then the development of the IT industry’s remote working community can be seen as the greatest unseen gain of the COVID-19 pandemic. The COVID-19 pandemic forced all IT businesses in the world to resort […]

April 02, 2021By Rakshit Patel