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Remote work in the IT industry: facts, advantages, and methodologies

The COVID-19 pandemic was such an outright tragedy that seeking some silver linings is very hard. But if we have to, then the development of the IT industry’s remote working community can be seen as the greatest unseen gain of the COVID-19 pandemic. The COVID-19 pandemic forced all IT businesses in the world to resort to operating remotely. In times of COVID-19, even the ardent opponent of remote working practise has to recruit remote developers to maintain their IT business.

There was a large portion of the population that embraced a remote working community long before the pandemic. It also had a number of individuals, however, who were suspicious of the feasibility factor of the practise. One thing is for sure, with the COVID-19 pandemic, the remote working in the IT industry is totally possible and it’s here to stay for a long time, if not forever.

Tech leaders accepting the remote culture of work

There is an increase in the remote working community. By Hiring Offshore Production Teams, all the leaders in the software industry have already begun to maximise its advantages. Let’s take a look at how these technology leaders use their organization’s remote work culture.

From Twitter

Twitter revealed that most of its staff would be able to operate remotely indefinitely, as per


Mark Zuckerberg, revealed that in a period of 5-10 years, half of the Facebook operations would be remotely relocated. He also said Facebook is looking to launch remote recruitment aggressively.


HubSpot Acquisition Director Matthew Howells-Barby said that his team had already started operating in a remote environment. He also added that it really succeeded, that it has worked really well for them

Coinbase Foundation

Coinbase announced in May that it plans to follow the ‘remote-first’ policy for its company.

The Shopify

Shopify, the famous eCommerce provider, has also said that in 2021, most of their workers will operate from home.

Working remotely improves productivity

Many people are suspicious about remote work because they think that because it has multiple interruptions and no monitoring, this activity will not be effective. They fail to paint the full picture even though these points are quite true.

This is because working remotely is far more than that. Remote work comes with the utmost versatility and comfort that is highly appreciated by remote resources. They enjoy these advantages so much that they are able to work at night and even on vacation for extra hours to compensate for the waste of time.

These are not just baseless claims. As per the survey conducted by CoSo Cloud on its remote resources:

  • Around 23 percent of the workers said they were able to work longer hours to complete their job.
  • They are less likely to take leave, 52 percent of employees said.
  • In less time, 30 percent of workers said they were able to achieve more.
  • When operating remotely, 77 percent of the workers confirmed improved productivity.

All these figures show that the effective model for expanding the team is outsourcing.

Offshore developers are cost-efficient

For startups that work on a small budget, remote working is a boon. This is because it has been proven that remote work saves a large amount of money. To see how cost-efficient remote working is, let’s take a look at some numbers.

If you’re trying to rent an office, it could cost you about $100 a square foot anywhere. If it’s a prime location such as New York, Hong Kong, Paris, or London, this cost doubles. So if you have a team of 50 people, you’ll need at least 6,000 square feet of space, assuming that each member requires 100 square feet along with common areas such as reception, lunchroom, meeting room, storage, etc

So, even though we take the average $75 per square foot rent, then it’s going to cost you $450,000 a year. In addition, if you include other expenses such as office supplies, appliances, operating equipment, energy bills, and repairs, then somewhere around $600,000 a year will be the overall cost.

This means that with remote jobs, you can save about $600,000 a year. A study by Global Workplace Analytics indicates that with remote work, start-ups and organisations can save up to $11,000 per person a year.

If it’s a big corporation that has over 1,000 employees so the savings will be in millions. AT&T, for example, saved approx. 30 million dollars a year by providing real estate telecommuting services.

This was just one part of that. Second, it is also cost-effective to employ remote developers because, compared to developers in the US and European countries, you can hire eligible remote developers at more competitive rates.

Many IT companies are exploiting this by recruiting offshore remote developers from developing countries in Asia and South America. The map below compares remote developers’ minimum and maximum hourly rates across different regions of the globe.

This cost effectiveness helps the software development company to select the best team for your project with the correct structure.

In the IT sector, long before the pandemic, remote working was in place. COVID-19, however, has played an enormous role in the development of the remote working community.

Compared to office work, it has presented itself as a cost-efficient, global, and modern alternative. That’s why we see that IT businesses are aggressively looking to outsource software development and mobile app development.

Even after the pandemic has ended, the remote work patterns are optimistic and we should not be shocked if we see a significant percentage of IT businesses maintaining remote working practises. But only time can tell whether or not it really happens. Until then, we will all enjoy the advantages of operating remotely from our homes.

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Rakshit Patel

Author Image I am the Founder of Crest Infotech With over 18 years’ experience in web design, web development, mobile apps development and content marketing. I ensure that we deliver quality website to you which is optimized to improve your business, sales and profits. We create websites that rank at the top of Google and can be easily updated by you.

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