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Know The Difference Between M2M and IoT: (Part I)

It’s difficult to tell the difference between Machine to Machine (M2M) and the Internet of Things (IoT). In reality, the misunderstanding that M2M and IoT are the same has been a recurring topic of discussion in the tech world.

But now, more than ever, as both technologies continue to advance at breakneck pace, this is more important than ever.

Remote device access is a function of both M2M and IoT. As a result, the two words are often misunderstood.

Although both are business communication solutions, they are two separate schools of thought. M2M and IoT both bind items, but they do so in different ways.

Before we get into the details of the discrepancies, let’s take a look at where the two technologies intersect.

Remote access

To be sure, M2M is the forerunner of the Internet of Things. M2M laid the groundwork for computer networking, which IoT has expanded upon, and on which IoT progress is taking place and being implemented.

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a broader view of networking that is fuelled by advances in M2M applications.

M2M is, first and foremost, a business solution that links companies to their devices that are also linked.

M2M transforms company operations by allowing them to remotely track and control their devices or equipment.

The key M2M deliverable is to link a computer to the cloud so that businesses can remotely access and collect data from it.

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a mass market technology that affects both customers and businesses.

Consumer IoT links people to their computers and, in turn, enables them to be controlled remotely.

Enterprise IoT, on the other hand, takes things a step further by making asset management and monitoring easier.

Enhancement of market results

The data-centricity of both technologies is a critical application. Data from these devices can be gleaned for feedback on performance, user experience, and maintenance thanks to the given connectivity.

Data from M2M systems, for example, is used to locate system failures and save money on maintenance by removing the need for constant manual upkeep.

Indeed, the integration that both M2M and IoT offer helps companies to gather analytics and other useful information that they can use to develop their processes.

M2M and IoT do, without a doubt, have certain similarities. Both provide remote access to machine data and share information between machines without the need for human interaction.

Nonetheless, the two are not interchangeable. This is where the Internet of Things and Machine-to-Machine (M2M) diverge.

Which is the more scalable option?

IoT is inherently more scalable than M2M due to its cloud-based architecture.

Additional hard-wired connections and M2M sim card installation are no longer needed thanks to cloud-based architecture.

Channels of communication and applications

When it comes to communication channels and applications, M2M typically uses point-to-point communications through modems to link hardware devices, machines, and sensors to wireless, proprietary, and wired networks.

IoT sensors, on the other hand, use IP networks protocols, which are commonly used for transmitting data traffic over the Internet.

Rakshit Patel

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