How to be prepared for the Virtual Meeting Banner 1

How to be prepared for the Virtual Meeting

As we know we have 1 revert after 10 proposals and 1 meeting after 10 reverts! That’s why the first meeting with the clients is worthful in all manner.

Here I want to write some points which might be helpful before/during the client’s first call.


  • Scheduling: After the primary talk with the client on LinkedIn, or e-mail we have to make an event in google calendar and add all person’s email id with the care of time zones of each person. So anyone can reschedule or inform before the meeting. Coz everyone has a precious time.
  • Research and Analysis: Always prepared from the information and possible phenomena might be occurred during the meeting. Also, we can check the client’s background from the various social/ professional platform and from their websites. Also, keep the previous chat in mind.
  • Homework: Homework is always good for the grades. So prepared with a folder which includes past work, Relevant experience, reference info and of course your organization’s information. If you there is a more than one person from your side then divide the tasks like the introduction of the company, Technical Part, Business Method, Working Methods, and Pricing.
  • Enlist the questions: As we know questions might arise from both side but it’s better to enlist the questions and ask him/her during the good moment of meeting. So, If our homework and research are perfect then this task might be generated automatically no need to think about that.
  • Do research on the client’s competitors and peers: If there is a business there is a competition. Research on that and also find the unique way to overcome the competition. This research might face some difficulties but if you succeed to find the unique way then the client is yours.
  • Suggestions: Prepare the suggestions that you want to give him/her, but choose it wisely coz every suggestion must be related to the point and do not choose experiments in first meetings. Suggestions and the valid reason behind that suggestion simple!



  • Introduction: As he/she know us; so don’t need to give the introduction in a conventional manner introduce him/her with the things that he/she can’t see in your profile/website. In the case of more people introduce another person with his job title and name.
  • Confidence level and knowledge: Show up your confidence in your voice and you can prove your knowledge from the past work and the responsibilities. You’re important that’s why company choose you to attend the meeting.
  • Don’t be experimental: Keep your language friendly with the professional standards. Don’t say yes if you can’t do it it’s not a film story its a business. If You don’t know something then it’s not a bad thing, after all, we’re human not google.

Thanks to HubSpot and Google.

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Rakshit Patel

Author Image I am the Founder of Crest Infotech With over 18 years’ experience in web design, web development, mobile apps development and content marketing. I ensure that we deliver quality website to you which is optimized to improve your business, sales and profits. We create websites that rank at the top of Google and can be easily updated by you.

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