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Top Mobile Application Development Trends of 2017

Waking up with an alarm to dosing off WhatsApping, one finishes everything from reading news, listening music, watching YouTube videos, checking and replying to the Emails and so on with their smartphones nowadays which have become an inseparable part of everyone’s daily lives. It indicates mobile application development trends in coming future.


According to the surveys conducted, the global revenues from mobile applications are expected to grow by almost around 963% in between 2011 and 2017!!!

This is surprisingly unbelievable. This whole thing shows nothing but the prominent present and promising future of mobile application market and development.

Following are the mobile application development trends that are going to rule in 2017.


It has been noted that the investment in artificial intelligence will be more than 300% increased in 2017 as compared to previous year. It has also been expected that AI will provide business users access to powerful insights never before available them, Through the use of advanced analytics, cognitive interfaces into complex systems and machine learning techs. The technology anyway has widely accepted and implemented by giants like Google, IBM, eBay, and Facebook.


Cloud computing finally has found its place with mobile applications as well considering the customers to tech professionals. Everyone heard about the technology and its collective impacts on lives. It is expected to fetch data directly from the cloud in future in order to use minimum possible space in the internal memory of smartphone.


Google has recently announced that there will be a separate search index for mobile web and also it has been a year since Google has started the AMP project. This wise step changes the whole mobile app development trend on a very core level especially from SEO and web app aspects.


Both AR and VR have been very much present there in 2016 in various games and many other applications. If one is even a little into the applications, these both terms are very much familiar to them. Games like Pokemon Go, MyNav, Sky Siege and iOnRoad as games and many devices like Google cardboard and Samsung Gear VR are gaining humongous popularity amongst people.


Wallets are the new credit and debit cards nowadays. Most of the customers have started using Google Wallet, Apple pay and many other payment options. This whole change is giving a huge push to m-commerce. Coupled with wearable devices, it is going to facilitate totally different shape in 2017.

6) IOT

Analysts have predicted that IoT will grow from $157.05 billion to 661.74 billion by 2021 at a computational growth rate of 33.3%. The rapid growth in IoT also puts a huge impact on mobile application trends as they are majorly controlled by smartphones.

Mobile technology is a kind in which one can not rely on any outdated tools and trends. In recent past, Apple launched new language called swift which has been widely accepted by the community. It has also taken iOS development (iPhone app development as well as iPad app development) to all new level. They keep rolling out new versions and are constantly making it better.

Google also launched tool named Android studio in order to provide better environment to developers for Android app development. Other technologies like windows app development, Phonegap app development are booming enormously in market too.

Keeping this aspect into account, the developer needs to enhance their skills if they have insight into the latest trends and want to excel in the field for longer. Following these trends would totally be beneficial for your business growth.

We, at Crest Infotech, have been developing mobile applications for our clients and they have experienced 300-900% more revenue generated than their website counterparts.

Rakshit Patel

Author Image I am the Founder of Crest Infotech With over 18 years’ experience in web design, web development, mobile apps development and content marketing. I ensure that we deliver quality website to you which is optimized to improve your business, sales and profits. We create websites that rank at the top of Google and can be easily updated by you.

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